What exactly is energy? I'm sure that's a question that has yet to be fully answered. Where did it come from? Why can we manipulate it? How does it help us? Does it tie in with our abilities? Here I'm going to answer some of these questions through my opinion. Feel free to leave comments about your opinions too.
Well first of all, we all know that energy can also be called Psi. And as all humans are psychic, we can safely assume all humans can manipulate energy. But why? And what connection does energy have to being psychic? Here's the way I view it: Energy/psi is the basis of all or most psychic abilities, and therefore, since it is proven everyone's a psychic, everyone can manipulate energy, so it could be right to say, since everyone can manipulate energy, everyone's a psychic. Of course, things like Clairvoyance and Premonitions might not be so much energy based, but most others are.
So, if everyone's a psychic, everyone should have abilities, if energy is the basis of it. But as seen by most, you only retain a certain amount of abilities, so is it possible that you could "switch" these or "trade" these abilities for others? I am not sure, if this is actually possible but recently, I noticed I could do it by changing part of my energy signature, though it's actually complex and I could end up "losing" my abilities. It's like DNA mending, you take 1 part out, and switch with another, which is easier said than done. But if this is possible at a large scale, this could probably revolutionize a psychic's abilities. What do you think about this?
Ok, now here's the hard part. Why are we able to manipulate energy? Of course a lot of people do it by visualizing, but what makes us so... "Talented" that we are actually able to move energy at our wills? Now this, I'm not even sure off, and my spirit guide isn't willing to tell me, so this is where I ask the big question, Why do you think we are "talented" enough to move energy.
Thank you for your time.