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Real Psychic Experiences

The Fallen


Is it possible for someone to be more than human? I've had many doubts about that subject for the past few years. It all started with the dreams and visions. I blew them off for daydreaming and such. But then it started to get more intense. I began to constantly have dreams about angels, living with them in a house. They conveyed to me that I am their child, through signs and visions. But since these were dreams, I ignored them. But after almost a year of the same dreams, I finally began to really think about it. Could I be more than human? I've also had a few psychics read me and tell me that I am a fallen angel and some others say I am a demon. But instead of having closure to this case, I became more confused about this whole situation.

This next part might sound whack, but I have also googled signs and symptoms and they always match me.

And the dreams, only get more in depth and such and I really feel like at this point that I might be something more. This thought, never scared me, I just doubted it at first. Also, animals act different towards me (I don't know if this has to do with anything but it felt weird to me) Then, when others are so scared at the thought of death, as I was growing up, even as a child, it had never scared me. I am also starting to (actually have been since the visions started) see shadows, they just hang around me. And many tell me (after I let them into my circle of "friends") that before they "knew" me that they felt like I was an untouchable force, like if there was always an electric fence surrounding me. And most are still semi scared of me.

So right now I really don't know what I am, so I came here hoping someone could help me and maybe guide me to find out. Thank you.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, RaptureOfTheFallen, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

MarcusAR (3 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-10)
You may not know it but you seem to be able to move your shadow body at will, or spirit walk, while awake and moving. You said, "I began to constantly have dreams about angels, living with them in a house." you are an advanced spirit walker that can move shadow bodies in other words you can move in sync with your soul; You can create faith bodies, I call them fat boys. A shadow body is the same as a shell of one's soul that enables you to walk while you sleep. A faith body is a shadow body that can convey with spirits of the same spiritual plane or a moving subconscious. Their the same as the shadows that surround you but you see them as your awake and animals can instinctive feel whether to be drawn or fear these faith bodies. The best thing about moving freely with faith bodies is that they can reach people from a very long distance, like hugging a loved while not being there, and can enable a shift of emotion around other people; but this can also etch a mental scar of happiness or fear in to people they come around. The Faith Bodies can speak with spirits that have passed or other faith bodies that are near like knowing someone with just meeting them. The angels you saw could've been a conversation of spirits with your faith bodies explaining how you're capable of creating faith bodies."They conveyed to me that I am their child, through signs and visions." The phase "Me, myself, and I" could everything that you mentioned. You are their child and parent, their shadows follow you, and you see their conversations in your dreams. I've gotten used to this for the last five years and using faith bodies is very beneficial to one's self awareness and soul. If this helped you at all please reply to this comment I would very much like your opinion. 😳
RookDygin (5 stories) (324 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-04)

I would not go so far as to say you are 'more than human' but there is a chance you 'remember' more from the Spirit realm than most people do. Let me explain...

Our 'soul/spirit' call it what you will... I FEEL (This is my Opinion that follows)... Is what gives our physical bodies the 'breath of life' with-out it our bodies remain a 'dead shell'. This 'soul/spirit' has to crossover from the spiritual realm into the physical realm and enter 'this shell'...during this crossing the memories of our exisitance in the spiritual realm are erased so that free will can be a factor in our lives. For some individuals a single lifetime is all that is needed in order that we may 'learn' what we 'knew' in the spirit realm... For other 'souls/spirits' it may take 2, 3 4 or more lifetimes to learn these lessons (Reencarnation at work). I am keeping this really simple and non-religious even though I am a Religious person.

So I will say this... I do not think you are... More than human... But your 'soul/spirit' may remember things from 'before' which makes you feel this way.

