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Real Psychic Experiences

Visions, Dreams, And Fallen Angels


When I was little, my parents went through some hard times. I was always a sensitive, quiet kid, so I always took things to heart. Because I'm short and had a high voice, I was picked on a lot.

It continued for years. By the time I turned twelve, the bullying and hardships at home had taken a toll on me. I stopped talking in public.

Sometime that fall, so fall 2010, I was sitting on my couch doing homework, and I dozed off. I began to dream. In the dream, I was standing across from an alley (I dreamed lucidly, here because I knew it was a dream). There was a boy about 15-16 standing in the part of the alley where the shadow meets the light. He beckoned me over so I walked over. At this point I wanted to wake up. I opened my eyes, but it was like he wanted me to see him, so I was still in the vision. He began flirting with me, and he kissed me. When we pulled away, he looked over my shoulder and smirked. I turn to see what he was looking at, and there was a blonde standing at the intersection to another alley. I sensed that the blonde was trying to get to me, but couldn't. He gave me the most disappointed look, and disappeared when a car passed by. The first angel kissed me again and walked away. I caught a glimpse of his wings which were black like his hair.

After the vision ended, I heard singing. The singing was distant, like I heard it in the back of my head. He was constantly singing to me. I wanted to write the songs down, but whenever I attempted to, he stopped singing and it was like there was not any in the first place.

Along with him singing to me, I was unable to sleep through the night and I suffered from nightmares and visions. The nightmare I remember most occurred when I took a nap on our couch. In it, my family and I were on vacation with some friends and their kids. I was the only girl there and every time something went wrong they would abuse me. Try as I might, I couldn't wake up. When I finally woke up, I was curled into a ball. The vision that I rember most happened in church. I was in my room at the time and I had been cutting. I attempted to stop the bleeding but every time one cut closed, another opened. I looked up and there was blood running down the walls with names and words like 'worthless' and 'broken' written in it.

Some time passed. The singing stopped, and with it came the shadow creatures. I have a chaise lounge in my room, and they would stand near the back of it and watch me. They were about four and a half feet tall. When I got my new room, the shadow creatures backed off a bit. The fallen angel came back and I got to see him again. He was sitting behind me with my back to his chest and his arms around my waist. We were flirting and like usual his voice was in the back of my mind. I remember asking to see his wings again but he told me 'no' and kissed my temple and said he loved me. After that, I didn't sense him or hear his singing for about two months, maybe longer.

The shadow creatures came back. My new room is smaller than my previous one and if you're sitting on my bed, about three or four feet away is my chaise. That's where they were standing. At this particular night, it was freaking me out because they had never been that close to me before, and one decided to walk over to my bed and stare at me. By this time, I was in tears. I rolled over onto my right side so my back was to them. I remember pleading with someone, anyone, to come help me. My attention was drawn to my bedroom door. My door had been closed, but when I looked at it, I could see into the hall, and I saw him. It was just his silhouette but it was outlined in an off-white/ivory color. He walked over to me and stroked my hair and wiped away my tears, then walked over to the creatures and spoke to them. After he sent them away, I felt him lie down behind me, in the spooning position, and that's how I fell asleep.

A couple weeks after that I had a dream where I was standing in the rubble of what was my neighborhood. I was going over plans, when a military truck filled with soldiers passed by. He was there and looked at me with a really cold, unnerving gaze. There were still visions and singing, but not as consistent.

I was fifteen, almost sixteen, when that happened. A few weeks ago, I had a dream where these two guys, one brunette and one blonde, were watching me and my friends. My friends freaked out but I told them it was okay. When I woke up, I was in a position that I never sleep in. So if there was a person next to me, my head would've been on their chest. I couldn't move from that position for the remainder of the night. I've had the urge to touch a Ouija board. I've heard a voice in my head telling me to use one to see if I can contact him.

I feel like he's drawing me back to him, and I keep getting this feeling that I should let him in, but I don't know. What do you think?

