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Real Psychic Experiences

How I Know I'm An Angel


Hello there everyone, I guess you must be tired of hearing from me, some of you, but as most of the things going on requires proof, and since I'm going to be going around helping people while saying I'm an angel, I guess it's necessary to write this now.

At first, My spirit guide Tiron, to hide me being an angel, when I asked if God existed he said no. Afterward I was still curious, so I asked a good friend with a lot of experience and spirit guides, to which the answer was yes. He then told Tiron that I was ready to hear about it by now, to which Tiron partially agreed. Time passed on, without me even thinking about it except when I was at church. I still didn't really practice Christianity, though my parents are devout Christians.

Now recently, I had this strange feeling, like I only knew half of what I was, as I already knew I wasn't completely human. I searched and asked but nothing seemed to help me, until I met him, Archangel Markus. At first, I didn't even believe there was an Arch Angel named Markus, but I noticed many people seemed to have seen him before. He visited me for a couple of days, saying Hi, helping me with tests, comforting me, until one day he said these exact words "Hello Brandon, We've kept this away from you long enough so I guess I have to be the one to tell you, You're an angel."

At first I wasn't sure, but I knew after my first astral projection, in which I came out in white clothes [ClichΓ©, isn't it.] with jet black wings, and a new sword. I marveled at this for days and days, and told some people I knew, though some of them didn't believe me. I've also met with many other angels including Markus, Uriel [He prefers a different name though] Rafael and Michael. I noticed my energy had a new pure feeling to it, I could use it to repel demons with ease, and clear sicknesses and allow people to feel happy. Now my question is, Apart from being able to use this energy, Do you think there is some ability that I probably have now?

P.S I also astral project in my sleep in my angel form, normally purifying demons and other things.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, bbdeathspark, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

