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Blind Yet Seeing Faces


Background Information: My mother is blind, and while she was able to see fairly well until her adolescent years, she has never seen well enough to obtain her driver's license and now, at forty-five, she is unable to see at all.

Years ago, when she could still manage to see vague outlines of people, she told me that above every person's head she saw their name in cursive handwriting. Additionally, she is open to the concept of spirits, especially to that belonging to her father, whose presence she feels rather often.

Experience: Today I was talking to her about kensho, these temporary glimpses of enlightenment and peace I have experienced for several years now. Being that it is rather a 'unique' discussion, it opened up the conversation to what she has been experiencing.

When my mother lies in bed at night, although absolutely fully awake (she stresses the fact that she is entirely awake, not at all drifting to sleep), she begins to see faces. Sometimes her eyes are open, sometimes they are closed. These faces are vivid and it seems as though she could reach and touch them. She sees the lines in their faces, and she says it seems as if each has a story, an interesting history.

However, she says she does not see any signs of time, such as period clothing, to indicate whether these faces are from the past, present, or future. They usually are turned away from her at first, and then they slowly turn to make direct eye contact. They do not smile nor do they speak. She sees each face for a moment, and then another appears. Most are women, although there have been men and a few children. This happens for a period of approximately three minutes several times a week. Although she is easily frightened because of her blindness, she says it is very calm and not the least scary. Still, she has yet to attempt communication. I suggested that she try to hold one of the faces with her, to see if she could mentally or verbally convince the person to linger. Then, perhaps speak or reach out - to get a reaction.

We are your "average" people with no major prior psychic or supernatural experiences, yet have always felt slightly "connected". My mother, especially, senses her father's presence frequently. So, we would certainly appreciate any information or insight you can provide as we attempt to better understand what is happening.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Jennifer, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

butterfly_916 (3 stories) (12 posts)
17 years ago (2008-06-14)
Being blind but seeing people, that's sorta what happens to me sometimes. My eyesight isn't all that good and when I go without glasses (right now seeing as how my nose has been injured) I see people and then they are just gone. Today I was riding in my mothers car in the passenger seat and I looked out my window and I could've sworn I saw this girl standing by the side of the road. But when I looked again, she was gone. This is something I'm not really sure if many people experience and it sure is confusing.
aramasamara (22 stories) (577 posts)
17 years ago (2008-04-10)

I am glad for you, nothing wrong with being shocked a little in a while now is there haha
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
17 years ago (2008-04-10)
Ara - pretty much anything I do bores me after awhile, including college. I once witnessed a prof running from me, thinking, I guess that I had a question. I never bothered him before so not sure. Anyway, Tuesday, had a customer with terminal cancer, diabetes, degenerative spine disease, and crippling arthritis walking with a cane, younger than me. We talked. Someday, if she ever has money, she'll get a comfortable chair. They don't make one for her. Before she left, she hugged me. Shocked me. But, I knew it was one a reason to be there. I write too. That's my passion.
aramasamara (22 stories) (577 posts)
17 years ago (2008-04-10)
Or perhaps you are unhappy with what you are doing right now... And I think your husband even sees that.
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
17 years ago (2008-04-10)
Ara - I had a bad day and my person who had been there a long time had really good one. I made it a point of broadcasting. She blushed. Well, hard work matters. Things are easier for me I guess. But, perhaps she's learning more. Not sure easy is good. Perhaps I'm just lazy.
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
17 years ago (2008-04-10)
Sorry Edmund - when I think of Randy, I don't proofread. Apologize for the o. My last name is misspelled all the time and so I try to get them right. Sorry.
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
17 years ago (2008-04-10)
Edmond - how are your friends? I do know it's hard. My best friend, my ex-uncle had a disease and was close to passing. I'd known him as a little child. We talked on the phone, I was in another state, about the pros and cons and arrangements and cried. Then my husband and I drove there and took him and friends to a nice restaurant. He ruled that dinner and my heart was saddened and happy. It was his last big hurrah and special. The docs all thought his passing would be a nightmare. It was easy. He had family with him. I still think about him. Today I told a funny "Randy" story. My husband smiles.
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
17 years ago (2008-04-10)
Jennifer - For the past several days have been thinking, for whatever reason, about blindness. I haven't been reading experiences. Tired and afraid of messing up. I just feel that when we loose our sight, a biggie, we are given something new, perhaps more insightful. My mother-in-law, in her eighties is healthy and active, golf, bridge, and travel. But she might go blind. This is a struggle. I want to tell her that she will still see, just new stuff. I can't get out the words, and it's been a problem for a couple of years. Perhaps your mother is so advanced that she sees beyond "time" which explains no period dress. In the world of God, I'm not sure that time is a biggie. It doesn't seem to be. I think we people came up with clocks and dates.
Flutterofwings (28 stories) (257 posts)
17 years ago (2008-04-09)
Thanka ara for your advice here. Wish I had that some time ago, when this first happen to me. But now that I do, will take that to mind. Once again thanks.
aramasamara (22 stories) (577 posts)
17 years ago (2008-04-09)
Flutterofwings and Edmund

