I have this dream about twice every month and I use to just blow it off but i'm starting to worry about it because he seems very strange.
It starts off just me running through a safari like field, But I feel like i'm being chased by something, But then I see a abandon building tall white and looks like it was bombed or something. Well after I approach it I enter it and then I see a bank, not just any bank a bank made of glass that I can see through. The most crazy thing is when I leave this bank I see a beach and a big road... When I go to the road I turn to my left and look down the road and see a man... Wearing all black, tall and kind of looks like slender man but no white face just plain darkness, but as I really look at him I wake my self up.
I really don't know what this means but I really don't feel evil I feel more of like he want's something from me. Even when i'm asleep I feel like something is watching me but I alway's just feel like I can't move but then I just get up and go pee, I feel like i'm more powerful then most, like I can stop things from getting in to my head. I have heard of shadow people before and that your not suppose to think about them but even when I do and I fell them staring at me I just look into the darkness but for some reason I feel like i'm looking right into their eye's... But It seems as if I scare them off because i'm too powerful or something but I really don't know, Maybe it's just imaginary maybe this is all apart of my dream the thing is I just don't know... Or WE DON"T KNOW.
Instead, try turning right out of the bank, or at least looking in that direction. See what you find.