Ever since I found out I was a medium I have been having problems focusing. I blocked it out for many years while growing up but now I cannot ignore it. The problem is I am still trying to push my abilities away because of evil spirits and demons so I can't seem to progress at all. I want to get better at helping people move on and give messages but it seems like something is trying to stop me. Every time I help someone move on, on the rare occasion I can hear them long enough to help them, I get attacked by an entity; sometimes I can't even tell if it is human or demon. It makes it really hard to focus and progress to help spirits move on.
I have tried using sage and praying but the demons are still trying to break me (literally and figuratively) and I'm basically spinning my tires in the mud. Does anyone have a tip on how to listen better? I have tried asking my spirit guides since I hear them the loudest out of all the spirits I talk to but even they are getting quieter now. If I do not figure this out then I'm afraid the evil entities will get to me because I am an empath, I can astral project, and I have recently started seeing auras.
I had a friend of mine look at my aura recently and they saw a black edge to my aura. I know that black is not good. And when I look in a mirror too long I start seeing everything around me. I do not even know who my real spirit guide is. If anyone has any ideas please comment. If I don't get this figured out I am sure to go insane. Thank you to all for reading my story.
Or energy work, to include readings.
Is to understanding our position in protection.
Much of this will depend if we hold to our western
Belief. If you hold to christian thought.
You would have to use some of those principles:
Positive affirmations, in your beliefs.
If this is your path, to try other remedies will
Not work for you.
We as humans come to this earth plane to learn.
As we grow we shed our old shadow self.
The old shadow self is afraid and does not remember
Its identity with God/Creator.
By aligning our mind/words/actions with positive and
Love. Even when we must say a Strong No!, or put down
Our foot and tell the truth it must be from a postion
Of wanting the best. So we Act not React!
For contacting guides, Ted Andrews has a book!
Or you can look up the replies on this site by
Oracle101-whom is Laura King!
Good journey