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Real Psychic Experiences

Astral Travel - the Stargate Aldebaran


The first time I learned to astral travel or what some will call inter dimensional travel, was from my Spirit Guide Lucifer. He introduced me to it last year. As a matter of fact he is the main being in my life that has helped opened up my psychic abilities.

This experience happened one morning when I awoke and was rushing to get to school because I was very late.

Lucifer has some strange timing in appearing to me.

While I was combing my hair I saw his presence in my mirror. I was like 'what now I am busy come back later.' He responded that he could not come back later and that he needed to teach me something now.

I said that I am late for school. He said this was very important because he does not want me to depend on him alone for knowledge, but to go and experience things for myself throughout the planes in the spirit world.

After our little spat he convinced me to stay home for a half hour later to teach me astral projection. Well the lesson took hours and I missed school that day. Fortunately the class was canceled.

At the beginning I needed help from him to astral travel because I was a newbie at it. But after awhile I was able to do it on my own because of more practice.

The wonderful thing about astral travel is that you meet a lot of various non-human entities.

One of the most lasting memories of my travel was at this place where I encountered a very humble man who was a tall blond. Lucifer was not with me at this time but the man was very gracious towards me.

I asked him 'what do you call this place?' He answered Aldebaran.

When I came back from astral traveling I realized that what felt like seven days in Aldebaran seemed to be thirty minutes on this physical plane. I was totally exhausted.

I did some research on the name and came up with the name of a very giant orange star in our galaxy that is about 65 light years away located in the zodiac constellation of Taurus. It is even larger than our sun.

Because of this experience of mine I am presently doing research on star-gates to see if there are any links to my experience.

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Comments about this clairvoyant experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Rashidah, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2010-12-23)
The name of the man I meet was Uriel. If what you are saying is correct, then Aldebaran maybe Uriel's Star.
AnandaHya (guest)
14 years ago (2010-12-23)
there are links. The bible say stars are angels. A star led the magi to baby Jesus. A star that no one but they could see. Each star controls its own worlds. They are Elohim. There are many many of them.:)

There are problems when the strange gods start stealling people from other worlds or try and invade ours through carelessly opened gates, please close all gates you open, its annoy to have to clean up after messy people.
Rashidah (guest)
15 years ago (2010-07-25)
I am back you all.
Raven5 I cannot wait to read your story ❤

I want to submit another story but I have to ask permission from the person I am writing about first because it is the decent thing to do.

Raven5 you can email me anytime if you wish so that we can chat.
ravenv5 (1 stories) (63 posts)
15 years ago (2010-07-25)
[at] Rashida


Well I hope so. It has been a week since I made a visit here.

I have no deeper experience since it has been a year since I accepted what I was.

I laughed before saying. I don't care. But when I know my importance I did made a research.

The big problem on me is that I am so lazy to meditate.

There is one thing that I was amazed sometimes being a psi-vamp is that if I did a focus I could somewhat delay my time space and I can't notice the change of time.

I oftenly doing this unintentionally.

I will post my experience when posting comes available.
HaVeN (guest)
15 years ago (2010-07-23)
Radisha go on Guardian or not story so we can talk more I don't care if we are off topic on my story ok. Meet you there.
Rashidah (guest)
15 years ago (2010-07-23)
Ok I will email you. And I am also sending you an invitation to connect with my yahoo profile 😊
HaVeN (guest)
15 years ago (2010-07-23)
Yea I understand but I hate how the ymake our name bad while some are good. I don't like to get off the subject so you can email me at
Peace1546123 [at]

We can talk there. ❤ 😊 ❤
Rashidah (guest)
15 years ago (2010-07-23)
Haven in this reality Ignorance is Bliss for most people 😐
Although we are said to be in the information age 😕
HaVeN (guest)
15 years ago (2010-07-23)
Yea believe too. It is a shamed how people think apon us. They think of us as blood thirsty monsters in some movies.
Rashidah (guest)
15 years ago (2010-07-23)
Please read my last post properly Haven.

'These shapechangers were african (my ancestors) slaves that took the form when they were asleep.'

I believe it can only be done when you are asleep and not in physical form as portrayed in silly movies.
HaVeN (guest)
15 years ago (2010-07-23)
Radisha I was wondering if I am a lycon why doesn't my body change. I can only do it in astral projections but when people lookin my eye and get scarred and say I seen a wolf in your eye. They ask are you a werewolf. I say silly no such thing as werewolfs. I was glad they said werewolf instead of lycon. Ha Ha Ha.
HaVeN (guest)
15 years ago (2010-07-23)
Thank you radisha. I am going on the site after this post hope this helps me.

Silvery moon.
Rashidah (guest)
15 years ago (2010-07-23)
In Trinidad and Tobago we call Lycans 'Lagahoo' which comes from the French word 'loup-garou'. It is also the Germanic yet not restricted to the form of a wolf 'Werewolf' Lagahoo are shape changers (they will change into wolves) that uses the craft to attack our French slave masters.

These shapechangers were african (my ancestors) slaves that too the form when they are asleep.

In Trinbagonian (Trinidad and Tobago) forklore, the lycans were depicted with wearing shackles because they were slaves and the slave masters used shackles on them.

A lagahoo can also shapeshift into various animals, including horses, pigs or goats and is also thought to be a blood sucker which is less than particular about its food source, making do with such animals as cows and goats.

