I have always been a weird girl it all started since I was in my mom's belly. The doctors could never figure out how many time my mom had been pregnant with me. One week they would say she had 14, the nex one they would tell her 13, 16, 12 it was weird the doctors said that that had never happened before! Thats why they could never give my mom a due date. When a woman gives birth normally they have pain then water comes out I know eeeeewwww but it does, but my mom said she never felt eny pain nor less have water come out. So my mom went to a normal doctor visit when the doctor said ‛‛ haven't you felt pain!? Because your over due 3 days the child could die! " my mom went in some caind of shock because she so didn't expect it how did this happen no pain? They took me out as fast as posible. I was born 10/12/01 at 2 something my birth day should have ben 10/13 but I'm glad it was the 16 because my golden birth day is when i'm sixteen. For some reson I have always thought something special is going to happen to me.
Lets move on I have always been psychic and could see into the future specially when I was little some examples: When my grandpa was going to come I would always say tata that's what I would call him and couple minutes he would be there.: example 2: once we wore going to a party we wore half way there and it was out of town when my uncle stop in a gasoline I told him we shouldn't go because all the tires wore going to pop, my uncle chcked all the tires and all the car he didn't find anything wrong. But for some reson he listened to me everyone was like why did you listen to her shes just a little tirl I was like 2½. When we got home suddenly all the tires poped every one just looked at me in awe the man who fixed the car said it was because all the tires wore old and ready to pop. He also said it was a good thing we didn't go because the way there the hole streets wore in a S shape.: example 3: A family friend would also ask me who would win in socker I would always tell him exactly the one that would win and the score I was always correct: example 4: I was like 6 or 7 but the man who would always ask me the soccer score told me that a family friend of his that lived in Mexico was going to get a visa to come to the U.S.A. That all that was needed was for his son to pas a test (the kid was the smartes of his hole school so it should be really easy) but I said nope tthat at the last minute he was going to forget everything. He did at the last minute he forgot everything. The kid's teachers couldn't explain it so they gave him another chance. They called me again and asked me I told him that he was going to forget everything and it happened.: example #4: last year my grama called me that her neighbor's son was missing that all she wanted was to know if he was alive so I focused and told her that her son was alive and that he was captured that they tide him up and that they also tide up his eyes so that he wouldn't see who was the one that kept him captive but that he was going to be able to escape and in his way home a family friend would find him and take him home and early this spring she called me and said that that did happen exactly how I said.: example 5: one day I woke up and told my mom that my grama from my dads side had a big swallen arm my mom thought oh she prabably misses her so she took me to see her and she did have a big red swallen arm sge said she just woke up like that.: example 6: When I was little I could read your future just by touching your hand now I have to focus a cuple minutes but I can still do it.
Also some people find this weird I don't but... Many persons first word is mom or dad, but mine was ''gato'' cat in english I was 6 mounths old and we had the door open and I was in my little door watching the out side when a cat runs down the street and I said gato! My auncle and mom wore with me my auncle was like your child is starting to freek me out. That same day my mom was making eggs with potato eeewww, but my mom was carrying me wiel my she was coocking when my uncle asked what are you making when I said papa con huevo spanish for eggs with potato. Also one time we wore I my gramas house when I saw a picture of my great grama Ana I was named after her but none had ever told me about her or nothing and sadly she was dead but then I saw the picture and said my grama Ana everyone just stared at me surprised.
Also I have always seen a white blur around people but never knew what it was last year when I turned 12 I found it was a aura and now I practice seeing them I can see color now but would like to get better at it. Also every year for some reason I get more and more drawn to magic but not like witch magic but other sort of magic specially things with wings especially Angels. Also I have always thought someone has been spying on me but not in a bad way but in a good way like if they wore taking care of me but not something spiritual but physical. Please help I can never find answers. ♡♡