As far as 'other types' of Spirits go... Things like fairies, pixies and other mytholigical/magical creatures go... The powers and energies that were 'unleashed' during the creation of the 'Heavens' and indeed even this Earth on which we dwell may have allowed them to 'form' and become a part of it's 'fabric'. Please see my submission titled Energy and the Begining of Everything ( It may help explain just what I am trying to say.


truely-unknown (10 stories) (106 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-04)
[Shelia] It would not be to troubling if a shadow demon got through not that I'd want all things to cross over here but shadow demons are said to try to help more often then angels while angels watch. I recently couldn't stop crying over the death of someone I only talked to for 5 minutes in our lives but people call me soulless because I never cry. People usually feel like I'm untouchable everytime I have a moment of silence, so I was a loner until last year. I was silent until my freshmen year of highschool.
InjuredAngelHeero (4 stories) (87 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-03)
I do not doubt that the spirits of angels and demons can be found in the bodies of man, but I ask anyone what of the beings of folklore: elves, faeries, pixies, sprites, and ect.? I feel that sensation of not being a 'human', but I don't follow the characteristics of angels or demons, my personality is closer to that of a faerie or pixie; does anyone else see this as a possiblity? Does anyone feel or think the same, that they aren't human, angel, or demon, but one of these other beings?
CJRyan (1 stories) (36 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-30)
ive had some of the same thuoghts. I have figuredout that I match the descriptions for a cyrstal child. Its something that you can look into, but dobt ignore the feeling. Too manycpeople ignore their feelings about this subjct causing doubt and unsertebtty later in life. Good luck.
Eagleclaw (386 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-30)

Continuation of previous posting.

Your aura is very strong and stretches out very far. That's why some or if not most find you unapproachable at times. Your aura is filled with the electrical fence just as you thought. Try sending out positive and loving thoughts when people approach you. That will fix that problem.
Now about the human/inhuman question. What bbdeathspark wrote is true. And, only a very few people know about it too. All humans have a physical body that is human. If we weren't you'd be put in a lab somewhere to be studied until you drop dead. But our souls are another story. When we die our physical bodies die but our soul lives on. Most human bodies possess a human soul. But there are a few of us who possess a non human soul. I found this out when I was practicing past life regression with a small group of people. After a very deep meditation we opened our eyes to see each other. At that moment I saw most that looked human and the same spirit. But 3 looked different. One was red with long horns. One looked like a giant brown bear. And, one looked like a slimmy lizard like animal. The visions lasted for about a minute or two for all of us. That is how I know that our soul is not always human. And based upon my meetings with all kinds of entities and spirits I wouldn't hesitate to think that there are many different kinds of souls that are not human. You can take it or leave it. It's just some information to think about.
Eagleclaw (386 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-30)

