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Can This Be Some Sort Of Sign, Numerology


For the past few weeks, I have been waking up at exactly 3:33 am and every time I do, there is this strong presence in my room that I can't shake off. The main reason why I'm writing this is because of last night. I woke up at 3:33am from a horrible night mare. I don't remember much but here it goes; in my dream I was doing thing not human capable, one of those was flying through the sky (and no, I was not astral projecting) and other stuff that I can't remember, when suddenly something felt wrong, and I knew there was a demonic spirit or demon inside of me. At first, it my dream I was ignoring it, thinking that this thing can't and will not harm anyone I love, when out nowhere I get this vision of myself, having the most creepy smile on my face, setting my what seen to be grandmother house on FIRE!. After seeing this, I snap! And the entire dream scenario disappears and everything was just dark, I told this thing" in the name of "god LEAVE ME ALONE", I said it three times and each time with more power and will. When out of nowhere, I think my mom show up in the dark and knock me or punch out and tell me" you are not Alex." "I get the feeling she or it knew that thing was not me" by the way my name is Alex., and that is when I woke up with this burning feeling inside of me but even on top of that I was starting directly at the clock which once again mark 3:33. Now like always, there is this strong presence in the room that always seems to leave when I wake up, but anyways this time I decided not to back away or ignore it. I stood outside of door and asked, simply question like, what is your name, what do you want, do you need help and all I heard was two whispers that send chills down my spine. I went back to my room, took my cell phone and look up meaning about 3;33 because I just felt like there is sign for me and this is the only way that they can let me know. Anyways, on the little research I did it seem the 3:33 can be an angelic sign or spirit guide trying to let you know something, other sources said it was related to the upcoming event of 2012. I found some conform on the angelic sign research, that I was able to go outside into my dark living room and tried to get in touch and understand whatever it whisper on the first place. I was calm, I didn't since any evil, I ask question, but I didn't get any reply, I was disappointed on myself for getting scared but happy that I took some courage to face this. So my question is, what does the 3:33 mean? How can I find whatever is trying to tell or warm me about.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Spirited-away, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

miamzuk (5 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-11)
Im glad to hear that you feel good when you pray:) although I am a muslim & people might generalise that I may be religious but I havnt actually prayed properly for a long time & I am having this spiritual awakening & want to explore it further... This is what I believe will evolve people to be in touch with spirituality & humanity for 2012... Check out
Spirited-away (5 stories) (46 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-11)
that might be it!, since I do pray mostly everyday before I go to bed:D...maybe is just me, but I do feel more safe after I'm praying
miamzuk (5 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-10)
Well coming from Islamic/religious point of view it is the time when you pray, your prayers will be heard as angels are waiting for praises of God! Perhaps the angelic force bringing you closer to spirituality?
Spirited-away (5 stories) (46 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-10)
[at] miamzuk

Thank you for sharing your story. Sometime I feel like we have been choosen for some sort of spiritual battle that it is to come. I did look up 3:33 and it seens to be some sorft of angelic sign, I don't have too many detail, but hopefully soon, I'll be able to get more answer:)
miamzuk (5 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-09)
Hi there!
I have real dreams that come true sometimes bizarrely the same events happen in real life pretty creepy... Anyways I have been searching for answers about 2012 & I had a very weird dream this morning that it's raining heavily almost flood like, me, my husband & baby girl are all struggling in the rain... I checked the weather forecast but there are no flood warnings unless something likely to happen in a few weeks time... Dont know...3:33 am not sure what it indicates... But keep searching for answers good luck!

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