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Real Psychic Experiences

Astral Travel - My Very First Time


My first astral travel experience was last year when my guardian Lucifer introduced me to it.

I did it through meditation, well after many practices. I started feeling lighter and lighter until I finally came out of my physical body. But during this process, I found my breathing was getting shorter and shorter. I was really nervous about this because I thought I was dying. As a matter of fact, it did felt like if I was dying. My body started to shake. These weird sensations really disturbed me.

When I finally came out of my body, I panicked because I could not breathe! I tried to gasp for oxygen but I was not getting any. I realized when I started to panic; I came back into my body.

I did not try to do it again until I became calm. I was scared. This was foreign to me. When it happened again I realized that astral bodies did not need to breathe. And if I stayed calm and get over that fear I would feel more comfortable during this experience. I believe fear is a factor that hinders people from astral traveling. Some people like me, have an innate fear of the unknown, especially when it comes to the spirit world.

Another experience which got be frightened was when I actually got to see how the astral world look like. Most of the times it is aquamarine in color, but the color changes to mossy green and blue at times. The lights there seems to take on their own essence. I am still trying to figure out why that is so. Some of the beings I meet tend to give off thick mossy green auras.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Rashidah, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

Darkash (7 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-27)
Hey! Well I had the same experience. The astral world is a fascinating one. I was really scared of my first time. I could see my body and was like 'why am I out?' But I am trying to master it. Don't be afraid. Just let it 'invade' you. You must trust your own abilities:)
AnandaHya (guest)
14 years ago (2010-12-30)
thanks for the aura part that makes sense but I prefer not to integrate fear into my belief system. I was hoping that you wouid tell me wearing a hat or something might keep higher level beings from calling "meetings" but I'll just have to research it more I guess. Thanks for the aura advice. I don't trust hazy people either.
Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2010-12-30)
Auric colors can mean many different things. The best I can tell you is to rely more on what vibrations you feel from a being or place.

If the vibrations of a being/place clashes with yours then you will have to remove your self from that presence.

If the vibrations make you comfortable and is very welcoming, then you are safe.

Through experience I find that mossy colors are from negative beings. But everyone's experiences on the astral planes maybe different to mine.

Now you asked how to keep yourself from astral projecting.

That is simply. Develop enough fear of it being evil. In that way you will stay as backward and superstitious as can be.

Eventually, this will result in you preventing yourself from progressing spiritually. Thus binding your abilities until you become more open minded 😐
AnandaHya (guest)
14 years ago (2010-12-30)
hi rashidah. I was reading the comments and I have to say I'm not scared of dying so much as not finishing what I'm suppose to do before dying.

Anyways, I wanted to ask if anyone has discussed the meaning of the colors of aura? If they appear all the same to everyone? Or if they are like color vision some people might have a different filter but we call a broad range of Electromagnetic light "blue" or "red" in order for our human brain to comprehend the energies we pick up because I think it is more like infrared light or something beyond that and wondered if a machine could be built to pick up auras like we can pick up radio waves or infrared googles or something?

How do you keep from astral projecting?
Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2010-12-23)
Everyone can astral travel. It just take some longer than others.
AnandaHya (guest)
14 years ago (2010-12-23)
hae you ever read "A wrinkle in time" or watched the cartoon "Avatar: the last air bender" I visited those worlds and I find them very educational. If you want to try just read the book or watch the cartoons.:)
mrdone2010 (1 stories) (9 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-20)
to Rashidah. Do you think all of us can Astral travel? How can we do that? Thanks:)
Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2010-12-01)
Hey naturalscience.

I just read your new story.
I hope we can chat today 😊
NaturalScience (229 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-30)
Fade out? Do you mean that when one dies he/she experiences that all sensual impressions fade out, like color that goes off on a PC screen before it is "run down"? That sounds horribly sad. If you meant something more agreeable tell me.
Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2010-11-21)
A fade out. That is a very interesting phrase. But it makes a lot of sense.

