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Psychic Phenomena I Have Experienced


Everyone. My name is Alex, and I am pretty much your typical 20 year old guy. Well not really. I am just going to write a few thing of psychic phenomena I been experienced and I want you to summarize and tell me, why is this happening, what can I do about it, and why me.

1) When I was 7 or 8, I was walking in the park with my mom, when suddenly my mom sees her friend and they start chatting. I got bored and out of nowhere I felt a weird presence and I just look at the sky, I couldn't believe what my eyes were seeing. There was a medium size cross flying across the sky. I was trying so hard to get my mom to see it but instead she shhhh! Me and told me to keep it down.

2) When I was on my sophomore year, some girl I barely knew passed by crying, I just took one look at her eyes and told myself "wow her grandma must be really sick". Next thing I knew I ask my sister (since they are both friend) she told me, her grandma was horribly sick.

3) Ever since I used to live in the Dominican Republic, I always had a feeling of being watched, even today I can't get rid of that feeling.

4) I was attack by what some people call "shadow people" it was night, I was having one of the worst nightmare of my life. When I suddenly woke up out of it (by the way my room was pitch black) and I still was able to see a humanoid shadowy thing standing next to me, backing away and flying out of my door. Since them I can't sleep with the light off.

5) Age 19, my name has been whispered, like about 3 time at night, one of those night I got a nose bleed out of nowhere.

6) Now that I am 20, I recently was able to read my mom's thoughts. We were the only one in the kitchen, I heard my name, I ignore it at first, but I just went with it and ask her, if she was thinking about me and like always I was right. I can tell when people are calling and who is text messaging before I check my phone.

7) Ever since 8 or 9 I been having what is called "astral projection" I only get the symptoms; sleep paralysis, high vibration and high pitch sound, now here is the thing; I feel I like something is forcing me to astral project. I don't feel like it is safe and at first I used to cry out god's name and that would break up the paralysis, but I had have it so many times, that I develop a way to break out of it.

8) Sorry this is too long, but here we go; I feel like I can do anything, be anything I mean, I feel like if I want to, I can fly, but something inside me keep me away from doing it. I don't know what is it, but if I let me myself I go, I might have a "power rush" and hurt someone.

I know this all sound crazy and FAKE! But is not. I come from a family that are able to see upcoming event in their dreams, and to make thing worse, both my grandparents have told me that they are able to do things not human capable and by that I mean, according to my grandma, she was able to turn invisible with some prayer. Granddad was or is able to stop a thunderstorm again with some prayer. I honestly don't believe them, but according to them, they don't "practice those prayers" anymore.

Please help me understand what is going on in my life, I really hope my younger brother doesn't go through this, he is 11 but doesn't seeing to be affect like I am. Also, I don't practice the occult, neither does my grandparent, they are both catholic, and I myself don't consider to be part of any type of religious, I like to said that I'm someone who believe that there is a higher power watching over us, I don't like to apply religious rule on my lifestyle.

Thank you

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Spirited-away, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

Spirited-away (5 stories) (46 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-13)
[at] christine

Thank you for replying, but I rather not fallow any type of religous. Like I said before, I am someone who know there is a highter power watching over us, who judge the actions/choices we make in our life. Hey I posted a new story and this is a little bit creepy, let me know what you think.
Cristine (8 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-13)
I know this is going to sound odd even for me to say and advise this, but in rare circumstances for people of ethnic diversities, such as yourself, I really think and believe whole-heartedly that you would benefit immensely from learning about the mystical powers and influence of Voo-Doo. Voo-Doo is thought of as the occult because it doesn't affliate a higher power in the realms of the Holy Trinity or God and His Son, whatever the Catholic belief is in that regard. I think from another source beyond what I know about you that Voo-Doo is something that you will find to be a savior mentally and physically. It's like if the devil came to you and demanded your soul, but you told the devil no that your faith and love in God was where you will eternally die and because you really believed in the power of the Heavenly creator; the devil was defeated because of your beliefs in serving good, rather than serving evil. You may also find that voo-doo is very effective at ridding ghostly spirits.
Spirited-away (5 stories) (46 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-12)
[at] bre

