My name is Nigel and I am 21 years old and gay and both a medium and clairvoyant however due to my circumstances both are dulled. (Will explain.)
From a very young age I have always had to ability to see things and hear things that no one else in my family could. I was told that I had many imaginary friends when I was small, however I was told by a medium that they were actual spirits that befriended me when I was small, particularity a young boy named Daniel.
This has never bothered me, however the first real experience I had was when I witnessed the ghost of woman with my younger brother when we went for a walk one day.
So I believe in ghosts and my abilities to see the paranormal as I'm constantly seeing spirits.
However I need advice or help. Recently (the past year) I have had the very unpleasant experience off feeling watched, being touched on the shoulder or forehead, I feel uneasy every time.
One morning I went to get my boyfriend a glass of water around 7 o clock from the bedroom, we had friends sleeping in the sitting room which is between the kitchen and bedroom. On my way there I thought I ran into one of my friends, however as I past him, his face grew old and he was wrinkly and looked utterly frightening and disgusting. I was shaken and spent the day crying.
I eventually went to medium who I trust and I was told that there is an evil entity that has attached itself to me through no fault of my own, a case of wrong place, wrong time. This entity feeds on my fear of death which is true as I have Thanatophobia (the fear of death or more specifically being dead or dying) and within the last year my fear as greatly increased with panic attacks and serve anxiety attacks.
The medium told me that the entity likes to play tricks on me, likes to scare me and feed off my energy. It hates my boyfriend likes to play tricks on him (even breaking several of his prized ornaments when we went on a break for a while as punishment for hurting me when that is the entities job) and hates any spiritual contact I have. He said that it tries to block visiting entities which it can do because it is so powerful, but entities that are location bound cannot be blocked which is why I see them. He said that while this entity is around, my abilities are dulled extremely.
He told me that the location bound spirits want to protect me, but it is hard because the entity is old like 1700s old. He told me that I need to find god and find protection. I never told him about my feelings or experiences, he came out with this on his own and each was true.
However he told me that when this evil spirit came to haunt me, something strong and opposite came as well, though the two just exist, they can't repel or interact.
I'm sorry if that is confusing, I'm confused myself. What I want is for someone to offer advice on their own personal experiences, ideas on protection and ways I can rid myself of this spirit.
Thanks for reading, any help would be greatly appreciated.
As for what these guys tell you. Do a religion that you have faith in. That's the only way to get demons out. Especially if you believe in something different then what be posted. But burning sage works very well. Sage is used by many religions to cast out demons which is quite funny.
Im a shaman in training still but been exposed to demons so I wish you great luck.