DostrilTheSon (1 posts)
8 years ago (2016-11-25)
Most of you here are prob. Angels of one of the circles or hybrids thereof who are considered angels too because of getting saved and/or giving life to the son of man, parts of the "special units" to protect certain individuals, I know a couple angels both good and bad ones I am good and next to michael if we are judging me and his spiritual powers I am a little above or below him in that regard though I am still just a subordinate until I finish this human life and help the christians get people saved before the rapture and stay saved myself, now his physical prowess is still good on account many of the fallen or watchers which many of pagans call "The Gods" or deities or heavenly generals some have ascended and some have stayed and/or descended as much time as passed god in his mercy allowed some of us to become compleely human to have a chance to recieve his son Jesus Christ so if any of you find out if you are fallen you prob. Most likely need to be purified by the holy council (set up a meeting using your guardians) and/or repent and get saved so you don't waste the chance god gave you, we could never come back in our fullness as angels anymore so we had to adorn human bodies some of us and gain our own soul chance to pretty much get the chance to accept jesus and we can come back that way and be reinstated once death or the rapture happens (though some [I'm not sure if I was or wasn't yet] will be reinstated while still alive for their willingness to serve and help and pleasing god to where we can handle the responsiblities we used to now, though it is not for every angel or fallen so don't think just because he has not done this with you who are risen again that you are doing wrong, it just means if you really want to come back into a good form in god of what you used to be it would be best to live holier and strive to culminate your locked powers, however just as in days of noah the price on our heads and the blood we shed we will still have to watch over and give an accoutn for, accepting jesus just means there is a very high chance we will be forgiven and our names will be reinstated in the book of life, giving an account and damnation are two different things, one is taking responsbilities and saying sorry, showing remorse realizing what you did and seek to ask for forgiveness or make it right using the love of god and accepting all limitations or consequences in this life or ones he chooses to grant coming up), keep in mind complete humans may not become angels until death has come and then and only then if god decides you will become one but it is like changing your very being, most of us here can atest being in the imbetween state we often struggle with this still, especially if we still reside in our fallen forms because of evil ways, and we are like nearly uncountable years old, some of you are giants and/or angels/demons/ascended demon born or "evil spirited" people by nature as most of us usually are with humans who will or are born either very trialsome circumstances to where it is "Hard to find god in your life" or in fact some will be very rich or wealthy because they have indulged in evil and done much to make sure each incarnation there bloodline was wealthy, but that does not mean you do not have the same chance as us if you were not born as a monsterkin you have a human part jesus gave you before birth to give you a chance back, we will still have to take responsilbilities for our actions, but I thank god everyday and go to church and serve him best I can though I am but a sinner in many ways still, being angel does not mean we are perfect, god knows this as he knows it with humans, but we are both born with more knowledge of things and so we have more of a demand on our lives because of it, I have saved many people in his name and have constantly tried to keep love in my heart and pray and ask for forgiveness sincerely, sometimes it is hard and I do question whether he can still love me after all I have done, but then the spirit which giveth breath of fire and vigor overtakes me and releases all the pain and hurt I have exp. In both this "life" and other incarnations, many of us were forced (especially neutral and bad fallen ones) to be incarnated by our former leaders of the grigori and the evil one who has been trying to defy the laws of god which just wants us to go through one life unless we have a mission he needs us for which some of us are currently doing, the four main arch he uses might have physical human counterparts here too so god can test and make them better at their jobs, a boy I met on fb called me out specifically and told me who I was and who he was, he claimed to be michael and was often afflicted with abominal desires which the lord enquired me to help him on whether he was telling the truth of his origins or not, he needed me to show him holy love so that just in case if he was right (god would not specify because I was not meant to know right now) michael would not be left astray until such a time as the son of man would have to come back after the evil had had his time here to redeem michael to chain the former elder kin called Lucifer, I hope my efforts to minister to him of the word and the words of the holy spirit unctions unto me have enlightened his life as he was being chained by one of the grigori who had been in evils control for a long time who many greeks at the time of his fame called "Zeus" because of his strength with weather and sky elements, in the end I helped freed both supposed michael and zeus from the evil lords clutches and they both were saved according to romans 10;9 of some of the last remaining true text of the old times, now a demon born is a jinn or what happens when two fallen mate with another fallen or their children or their later kin through incarnation and ignorance of who they really are in the time of sexual intercourse whether in the spirit or physical realm, god made the first djinn and jinn out of elements of destruction they were the wrath part of the watchers unit I believe, if anyone has any info they may teach or tell me or any questions I will try to answer them all, is an angel supposed to be incarnated, well incarnated means their form resides in you and/or you are their reprenstation in whatever realm you are born in, my angel and his forms is my representation in the spirit realm, I and whatever physical transformation the lord sees fit I undergo are the representation of him, I am his way back and we both have made a conscious effort to please god all the days of this life so we do not fall once more. So for those who believe on any way you are both right but there are many misconstruments. 😊 ❀
cayce17 (8 stories) (192 posts)
10 years ago (2015-09-02)
D3STROY3R, I think that I can help you. Here is my e-mail:
Rainashea16 [at]
D3STROY3R (1 posts)
10 years ago (2015-09-02)
"I once had a dream where I was moving in a crystal like box in the sky guided by a bright beam of light there was all bunch of Angels floating on all sides of the box Guarding or something. There was a lot of people in the same box all looking straight ahead of them like they were asleep or something, I was the only one who realized what was going on. I had a certain feeling like there is something wrong, I was afraid, so like always in my dreams I tried to fly, but something in the box was preventing me from flying but I could jump, so I tried to jump as high as I could and for some reason I jumped high enough where I got on top of a roof that leads out of the box then I jumped little bit higher and landed on top of the wall of the box, then all the Angels realized what was going on, they went after me. I didn't know what to do so I jumped, as I was falling down I saw something to my right, it was a white wing I thought it was an Angel but it was attached to my back, then I looked down and saw that the ground was coming fast, I don't know how but I wanted to fly and then started to slow down and then curve, and then saw an abandoned building so I landed there and hid until Angels were gone, I was so scared I jumped up and started to fly as fare as I could to get away from the angels because I had a feeling there was something bad going on, and then I saw a pregnant women and I launched at her stomach and then I woke up". I really have no idea what all that was about since this day, but since I was a baby bad things keep happening to me and now that I am 21 I got this dream because I always asked God what am I and why is this always happening to me and I have never done anything wrong in my life but I constantly get in positions of where I have to take care people and get no gratitude and always take their responsibility. That is why I have no idea if something or someone is still searching for me or found me and now since they know they can't kill a human being but they can give hell to him. So I don't know if I am a fallen Angel and can I ever Redeem myself for what I don't know I have done.
hpf8 (1 posts)
10 years ago (2015-04-09)
Hey... I need your help. If youre really an angel... I need your help. Please help me. As far as I know, angels can heal... Correct? Please can you heal my girlfriend? Ill message you privately somewhere and give you details but please help me, I could really use the help... Please respond... Thank you.
Zin (guest)
10 years ago (2014-10-28)
No one is a truly incarnated angel or demon, maybe a human counterpart but nothing more, nothing less.
jreaux2000 (1 posts)
10 years ago (2014-10-28)
At the risk of sounding crazy... I'm Arakiel.