I am especially glad to know that even if some deaths are violent, the fade out effect is still applied. It does not sound painful.
whitebuffalo (guest)
14 years ago (2010-11-21)
No. In MY opinion, death is NOT something to fear. It is all in a "fade out". EVEN if you Pass due to violence, the "fade out" is still the same. Those final moments...
Of course, THAT is all in Perception, you understand.
And, uh, no problem. Glad to share experiences.
Thank you.
Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2010-11-21)
So that is how being dead feels like...amazing. It isn't anything to dread I guess... Not saying that I want to die soon and meet the creator.

I thank you for clearing up the experiences with the heart rates. I was trying to figure out why I have these sensations.

Thanks for the tips 😊
whitebuffalo (guest)
14 years ago (2010-11-21)
Personally, I do not FEEL the heartbeat once I "have it", all I feel is this tingle kind of vibration.
It is MY belief, that as the Spirits work on a different "plane" so to speak, they are on a different vibrational level. When I get that "tingle", I am "one of them".
No NEED for a heartbeat.
However, just because I "know" why there is no perceived heartbeat, my logical mind (purely human trait) tries to "fight it" as it would have me to believe that not only is my SPIRIT traveling, so is my SOUL~ Meaning: if my SOUL leaves... I am dead.
Would not want THAT! So, I panic and start in on the back peddling to get back IN my body, before Creator notices (yeah, right) and calls me Home.
There are simple relaxation exercises, pretty close to meditation, that seem to help. A lot of it is similar to Lamaze, all in the breathing technique, and less in mind control. Your BODY should be JUST as relaxed as the mind.
Takes a LOT of practice, but it sounds like you are well on your way.
Thank you.
Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2010-11-21)
Yeah that does not sound like a normal thing.

I usually experience these sensations when I come home from a hard day. My heart will be beating fast and when I go into sleep paralyses (the condition before astral traveling) it will slow down as if it is about to stop. Then I will begin to see astral colors. They are more intense in the spiritual realm and this physical one.
Shinigami0 (2 stories) (204 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-21)
WhiteBuffalo- Thanks! I finally decided to give this site a shot. 😆

Rashidah- Oh, believe me. I read a few threads on this site, and saw how psychotic it can get. Almost had me think twice about joining this site.

Anyway, not being able to breath is definitely something to be freaked out about. Perhaps your heart has to find a fast way to recover after beating so fast, and that might be why it seems to "stop" almost. Its not good for it to beat super fast, then immediatly slow down. 😐 I hope you'll be okay, though. I had an experience where I couldn't breath for a while, and you can bet it got my heart pumping. 😆

Maybe there's a way to incorporate meditation or a relaxing excercise?
Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2010-11-21)
I have those familiar experiences. I feel like if I am gasping for air. That is when the panic sets in. But after awhile I get use to it.

My heart rate slows down also. Sometimes I feel like if it is going to stop beating. I think of death when that happens. Which freaks me out. But all in all, I am still living:)

I also Have strong vibrations that feels like if my bed is shaking when it is not.

But the loud humming sounds, were also one of the experiences I had to get over.
whitebuffalo (guest)
14 years ago (2010-11-21)
Or... The Karma points COULD be being looked at as a Popularity Contest. That is where the whole immaturity gene slides into that whole equation. If one does not "like" a particular poster, or their "point of view" just "slash" them. Instead of simply walking away, shaking the head and thinking "Wow. Talk about immaturity".
That is the danger when you have so many young ones who believe that they KNOW it all, and refuse to look for alternative answers. That is NOT a cut down. It is a study in Sociology. Rather Cut and Dry, if you ask me. But you did not, so...
Those who are truly here to assist will IGNORE those points and keep on trying to help. Those numbers mean naught.
Sorry. Those were the only comments I caught on here 😊.
By the way~ Welcome, Shinigami0.