I believe that anyone with abilities will one day wonder if they are not entirely human. As abilities become stronger the question becomes more important to the person.
First, I would like to tell you what I think about your story. I believe that the angels in your dreams are your guardian angels. They are different from your spirit guide. Everyone has a spirit guide to contact if they have the intentions to do so. The black shadows are spirits that are hanging around you. Your aura is very
bbdeathspark (4 stories) (617 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-30)
The information isn't quite easy to get, only a few people know it. My second trainer pointed it out to me one day, which Is how I know now. And the official term for someone who is not human, but in a human body is an enhanced soul. The term for someone who is human but has abilities is a Willed Soul.
cleocleo4 (guest)
13 years ago (2011-12-29)
Im not shure if its posible but I have come to the conclushion that I am half demond so maby you are too
Panhil (4 stories) (79 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-29)
Contact me immediately, more psychics are having angelic feelings, wanting to fly or just fall, being connected with other angels. I am pulling them together into an order. You and anyone who reads this comment with the same feelings please go to this website and go to the contact us tab and contact me on either e-mail.
RaptureOfTheFallen (1 stories) (1 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-28)
i don't know if I can manipulate technology. Its just whenever I'm in contact with technology, it just goes whack, even when the things are brand new or in great condition. And for electricity I'm not really sure, I have a tendency to sometimes short circuit things, I'm not sure if that just a coincidence or not though
spookvanger (13 stories) (137 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-28)
bbdeathspark- where did you get your information and
Statistics from? I have never came across any, and would love to update my knowledge.
chenae (2 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-28)
just wondering how do you react to technology and electricity? It would be really interesting if you had some sort of electrosensitivity or where able to manipulate energies because that would add to your symptoms of being inhuman
bbdeathspark (4 stories) (617 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-27)
Of course it's possible for someone to be more than human. As a matter of fact, 5% of the world's population is non human. The SOULS of the person are non human, and incarnate in a human body. While others "borrow" or even steal a human body.
cyopathic (5 stories) (513 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-27)
Hmm, there's always a second option to this. You're a normal person like us with a bit of an ability. Have you ever thought these "angels" can be family from a past life? They can be watching over you, but I don't like to get into much of that. I won't trust a psychic that requires a paycheck, there is no rule against using your ability for money. The only trouble is being mixed with the fakes and true psychics.
pepsirockspurplesocks (guest)
13 years ago (2011-12-27)
yeah like I still don't know what it was. Its sort of frustrating. My friend jessica thinks that it could of been an evil spirit or like a I don't know a ghost that was trapped inside a human because that guy was moving really really slow. Almost as if he hovered. But he still kept on staring into my eyes.
pepsirockspurplesocks (guest)
13 years ago (2011-12-27)
I think that it is possible. But I wouldn't let whatever it is you are to affect your way of living.
I have a really messed up story too. One time, when I was in clare, mi with my mom and my dad we decided to go to Ponderosa for lunch, and like this really cute guy walked in, but I think that I mustve like zoned out of it or soemthign because I couldn't hear my dad talk, and like when I stared into that really cute guys eyes, EVERYTHING behind him was pitch black, he was moving abnormally slow too... And in a corner there was a little faded spot sort of like an orangish color, but when I recollected myself, when I snapped out of it, like everything was normal but that guy still kept on checking me out. I have been trying to do research on google, to see what it could be but I always do have dejavu, but like way before that my mom can feel spirits when they are around sometimes, but I think I maybe have becoming a psychic or something... But I do have learning disabilites and am mentally impaired, but sometimes weird stuff do happen, my gpa died in march and the night of his funeral, I smelled his cologne, and then a few months before that, I saw a little ghost boy in the kitchen front door, he was glowing, and everything was solid white like he drowned, but it couldve been a hallucination but I don't know. What do you think happened at Ponderosa when everything behind the guy was pitched black?: (was he a fallen angel or an evil spirit? Because I'm not too sure, he kept on checking me out afterwards too. I think I am have some abnormal talents... But it is a gift I guess. If someone can please let me know what happened or what it was around the guy id really appreciate it. ❤ 😁
spookvanger (13 stories) (137 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-27)
You want to know who or what you are. Allow me to tell you that you are a normal human being with undeveloped psychic abilities. Most of the so called "psychics", and if they charge you money, ALL of them, will give you a "reading" to make your hair stand on end. Only to bring them fame/fortune.Do not for one moment believe the rubbish they are telling you. I have found that your true psychics are almost unknown and that it is by accident (or good fortune) that you come across them. They will also never charge you for their services. They will however accept a donation if offered by you, as they are mostly not well off. (For the record: I have been dealing with psychic matters since 1959)
The shadows seen by you are possibly departed family or friends who are attracted to you. It will not be your guide/s,as they never appear to you whilst in physical life.
Hope I have been of some assistance.
God bless.
Shelia (5 stories) (34 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-27)
also I forgot to tell you in my first post a lot of that hs happened to me except I went on vacaion one time and all the animals acted that way and little kids their senses still work so they know like what normal people call mythological stuff how they just know who has a power gift or ability and how strong it is they are just drawnb to those people I had a trillen people ask me if I knew where their mother was and I'm not even old enough to be a mother completly freaked me out
Shelia (5 stories) (34 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-27)
when I read this I almost cried and for some reason I never cry even when people die I have been calld heart less because I read a story called the scarlet ibis where supposidly everyone cries and I burst out into laughter and some kid died two years before that in my school and I sat there making jokes to keep my friends mind off it all and I actually made her laugh a couple times I have never really been told as you where that I'm an angel or a demon which would be kind of scary and it would make a lot more sense in my predictament let's not go into that though and I have this theory that there's a psychic world and a physical world there at the same place but differerent at the same time and inbetween them is kind of like this invisible barrier that only souls can cross over to there's the aspect of astral travel which I'm not going to get into but I have been trying to try out lately and I think itd be really incredible and troubling if a demon got through that barrier if an angel did I don't think it would be that bad and what you are I couldn't tell you it looks like youve read the fallen books though maybe your one of those fuses between immortal and mortal maybe no one knows because it was a great great ancestor or something you should research your family history and say you where just curious see if you can find any leads anyway if you find anything id be enthralled if you tell me like really extremly and the black shadow thing could be a ghost that can't decide if it wants to be seen

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