I'm trying to find my brothers who have incarnated for the coming ascension.
RedRoses09 (2 posts)
12 years ago (2013-02-21)
Oh and that's not all, I could also sense things with my hands, see most of the future in my dreams and read people by looking into their eyes
RedRoses09 (2 posts)
12 years ago (2013-02-21)
So your going to say that god doesn't exist, then how come every time I I look at the sky it comforts me, my worrys and doubts disappear, because just by looking at the sky something tells me everything will be fine, I'm not use to the feeling it gives me though...
harrypotterrules (1 stories) (89 posts)
12 years ago (2013-02-15)
Yes, some believe angels have telepathic powers. If that is true with all types of angels, you can talk to angels for help when they are not in the same location as you are. You can also ask for help on someone else's behalf, of course.
slirpie125 (2 stories) (21 posts)
13 years ago (2012-02-22)
I read in a lot of places that angels don't really have wings, that wings are only a symbol for angels. Also, angels only wore white clothing because back in The Bible days, white robes were what many human beings wore. Now a days, angels dress in clothes that match what typical human beings usually wear, so that they could blend in and be inconspicuous. Also, I don't know if this is true or not, but again, I've read in a lot of places that angels have "ice blue" eyes. Are you sure you're an angel?

Wilson (7 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-15)
I do believe in what you say that you are an angel. There are fallen angels who have incarnated as humans too and I believe real angelic beings that have incarnated as humans to assist in the ascension of the Earth which means to help in the cleansing process of the Earth as we prepare for this new golden age of Aquarius - The Kingdom of God on Earth. They were send here on Earth and in order to better assist mankind they need to be born into physical bodies just like Jesus Christ did.

You might wish to read this books:


bbdeathspark (4 stories) (617 posts)
14 years ago (2011-05-17)
Aah old times, but no, I'm not an angel. I have yet to figure out the exact name but I know what I came from. Interesting, the soul hierarchy is.
Shaolin (1 stories) (212 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-22)
We've already discussed this spark. You have a fallen angel, Markus Tanteros, as the father of your soul, however, you did not inherit his "being type" you only inherited his style of attitude. You asked me how to teach you how to make someone tired with energy working, you've asked me to help you learn how to wield elements to fight a heated battle, in which I know there would be harm. All you ever ask me to teach you has to do with harming others, or destruction of fabrics.
Shinigami0 (2 stories) (204 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-05)
I agree with Moonstryke. I don't even know what the heck is being talked of me in that comment, and really, I don't even remember or care to remember what it was about, but I don't think a worthless argument that means nothing should be brought up again.
Hey Sparky! 😊

Au Revior. 😊 ❀
MoonStryke (guest)
14 years ago (2011-01-05)
Could we not start with the necro-posting and re-igniting old arguments? Please?
bbdeathspark (4 stories) (617 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-05)
Rilan, you didn't have to bring this topic up again. When I wrote it, I told one of my friends "if I could only put in the neccesary information" because without it, it seems like its just a sudden thing, which isn't how it was. I was hesitant to post it, and doubted anyone would believe. But then my spirit guide told me that's their problem, not mine and that it shouldn't affect my decisions. Long story short, this is a very delicate topic, which lacks the important info it needs for people to believe. If only it weren't tied in with things people don't want me to share...
Rilan (1 stories) (103 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-05)
Shinigami, what if what he says is true? We have no way of knowing whether or not it is. I am saying it might be. Just because its not probable doesn't make it impossible. It is extremely unfair of you to say that I am bullying him, because I am doing the exact opposite. I am supporting him in figuring out his abilities and not jumping to conclusions about everything he says! Bullying entails insulting people and hurting their feelings. That is what you are doing, talking about him like a helpless child and practically laughing at everything he says, and then saying that is your way of helping him. Nobody knows what's best for someone else. I wish people could just understand each other, even when something they say goes against society's percieved views. This is not the kind of "help" he asked for. If you think its impossible, at least say it in a nice way! I don't know what is true and what isn't, and neither do you, so you should be open about it.

