After chatting with someone from this site on and off, this morning they told me about their experience with astral spiders. They have good experiences with them whilst I just figured out that there are good and evil in everything.
I say this because I too am beginning to see that not all astral spiders are parasitic/vampiryck in nature. Some are very beneficial to our spiritual advancement while others can be harmful and we need to learn to protect ourselves from these types psychically.
To distinguish between the two one must be able to sense the vibrations that are given off. Meditation helps with this.
The parasitic ones will obviously give off negative vibrations and they can drain your energy by latching on to you. Sometimes when an environment is under a lot of negativity, those who are sensitive can actually see them. The parasitic ones are attracted to these low frequencies. For example, when an area is frequented with arguments and strife. These vibrations attract the parasitic ones.
The parasitic astral spiders can bore holes into our auras when we are constantly exude negative energies. For example, depression, fear, anger and so on.
As with the custom with any parasite, they are attracted to high amounts of energies. When astral traveling, persons who emit vast amount of energy naturally will have to constantly shield themselves against them. Now on to the Beneficial astral spiders.
These can act as spiritual guides and as a form of spiritual guards from experience.
That is all I have to say for now since I am not disclosing anymore personal experiences with these kind.
Thanks for Reading.