Howdy Rashidah.
As I mentioned, I only caught the final two comments, so if I repeat something, sorry.
It IS rather "fish out of water" or asthmatic, is it not?
Not exactly easy to get used to.
I find, when the lungs begin that "slow burn" (do you know the moment I speak of?) if I take a rather DEEP breath (and it DOES feel like someone is firmly grasping the lungs), slowly release it through barely opened lips, the "panic" subsides. It does not always happen with the FIRST attempt.
When I open my eyes, I imagine myself reclining on a FAT cloud and just...float. I know I "have it" when I lose ALL sensation, save for that "tingle" (have you reached that yet?).
Just a thought of what you may wish to try.
Thank you.
Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2010-11-21)
You have a point there. These colors can be auric in nature.

I have to say this. Some of the kids here are really psychotic and have to much time on their hand. Hopefully they will find something better to do soon instead of abusing the voting system.

I kind of feel sorry for them.
Shinigami0 (2 stories) (204 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-21)
Hi Rashidah! That was an interesting story, and its understandable that it would be a bit frightening for the first time. Perhaps the colors are an aura it gives off?

It does seem like you are superstars. Some of the comments that are helpful are marked down. However, karma points don't really mean shiat in the long run. You tend to realize after a while who knows their stuff, and who is truly helpful. But don't worry, I gave you two a thumbs up. 😉 😊 ❤
NaturalScience (229 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-21)
hey we're really becoming superstars, now I got minus 30 and you minus 66, I'll have to go and buy me a good supply of beer to have a drink on minus 108 before this Christmas - if these who-ever-it-may-be keep voting us down. In fact it is THEIR OWN accounts that they lower. I think I'll move a bit more to Spiri site and to sites of other companies where discussion of Past Lives take place. And I recommend to those downvoters a visit to the Pampers company web site, perhaps there are some products available which would fit to them 😆
Doublemint (3 stories) (261 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-14)
My feeling about the snake > Kundalini < soon to be awakened. If you have question on this my email is always open.
Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2010-11-14)
It is apparent that we are superstars on this site because we have a fan club of obsessive kids following us up and down.

NaturalScience (229 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-14)
Ah, nice, now both me and Rashida have been voted down even more. I'll have a party and get drunk the day I reach minus 108 points 😆
NaturalScience (229 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-12)
Hi again Rashidah. I'm glad you did not leave this site for good because of the dumb kids, weirdos and half-literates who keep spoiling it.
This now goes to all posters and readers:
Do NOT take the "karma point" counter for serious.
"Downvoting" and "upvoting" is quite usual here, as on many other forums.
What counts is not that counter but to keep to truth (no boasting, no invented stories) and to reason (no blind repetition of dogmas you learned from your favourite book, or sect, but give differentiated ideas) - no matter if you submit stories or give comments.
Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2010-11-12)
Thank you for clearing that up for me NaturalScience. I sent you a couple of mails awhile aback.

I have been going through some you tube videos on this topic of astral traveling.

There are still many people who fear this natural phenomena because of what they are falsely being told in the church.
NaturalScience (229 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-22)
No. It was just a curious sight. And it looks exactly like a tool used in music to attune strings. The German word for it is "Stimmgabel". I don't know the English term.
Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2010-10-20)
Oh I see. Could the fork like shape means that you have a decison to make right now? That you have to choose between somethings?
NaturalScience (229 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-20)
I can't "pic". Never used such a program. I tried to make a drawing of the snake by letters, here, but the automatic lay-out spoils it. I thus describe it a second time. It looked like a fork, with two long parallel points which were the tails, or bodies and a stalk which was the head and "neck".
Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2010-10-18)
Demons on the WWW...nah. But I have encountered people who seemed psychotic.

I think you should email me the pic of the shape for me to get a clearer understanding. And I will email you mine. 😊
NaturalScience (229 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-18)
[at] Rashidah you have trouble with demons - in WWW - eh?! 😆 I'm going to mail you and you use the Answer function then I suppose it will work again.
As to the two-tailed snake I remembered a symbol which looks similarly. It is two lines forming an incomplete circle and meeting at the top, ending in a line straight upward. It symbolizes Wilhelm Reich's Orgon theory. It also means that positive and negative things both can ultimately lead to ascent into Light. Perhaps my little snake meant such a thing.

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