Or, better yet, you should go join the Skeptics Society and leave us alone. You know... That group that tries to convert people to its dogma of "scientific thinking" and shoots down the beliefs of everyone who believes in anything new or different or unlikely...
AnandaHya (guest)
14 years ago (2010-12-19)
oh in case you were wondering what my job in Heaven was: I purified energy. I sorted the muddy icky strands of energy and made them into the bueatiful colors of the rainbow so that others could weave it into various realities. I don't know if I've retained that ability or not, but I like to dance, sing, do yoga as forms of meditation. I read lots of books to obtain knowledge of this world and its various rules, because believe it or not: not all worlds have the same set of rules and you have to learn the new ones as you pass through each gate or veil as some of you would say. Language acquistion is so hard some days.

Learn wisdom young one and read my other post, I hate repeating myself if I don't have to if you want to learn how to protect and purify your energies by yourself, not relying on false guides and teachers.

Within your heart you should find God, otherwise you too would be bodiless like your "protector"
AnandaHya (guest)
14 years ago (2010-12-19)
Ok I don't have time to read all the post and just joined this page. I've felt that God has lead me here. I've been getting messages all my life, been shown most of my past lives and past mistakes, been opening and closing various gates in my dreams into worlds no one has even mentioned or I've even read about. I believe they are exist and are real becsuse I don't think I could create something so real and outlandish.

You see I don't really think I have that much power, I have certain abilities and I have knowledge of all those things people speak about on this site, but I don't think most have strived to attain widom which is God given: the ability to know what to do with your knowledge and natural talents that will not cause the harm to yourself and other people.

I don't know who Markus is but from what I've read. HE sounds like the fallen angel. You might have been an angel in your past life. Hey I had a dream where I was in Heaven and the Lord of host came to me and showed me this world and I told Him why did they suffer and hurt each other. He told me they sinned and refused to follow His plan for them and live happily as we did in Heaven. I asked what I could do to show them that they could have find happiness in obedience, that if they were pure and followed God's commandment for their life, nothing would be held back from them. Why had they forgotten the Truth and Knowledge? He said "they wanted more then was allotted them"

I chose to be reborn in this life and I had that dream when I was 18 and thinking about suicide. Read my other post and decide for yourself if you believe me.

You are 100 percent human, just like me. Its not such a bad thing. I'm learning how to cope with it. I suggest you do the same.

Jesus was human and still did miracles like healing the sick and raising the dead. Like I said before, perhaps you are listening to the wrong voices. Do you really want a fallen angel to "protect" and guide your life? Sure he'll protect your from all other darkness, but who will protect you from him?
Shinigami0 (2 stories) (204 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-10)
Oh gosh guys, thank you for those comments. I enjoy reading several of your posts, as well. Lawdz, I'm getting all derpy now. 😊 ❀

Chetyre- The comment about encourgaging the "wtf'ery powers" was aimed towards the group of angel/demon/avatar crime fighters that has accumulated. I like your posts too, because you keep things logical. Rashidah does a good job of that too. ❀
Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2010-12-10)
I also like shinigami ❀

Reading her posts are always fun and straight to the point 😊
Chetyre (guest)
14 years ago (2010-12-10)
I like you Shinigami.seriously, I do.

You are one of the few people here who are brave enough to tell people to sit back and look at their supposed abilities from a different angle... With a more objective approach.

I don't think I have ever encouraged anyone to develop abilities especially ones I feel are not based in reality but you are right, we (collectively speaking) need to be careful in what we do because we could be inadvertently encouraging a fantasy instead of helping to examine a claim in a more level-headed manner.

Anyways I like your post.
Mel33 (guest)
14 years ago (2010-12-10)
This is why I was originally going to take a break.
For the people that are under 18... I think what most of all of you are failing to realize is that as adults we have a responsibility to make sure you guys are safe. You may think that you're mature enough to take care of yourself and maybe some of you are. The fact of the matter is that when people do try to speak to you guys like adults you get offended... Then when people speak to you like children you get offended. You think it's not fair. Well, what's not fair is that we adults have to tippy toe around you guys because we're unsure of what to say. There's something wrong with this picture. In my opinion if you can't accept the possibility that you may be wrong about something or be open to alternative ideals then you are not very mature. Quite frankly, I almost feel as though I need to email the moderator before making a comment to run it by her first.