Amazing explanation! There is something that I been experiencing, that is making me a little bit nervous, there is a not so thin black fog everywhere. I am going to explain this is more details on a new post.
Bre (7 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-10)
The great physicists all say that time is not what we perceive it to be. Not only can time do odd things but space also. You can be in your bed one second and on Mars the next (I think it's worth a look-see). Some men spend their whole lives trying to understand how time and space works. If you want to go down the rabbit hole, look up nonlocal entanglement. I think it has everything to do with people like us. The more we know about how things work, the more we will take the stereotype out of being extraordinarily gifted.
The art of astral projection, remote viewing, dreaming, or anything else is like any other talent that can be honed and tuned. Your particular way of leaving your body is unique to you, so no one can control it quite like or better than you can. The biggest hurdle is to get over the fear of not being physical. We are here because we chose to be for whatever greater purpose. If you chose to be you in the first place, shouldn't you always be able to choose to go back?
There is also another physics principal called string theory. I think everything is connected on these strings like threads in a carpet. Not only are you attached to your body, you can also choose to go anywhere, anytime past or future, or any place, near or far - even to the other side of the universe, as everything is connected in a way no one understands yet.
I know this is a lot, but one more thing if I may. For all those who read this reply, I would like to say this... I have found that everything runs on a frequency. Colors, light, sound, microwave, brainwaves, and god knows what else. A lot of the light and sounds, plus the symptoms of a high electromagnetic field would explain a lot of the light effects and sounds you are hearing. We are walking batteries and capable of charging up like one, too. Learn about these fields! The more in tune you are the more control you have and your gifts will grow exponentially. Good Luck. 
gifted422 (6 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-10)
Well, here was my weirdest projection, and I had no idea that that's what I did until many years later. At the time I just woke up thinking wth just happened? As brief as possible: I'd put my newborn back in his crib after a feeding and went back to sleep. I looked at the clock and it was midnight. Immediately upon closing my eyes, I saw a flash of lightning. I love thunderstorms, but I was too exhausted to stay up and watch it. (Now many years later, I realize it wasn't a storm - a flash of lightning is one the things that signals I am about to travel. I also for some reason seem to not be able to travel unless I am exhausted - I guess because that's really the only time I can shut my mind off from my daily worries.) Within minutes, I felt all the hair on my body stand on end. I rolled out of bed and crawled towards my son's room and then I was struck by lightning. I fully felt the electricity running through my body and I began praying to a particular saint. Next thing I know, I woke up - in my bed. While this seemed to have all happened within minutes, I was shocked when I looked at the clock and saw that it was now 5am.
Spirited-away (5 stories) (46 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-10)
[at] gifted422
[at] Bre

Thank you so much for replying. I can totally relate to that awful/burning feeling of breaking out of the paralysis. But I am happy to say that I think I just experience my first astral projection, I felt the paralysis but only for a few sec, next thing I knew I was standing up. I was kind of of excited but scare at the same time, I only stood in my room look around but got a lil bit scared and didn't leave the room, I just used my snapping technique and woke up. I need someone to explain something to me, before my astral projection I look at the time and it was 1:39 am but when I astral projected the time was 9:19 am? Can time be affected on the astral plane?
gifted422 (6 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-10)
Excellent post, Bre. You gave such great advice to the OP as well as to many of us. Thank you.
Bre (7 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-09)
Those who are most gifted are the most tested. Not only do you have the ability to help many when you learn to use your abilities, you have the potential to change the world. I have been helping people like you for many years. You HAVE to educate yourself. You are probably an empath, a medium, and have precognitive dreams, and god know what else. You need to learn how to claim your space. NOTHING comes into my space unless it's invited. Try this and watch, activity will slow down. Light a candle, get a glass of water, and a gift, some small thing like a flower. The candle is to light their way, the water to quench their thirst, and the gift to acknowledge them. It's weirdness but spirits find it very difficult to bother you when you have shown them a kindness, something done with love.
There are many people feel like they are going crazy, afraid they are mentally ill who I believe are getting an overload of information and do not have the skills to deal with it, no one to turn to, no one to tell them any different. You are not odd. The people with no abilities or skeptics are the ones who are not normal. And I think they lie. Everyone, I believe has some sort of sixth sense ability, just too different degrees depending on how much they are accessed and utilized. And as for spirit traveling...sweetie, according to the laws of physics we are energy beings who have been here from the beginning. It's the physical body that's temporary. Learn how to use it like a fine wine. A friend of mine who travels regularly said he went into one of the Chinese prison camps and had a conversation with a man who had been there for decades and was able to understand him perfectly. The Chinese man thought he was an angel. Go
gifted422 (6 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-09)
Hi Alex - you are incredibly gifted! It's hard to grasp when society in general doesn't believe in a lot of this stuff. I used to love to share my stories with people until I started hearing them calling me crazy. Embrace your gifts and educate yourself on them by reading as much as you can.