It can be draining... If you want it to be

First time I dealt with anything 'abnormal' it was a passing over of the family member who hadn't died yet, but was going to

Best thing to do instead of stressing, if you know they are going to pass over, I say my own specific individual prayer, in order to let their body pass peacefully on the other side before they die, and it's left me with a feeling of understanding and peacefulness, rather than a sense of draining.

Be sure to think about how you handle the situation... More than one option, even sometimes it doesn't seem so
Edmund (578 posts)
17 years ago (2008-04-09)
Flutterofwings... Yes... I'm kind of toasted in one way and in another I have tapped into a deeper spiritual well... I guess that's what I'll call it. It is never easy I guess it is important that one acts in a way that is selfless... To get rid of all concerns about yourself and to stick to the task at hand. Thanks!
Flutterofwings (28 stories) (257 posts)
17 years ago (2008-04-09)
[at] Edmund it certainly can be draining on our psychic albilities when someone is about to pass over, or have already and trying to relate something to us. They can and often do drain our engery from us. We have to be careful as it can lead to our well being and health.
Katie (42 stories) (369 posts)
17 years ago (2008-04-08)
hi I sometimes see people should I say ghosts right in the morning about 3am-6am or in the afternoon. I see Apparition ghosts and once at night seen something black flying across the room.
aramasamara (22 stories) (577 posts)
17 years ago (2008-04-07)
Glenda haha amen to that haha... Well I am sure you'll become more 'comfortable' later and learn how to deal with certain people or keep your distance, though stop being so hard on yourself... Live a little:D

And perhaps a smile haha ^^
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
17 years ago (2008-04-07)
Ara - I admire that you deal with the live people and situations. I think in many ways that is harder; it's a dangerous place here is my feeling. The other places seem more peaceful. I'm at a new job now and really like my co-workers. I've been high writer about every day. I feel resentment. That bothers me. Today I felt a little down in the dumps. I know it's good to be out among people, but one person has been there six years plus. It's always some struggle I guess. Thanks for answering.
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
17 years ago (2008-04-07)
Edmund - sorry about your friends. That's tuff stuff. I hope the transition is easy for both.

I had to look up the word occult. All I could find was my kids' old student dictionary. It said "a mysterious power that some believed could make changes in the world..." That doesn't sound too sinister. And no, I do believe there are powers out there that abuse it. That will not change. Bad people. I feel creepy around them. That's a physical feeling not an emotional one. I'm pretty easy going mentally I've been told, non-judgemental. Maybe that's true or not, most only see surface stuff. Perhaps I'm too closed. Thinking about that. I do know creepy when I feel it though.
Edmund (578 posts)
17 years ago (2008-04-07)
Glenda... Wasn't on the computer all weekend... Two people that are very near and dear to me are pretty close to crossing over and its very draining in a spiritual sense... So you have to be "occult" on planet earth... I think I would be more interested in how you felt when it was said and the tone of how it was said. If it was said in a sense of something like you need a sense of mystery... That I guess I could see but If they ment break out all the icons and imagery of witchcraft or sorcerery well I don't think that's going to happen to soon... So Its how you felt... Open to what kind of power? Your right to question this!
aramasamara (22 stories) (577 posts)
17 years ago (2008-04-06)
Glenda, I usually deal with live people... That have 'abilities' or something of the sort, some people usually aren't so nice, but try to come in different forms, usually just about unmasking what/who they really are.