Again, you cannot base everything off of your own personal experiences.
I'm not an expert in the Mormon beliefs, but from what I do know out of all the Christian sects they do seem as if they would be the most open-minded about these things.
Besides, we all have our own personal spiritual path/walk with God/Goddess or whatever your beliefs may be. As it should be. Personally, I am always changing and growing. I don't know Rook, but he doesn't seem to be close-minded to me. Perhaps, you should look into a mirror and find the source of your close-mindedness.
It's hard to let go of religious dogma that was ingrained into your mind from birth, yes. It's even harder to let go of those past experiences that hurt us so badly and look past them. Not everything is black and white. Not everyone fits into how you view the world.
I hope you don't take what I've said the wrong way. I'm just trying to get you to see that what you're implying about people you're doing yourself.
We tend to mirror what we hate and hate is an ugly word, doll.
Shinigami0 (2 stories) (204 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-10)
And also, I just really have to echo the last part of what WhiteBuffalo said-

THINK about what YOU are doing. YOU ALL are ENCOURAGING these young people to "train" and "perfect" these "powers". YOU ALL are also ENCOURAGING them to go about "using" these said "powers", by slamming down skeptisism, saying "anything's possible", and also by claiming you have the same "powers". Again, I must say: THINK about these actions and their CONSEQUENCES in the future. Why? Well that's the next part of this lovely comment.

Now, think about this- Someone on this site believes they have the power to control, say, fire. A few posters try to talk them back to reality, but for the most part, other young posters tell them to ignore logic, keep "practicing", and just all around make them believe its possible, through a collective thought being ran through their head on a daily basis of visiting this site.
You may ask, why would that matter? What consequences could that possibly bring about?

Well, say this person has new confidence in being a practical pryo on steroids. Lets say, in an effort to "control fire", he takes a lighter, then sets himself, or something else on fire. And now, he's severly hurt, or worse, he's passed away, due to the obviousness of what fire can do.

The same could be said for water. In an effort to control it, someone takes a shot at jumping in a fast flowing river, thinking he can somehow sooth the current or something. That person has now drowned. Or maybe they try to "handle" scalding hot water. Well, obviously if they do this, they're going to get seriously hurt; some pretty bad burns which may lead to possibly dying of shock.

And guess what? YOU are now partially, if not completely RESPONSIBLE for that. YOU convinced them they had these powers, and now they're incapacitated. YOU may not be able to be held physically responsible, but I believe YOU will be held spiritually responsible. In my eyes, what YOU have just accomplished is INTERNET BULLYING to the point of someone either getting SERIOUSLY INJURED or even worse, PASSING AWAY, due to YOUR carelesssness and ego trip. 😐

Rilan- Just because someone has a particular denomination, doesn't mean they follow it to a T. There are plenty of people who don't. These people try to follow with spirituality, not 'religion'.

If everyone followed religion to an "exact", our criminal justice system would be bizzarely severe... Or we'd just see an influx in crime, due to said "crime".
RookDygin (5 stories) (324 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-10)

I'm not trying to pick a fight with the OP nor you... But I'd like to set the record straight on a couple of points. (Being An Ordained Priesthood Holder and Teacher I feel I have to)...

Lets start with your statment...

"Most mormons I know don't like psychics and magical people. They don't seem to believe believe in their own psychic abilities--only that God can warn them of things if they are in tune."

Mormon's do believe in things of a psychic nature... They believe... Well I'll quote from the Articles of Faith...

Number 7: We believe in the gift of tongues (speaking in/learning quickly, with out tapes, books or classes), prophecy (divine prediction), revelation (information revealed), visions (something seen in dream or trance), healing, interpretation of tongues, and so forth. (all words in () are added by me)

I'll stop there, if I go on to any other's this waxes into a religious discussion and that's not suited for this site, nor 'on' point.

The point being is that As a Church 'we' do believe in such things... They are gifts to aid those's in times of need, or as you put it, "...if they are in tune." (Again I word my statement in order to not sound too preachy).

I'll also mention Number 11...

Number 11: We claim the privilege of worshiping Almighty God according to the dictates of our own conscience, and allow all men the same privilege, let them worship how, where, or what they may.

(I'll point to the HOW, WHERE, OR WHAT THEY MAY... As long as others are not hurt and 'good deeds' and kindness are put forth in an effort to help others, at least that's how I undestand this one...)

The OP made his claim... Questions were asked and alternative reasons were offered as to why he might feel the way he does... And that's where the 'trouble' started... (For those just joining please read all the comments for this story...)

