There are so many different stages you go through in life when you have been given a special ability. All the questions of who am I, what is wrong with me or have I been cursed with this. All the tragic events that happen, that you are aware of before they happen make you feel like you had part in it or the feeling of guilt because you didn't stop it from happening. Then at times you prevent stupid little occurrences from happening in your own life and then can laugh about it later on. Such a mixed amount of emotion flowing through you as each occurrence happens.
We hear so many mixed messages from other people whom don't understand our lives and what we go through as a child maturing into an adult. Their judging of who we are as people and they say are beliefs are evil. You even see these messages on this web site at times. That is not an easy message for a child to see especially when they are already having a difficult time understanding themselves and what they are going through. I know. I have questioned this myself as a child and even as a young adult. "Am I an evil person? I was born with this. How can I be evil"? All these questions ran through my head growing up, but I didn't put them there, other people did.
Now that I am older I don't let this criticism get to me anymore. My feelings about it are how can you judge if you've never lived it. Also, since these people know God so well than why are they judging us for what we were born with. God does not create evil. God also states that no one should judge anyone and that only God can do that himself. Does their judging us make them evil? I think that is the question they should be asking themselves. I am not judging them, but I feel this is something they should be asking themselves.
Actually, how do they even think the bible was written? It was written by some people who had the same abilities as we do. Our gifts do not make us evil. Our gifts lead us closer to God, and that my friend, is not what evil wants.
God has given us such a special gift. When we ask for help, we are able to find the answers. We are able to have a closer relationship with him because we are so much open. I myself have been given answers and even quickly I might add. I asked for help and guidance and a wonderful lady who has abilities was sent into my life. Plus, I had found this web site and met some very helpful and friendly people. Thank you all.
Since I've had the dream about God sending me the message to meditate, meditation has been arising in my life in many different places. People I don't know have brought up conversations about meditation (meeting God) with me. Even the class I go to, for helping children with disabilities, had a lady for the first time come to our meeting to teach meditation to us. The message is definitely being given.
I was having a real bad day one day and I went into a gas station. The man behind the counter had such angelic eyes and kept staring into my eyes. When I went to give him the money, he kind of grabbed my fingers gently, instead of the money, and continued to look into my eyes and told me with a smile to have a good day. I had such an overwhelming feeling rise in me. It felt like God went through this man to let me know it would be alright. God answers our prayers in so many different ways and we each have our own purpose for being here.
In saying this we are all developed to a degree in our own way, I refer to Gardner's Multiple Intelligence Theory. Just as a musician has his/her own intelligence in playing an instrument, so does a woodcarver have a spatial intelligence in his/her work. In a way you could say that some come to the realisation of supernatural or paranormal abilities, while for others it is innate.
Regardless, ethics plays a major role. Whether we are bound by deontological ethics as is most likely dominant in the United States or teleological ethics as is most likely in Australia, or even Virtue based ethics. What matters is when its crunch time, the way we act determines our character and our worth.
There is no clear cut good or evil, its all about intentions. Is the person who telekinetically impaled an attacker on a star picket (metal rod used in construction) evil because of the nature of the act or because of the intent? What if it was done deliberately, despite being in self defence? What if it was done accidentally? What if it was done deliberately but in revenge?
It all comes down the the views of the majority. Is the psychic who earns money from using his/her ability corrupt? Some say yes, some say no. There is an innate belief that any such ability should be used freely and without material or financial gain. Personally, if I had to use my ability to assist someone I would do it out of the goodness of my heart if the mood took me, otherwise I wouldn't do it at all.
The saddest point I have to make is that people are afraid of the unknown and will often persecute what is different - and years later when these terrible acts are brought to light and the logic behind them is examined, they have deduced the logic flawed.
This is rather ironic. Despite what the Bible might say, its the Word of God written by man, and therefore is flawed - this is the view taught in Catholic Church. The basic idea is right but the delivery can't be perfect as God is perfect, a being of love and a numinous force. Thou shalt not kill - period, yet a woman accused of witchcraft was religiously killed. You get my meaning, we can twist whatever we want to make it mean what we want to hear, and thus does the message get lost.
Anyway, I think a healthy blend of the three principles is best. All summed up in the Golden Rule: do onto others as you would have them do onto you. If someone attacks you, turn the other cheek or guide them to a compassionate path or heal them. Do what you will, but remember that war begets war and if you got to war on them then you're no better.
You could say that it is our duty to protect human rights (or should that be "life" rights); it is our goal to heal the world of ill; it is our way to be strive to be good - if only you could see more of it.
In theory it sounds good, but in reality people generally (and yes I know this is quite a generalisation) couldn't really care less either way. By not focusing on it, the problem does not exist. Why else are there people starving in the world, husbands beating wives, children abandoned to slave factories and countries rife with HIV? In part its due to ignorance and the adherence to ignorance despite awareness.
The role of the psychic, the supernatural gift, the paranormal individual is to do as he/she will - free will. In the end we have to live with our own decisions and our actions or lack of actions for which we are ultimately accountable.
If you had the power to heal, would you heal for free or charge a fee?