As far as astral travel, it scared the heck out of me. I apparently was doing it without knowing, just thinking I was having these crazy dreams. Once I realized what I was doing, it freaked me out. I once was pulled out of my body by my ankles. That was enough to keep myself from traveling for many years. Anytime I would become aware of the paralysis and vibration, I'd break it, and it was exhausting. It's still hard to let myself go sometimes, but when I become aware, I kind of yell to myself, "Just go, already!" and I do.

I have a cousin who who was on a cruise one time when a hurricane formed, headed right for her boat. I was informed by my aunt (her mother, and to whom I spoke every day) not to call her, as she needed to change the direction of the storm. She did. I once was made late for a flight by the person who was driving me. It was a 2-hr drive to the airport, and if I missed the plane, I'd have to wait several more hours and HOPE to get on the next flight. The whole ride I concentrated on delaying the plane that was coming in to take me out. When I got to the airport, even though it said it was on time, by the time I got to the gate I found it was delayed by an hour. 😁
Spirited-away (5 stories) (46 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-08)
[at] quentintheperson

Thank you so much for replying, it truly feel nice to talk about this. I try telling my parent, but they just ignore it or ask me to ignore it and this is something I can't ignore AT ALL. I am going through so many things with this that I will writte my other experiences when I get the change. Also I read some article about indigo/crystal child, it never thought that I might be one, but isn't everyone indigo?
quentintheperson (8 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-08)
number 2 and 6 is just part of a connection we all have with each other it has dimmed a lot because of how left brained we all are but we still have connections that can allow us to even communicate with others, or read minds without using words
And about 7 astral projection is a really good thing possibly the best thing that could ever happen to a person so don't resist it (note you are probably being forced into it because you might be a indigo child)
Spirited-away (5 stories) (46 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-08)
[at] annev

Thank you so much for your explanation. It feels great to talk to someone about this. I truly agree with you, we don't need church or some sort of religious background to find god, it is in you to find god. I do have a question, I have never attempt astral projection, why does it happen, I feel like me been scare is making me vulnerable and I just can't control any of my abilities, is there a way that can be sure, nothing is forcing me to astral project, I am really scare specially with recent dream of me fighting demon and such... But if can pull out the will and strength in my dream to defend myself I know I can do it on my astral form... Going to check out your site 😁
AnneV (4 stories) (1064 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-12-08)
You ask, "Why is this happening?" It has to happen. It has to happen to you and like the woman in the previous post it has to happen to her too. There are no accidents in life. We as humans cannot stay stagnant forever. We have to evolve and not just technologically. Growing pains are hard. They take you to uncomfortable places but without that you'd stagnate and die.

Your higher self lays before you all things you need to experience. You needed to experience what a lot of us already know here. You are a spirit. You can transcend time and space. You can leave your body. And by the way, I've been astral projecting for decades and have managed to come back fine every time and so have many others. You're judging what you don't understand (my other site is There are many wondrous things out there if you're wiling to conquer your fear and experiment. I also, if you're interested, pick up the books by Robert Monroe or if you're of a more technical mind set, a very good one by William Buhlman.

Back to your abilities. Yes, you can do anything. We all can. However, as people, society and the world at large, it has atrophied. Just like your non astral projection attempts. Eventually, you'll kill that altogether. So our society doesn't "get it" that Christ was right when he said, "Greater miracles than this ye shall do." Get that? We are all capable of miracles but who do you see do it? We're too busy laughing at each other, suppressing our god given abilities and making sure we're damned good and afraid so we'll keep going to church and tithing even thou I think Christ pretty much said we don't need the church and 'look under a rock and you'll find me'. I'm not preaching Christianity here (I'm not that in the least) but I am preaching that every one of us is a microcosm of All That Is, the Universal Mind <insert word here for what you think God is>.

How do you know it's not your role to teach, heal, lead or something like that? While you're busy suppressing this stuff you could very well be sabotaging your own destiny.

Just some food for thought.

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