It's time we moved on... The OP has and it's time we did as well.


whitebuffalo (guest)
14 years ago (2010-12-10)
Well then, Rilan. I would say you met the exception to the Rule, then. Have you not?
JUST because a person holds onto the affiliation with a particular Church does not mean that they believe every letter, nor does it mean that they ONLY believe in what that churches pulpit does.
Please stop judging those who are trying to bring in a bit of logic here. SOMEone has led this poor young man to believe in fantastical abilities that not even the cartoons truly possess. SOMEone has led MANY people on this site believe in...
You can argue the point as much as you really want, it will not change a thing. Through the process of Suggestion, MANY young people were deceived. AND those involved do not even have the Respect for themselves (or their victims) enough to claim responsibility, or even EXPLAIN that it was a FANTASY world that THEY were trying to let "newbies" in on.
TOO many people came forward and said miraculous abilities WERE possible and within ANYONE'S grasp. There is WAY too much "we/ did not convince him of that" crap going on, and not enough "let us look into OTHER possibilities FIRST, please" going on.
I find it utterly amazing that on SOME stories, people have no problem asking the authors to do that... For these Fantasy Players, NO ONE asks them to research, look into the situation, or perhaps it may have been imagination.
THAT is ALSO leading someone to believe in a certain way. ALL are responsible who did not step up and TRY to let this particular poster see LOTS of different solutions to "his" stories.
It is not ALWAYS truth that a person has an easy to use ability. Not everyone who has a precognitive dream is psychic. Not everyone who sees what appears to be an apparition is a Medium. Not every person who loves to run through a field when the wind is blowing can control that same breeze.
Be practical, people. Please stop the misinformation, people. People are HARMING others in an indirect way. And that really needs to end.
Thank you.
Rilan (1 stories) (103 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-09)
Most mormons I know don't like psychics and magical people. They don't seem to believe believe in their own psychic abilities--only that God can warn them of things if they are in tune. But there is no doctrine against it, I guess...

And Rashidah, I believe in 2012 even though I have been ridiculed for it. I can feel that something is going to happen, and I do in fact have original predictions, like the one you saw.

I wish everyone would accept what bbdeathspark believes in and stop bothering him about it and finding fault with what he says. If you can't say anything nice, please don't say anything at all.
RookDygin (5 stories) (324 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-08)

I'm a Card Carrying, Priesthood Holding, Proud Member of that Church. I try to offer my advice in a manner that does not come across as Preachy (I Hope). I try and explain things in the manner I understood them before joining the Church. Some concepts are not so easy to understand once you mix Religious Doctrine in with the rest of the mix.

I'll even quote myself and explain, if I may...

"I believe in 3 Kingdoms in the Spiritual / Mortal Realms (and my view differs from my Church... Just a wee bit... I offer this as close to a none religious way as I can.) "

Even my Church was founded on a 'MAN'S' translations of ancient texts... Bless our spirits, however pure, mankind remains fallible there is always a 'chance' for error. Until Heavenly Father or His Son hand mankind the 'teachings' written in their own hand WE will never know the truth.

I've never said I'm more Psychic than anyone else... Heck I know there are people in the world who are much better than I am. I try to Live 'In the World, not Of the World' and I wish to help others with advice and or instruction, if they ask for it.

This particular thread went where it did for various reasons... But look back through all the posts... The good and the bad... Look and see who 'picked the questions' they wished to address, look at the 'misquotes' they (or partial quotes) they chose to answer. When this happened it was always, always in support of the OP's original story. This was to the exclusion of any other ideas or possible meanings to what may be happening to the OP.


Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2010-12-08)
I reread through all the comments. Yes you ALL convinced him of that. You ALL did it by entertaining him with his ideas (which seems to multiply each day, soon we will be hearing that arch demons).😐

And I am sick and tired of hearing that the world would end in 2012. Do you have any original predictions other than that. Or do you love the hysteria like everyone else?

And I have no idea where Rook being a mormon or not have anything to do with this story πŸ˜•

Seriously, bbdeathspark insulted himself. No one had to do that.
Rilan (1 stories) (103 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-08)
Rook, /we/ did not convince him of that. He came to that conclusion by himself. I don't know if its true, but sometimes things like that happen. Even though they are really weird, and an example of the otherworld and the physical world coming directly into contact, that doesn't make them impossible. Many people will be dead in three years because of 2012, unfortunately. Bbdeathspark, I sure hope you don't die. How do you feel about this? I believe you are in control of your own destiny and that you can stop it.
Rook, you should leave him alone, not us. You are insulting him and making fun of his beliefs. You have no idea. You think you're so much more psychic than everyone else, but that is certainly not true. And I know which church those beliefs came from. So you're Mormon, but not exactly?

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