If you defend yourself, ask for help, or stand your ground, chances are they'll usually move on to another victim, and when you have such a great energy... They tend to stay away from that as well.
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
17 years ago (2008-04-06)
Ara - once got curious reading here if bad stuff really existed. Voyaged and found one. It was trying to hurt me in some way. I was angry and trying to call it a bad name. Finally was able to spit out the words then left. Lately have been trying to figure something out involving a bad person. Last night voyaged. At first a large gray cat had its teeth in my hand, horrible yellow eyes. Mean ones. Tried shaking it off. Didn't hurt, but made me angry - couldn't fly with its teeth in my hand. Kept trying. Finally had to ask for "help..." Must have gotten it - it went immediately away. Not sure who I asked though. God maybe. I just thought, Well, it's really determined and I can't make it stop. I love cats. Have had two for over twelve years who run my house.
DeborahAnna (18 posts)
17 years ago (2008-04-05)
Hi Perkins82. I remember when my clairvoyance first started opening up I would get pictures in my head in a slide show like fashion for a few seconds each usually these were faces but sometimes they where places. When I had asked around to others that where developing their abilities they had told me that my third eye was opening up and that the slideshows was Spirits way of preparing me for recieving information through my third eye. I guess you would call it third eye training. I have also heard that some blind people having third sight is not unusual that its the body's way of making up for the lose of normal vision. And in other cases some of the other senses become more developed like smell or touch. Hope this helps.
aramasamara (22 stories) (577 posts)
17 years ago (2008-04-05)

"perhaps they harm some" hahahaha... Are you kidding me, of course they do, you cannot tell me that you've done astral and you've never been attacked? Not once... Not even an attempt? Because if that's so your truely lucky... Or just been not in that path... But that's fine too
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
17 years ago (2008-04-05)
Hey Mr. Edmund. I had another confusing voyage. Too pooped to explain it. Look up the word "occult" as told to me twice. I thought it was bad, but apparently not. A person told me twice. In an old student dictionary it doesn't sound bad - a mysterious power that makes change on the earth, according to some. Too long to explain tired. Perhaps I'm batting for the wrong side or confued. I know good is good and yucky is yucky though. Even being human. I don't think that I'm really stupid. A person told me that on Planet Earth you had to be occult. I had him repeat it. I thought that was a bad word. He did, but in a way that made sense. I think it just means open to power. I was so shocked. Honestly. I'm just learning though. I know there are bad powers out there, harmless though scary looking, but still silly. Perhaps they harm some though. So... Give me your thoughts.
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
17 years ago (2008-04-05)
Jennifer - I have always done odd stuff, apparently, hearing and looking back. A good part of my odd stuff is in that waking/sleeping or trying to sleep period where the difference is vague. I've tested it. It really does seem odd. I try just to relax and feel and not worry about being right or wrong. I have protected people near me who know it. To me, in a vulnerable job that people judge, sales, if you still Pass that is good. If you still remain ungreedy that's good too. It's hard to explain. It's my personality. I won't go hungry though, promise you, and I won't judge. Well, clear as thick mud. Sorry.
Perkins82 (1 posts)
17 years ago (2008-04-04)
Thank you for this suggestion. I will certainly pass this along. If anyone else knows of a similar experience, especially with a blind subject, I would be eager to hear of it. Thanks again.
Edmund (578 posts)
17 years ago (2008-04-04)
Jennifer... Maybe if your mom wants to she can just say hello in her mind to a face as they appear. Then if she gets a response take it from there. If she thinks that they have a story to tell about their history... She is probably right!

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