You can check this link out.
Rashidah (guest)
15 years ago (2010-07-23)
I will refer you to a discussion group that discusses lycanthropy in a serious manner.
I hope the site helps ❤
HaVeN (guest)
15 years ago (2010-07-23)
That explains why my cat bit me and I growled at her. It was real sound like a dog. Also there are others. Good and bad. Dont worry I am on the good side. Oh also that explains I can stay up until sunrise. Ha ha. Also can you please give me info on lycons thank you Radisha
Rashidah (guest)
15 years ago (2010-07-23)
You are a lycan Haven. If you take the form of a wolf while astral traveling that means that you are a lycan.

I hope you are one of the good ones though 😐
HaVeN (guest)
15 years ago (2010-07-23)
Tuesday I posted a story on atral projections. I don't know if it was denied or not though. It is called Astral Wolf. I was wondering why when I do astral projections I am a freakishly large silver wolf.
Rashidah (guest)
15 years ago (2010-07-23)
Astral projection like everything else supernatural has dangers to it.
Please read my stories on 'Psychic Attacks'
It is important to protect yourself. Even a simply thing as going to sleep can have it annoyances. And what I mean by that is that if you do not protect your sub-conscious mind properly you can have constatn nightmares.

I see on this site that posters are littered with nightmares.

I would of submitted a dream of mine but I specifically read in the submissions page that the moderators do not accept 'dream' stories. But I still see them being posted 😕
dafg (5 stories) (52 posts)
15 years ago (2010-07-22)
I've read astral projection is dangerous isn't it? Just asking advice, I've never tried but had naturally gone into it 😕
Rashidah (guest)
15 years ago (2010-07-20)
Lucifer has a very gorgeous castle... I know I probably sound like if I am on drugs but I am not...fortunately.

I read an article about this earth being controlled by bad vampyric beings that feed on humanity.

What are your thoughts on that?

Let us chat. I am sensing that you have a wealth of knowledge.

Say can we compare notes?
ravenv5 (1 stories) (63 posts)
15 years ago (2010-07-20)
Yep I am one of this guys. I feed on anything I could see but I prefer sad emotions I could sense.

I am have symbiotic side so feeding too much negative won't hurt totally.

Some of us are bad some are good but we are not really that bad.

I did not even have a try to go deeper since I wish to go at libraries and learn something in the astral plane.

Since I am aware of time/space difference so I could not travel that long. Sometimes I made my guides accompany me and one serves as an anchor.

Well the last time I did when I did visit the household of my guides. I think I fall asleep at 10pm and I wake up at 1pm but what passed on their world is it seems it was just an hour or couple.

Rashidah (guest)
15 years ago (2010-07-20)
I thank you so much for your links. I will check them out ❤

OMG I also cannot breathe before I leave my body. It does feel like if you are dying but your not. I thought I was the only one that noticed that feeling since no one seems to talk about that. Is it possible that our spiritual bodies do not need air?

There is a verse in the book of revelation that speaks about what is like a thousand years is like a day on earth. I guess it was applying to astral travel.

Are you a psychic vampyre by chance? I only hear negative stuff about them.
Have you ever feed off of humans? This is very interesting.

Lucifer sometimes have to anchor me back to this realm.

He is a very patient teacher and I love him ❤
ravenv5 (1 stories) (63 posts)
15 years ago (2010-07-20)
Wow, so you've been wondering around the spiritual world.

The only thing I could remember in traveling to the astral plane is that before you did a lift off you feel as if you can't breath at all seems suffocating but not dying.

It was fun thought I need something to make me an anchor. Yeah especially if I go alone since the time/space is different and I might end up sleeping for more that a week but instead I was just about a second in the astral world.

Now I don't have a good time to go there.

It is good for you to have a spirit guide that help you.

Well sometimes my intent to go there is to feed. Energies in the astral world is so great that it could last for days. ^_^

As an anchor, I used to make my mobile phone ring at 7 or 10am so after I hear it I could return to my body at once.
RougeElegance (guest)
15 years ago (2010-07-20)
Here is one technique that I am using currently.

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

Part 4:

This is just another way of doing it.
We are all different and find individual ways to learn...
I hope that this will help someone 😊

Lyro (468 posts)
15 years ago (2010-07-19)
You need to relax your entire body, then relax your mind, then just let you soul leave your body...
Rashidah (guest)
15 years ago (2010-07-19)
Meditation is extremely important. I cannot stress enough on how important it is.

Meditation enhances your focus and your will power. 😐

It is not to be taken lightly.
Rashidah (guest)
15 years ago (2010-07-19)
I will try my best to break this down 😊
(1) Erase any fear of it. Most people who cannot astral-project have an innate fear of going out of their bodies.

(2) DO A LOT OF MEDITATIONS. This is a discipline. I recommend meditation at least twice a day.

(3) After you believe that you have mastered being relaxed during meditation. Go into trance-meditation. This is a state of emptiness and nothiness. You would not be aware of your surroundings in this state. Not even your own physical body.

(4) Become aware of your astral soul (I.e the non-physical body)

(5) Imagine your astral soul floating out of your body. Meditation should raise your level of complete concentration and CALM to do this.

I really hope this helps. Remember this is not an over-night thing.

RougeElegance (guest)
15 years ago (2010-07-19)
Dear Rashidah,

I am curious as to HOW you learned to Astral Project? I have found that there are different techniques.

I am currently training to do it at will with certain techniques.

-RougeElegance ❤
Stark (2 stories) (52 posts)
15 years ago (2010-07-19)
cool bro, I gotta get serious with my AP training but I think I posses a very negative vibratory energy so I'll probably have to deal with "demons" as they are called these days.

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