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, MusicLover28, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

MusicLover28 (1 stories) (34 posts)
9 years ago (2016-07-24)
Hey everyone. It's been awhile, but I thought you'd like an update.

The boys, Ben and Eragon, have been protective lately. Especially since the appearance of what I've been told is a rogue cupid. Eragon tells me that he's very dangerous.

The boys have also been talking to me in their language. It's a very beautiful language. They know my favorite songs in it. It's very cool.
MusicLover28 (1 stories) (34 posts)
9 years ago (2016-04-24)
[at] SGE, his name is Eragon. And it's only in my dreams where Kids are mentioned, and no, I am very much a virgin. It could be a link
SGE (1 stories) (32 posts)
9 years ago (2016-04-22)
Question, I've seen you around, yet I never remembered to ask, from your experience, do you know anything about the war?
ARYA (guest)
9 years ago (2016-04-22)
What I mean to say is this fallen angel will not be able to impregnate you. Physical beings have the ability but nonphysical beings do not.

Love & light!
ARYA (guest)
9 years ago (2016-04-22)
You can't give birth. To nephilim. Beings in the nonphysical cannot get one pregnant. I know from experience with sexual presences and spirit. You have no need to be scared of that. He was prabably just showing you he's attracted to you. But coming from someone who's had experiences like this. One cannot get pregnant from beings in the nonphysical realms. I have actually experienced lots of sexual energies around my home both dark and light and earth bound. So you needn't be afraid of getting pregnant. Because it won't happen.
SGE (1 stories) (32 posts)
9 years ago (2016-04-22)
A child? This I can only assume would mean... Did you have intercourse with anyone or anything? Cause that would be bad. If you did, you most likely are pregnant and giving birth to a Nephilim. The cabin I've seen from an old dream. It felt like Deja vu and I seemed to have knew when and where everything would take place. I was using a golden watch to tell when it would happen. The teen girl ran from her father, a large dude wanting to take her so she ran to the cabin (her home) and hide with her mother. I entered to check if they where ok and that was when her father came in and I tried pushing him back. After that I just woke up. But if you've seen it as well... There must be a link. Do you know his name? Angels (if he is one) can always be tracked with a name. Perhaps you and I can figure out the truth. And stop the war before the gates even open.
MusicLover28 (1 stories) (34 posts)
9 years ago (2016-04-20)
No. The cabin was in another dream. In the dream with the cabin, the angel brought me there to keep me and the kid that was with us safe from 'them'. The cabin was owned by an older lady, but after he left, I was told that the lady has died, and her daughter and grandkids lived there now. Things went smoothly until they recognized me. By this time I found out that they were the devil's kids, and they were trying to kill me. Just when they had me backed into a corner, the angel came back and said, 'touch my girl or my kids again, and I will f-ing tear your heads off.' I woke up after that. Oh, btw, I was wearing the pendant and a black outfit in this dream, and I think I might've be pregnant (?) Idk, doesn't that help any?
SGE (1 stories) (32 posts)
9 years ago (2016-04-20)
I have a question, did the dream take place on a cabin next to a lake?
MusicLover28 (1 stories) (34 posts)
9 years ago (2016-04-19)
I thought that at first, but with everything that's happened in my dreams, I think otherwise. I'm always wearing the pendant and either black or white in my dreams. In my latest dream, there was this little girl. She was afraid of her parents. But they, and this dude who looked like my dad, wanted me to give her to them. I refused to give her up, so the guy who looked like my dad attacked me to get her back. Everything was in a haze after that and when the haze cleared, the guy was on the floor dead, and I was standing over him, covered in blood and holding a sword. I turned to the girl and she cowered from me. I don't know what that means though...
SGE (1 stories) (32 posts)
9 years ago (2016-04-18)
I did some research on that description you gave me, and from past conversations and you conversations with others, I say your in danger. It sounded like a witchcraft talisman so I look up some of the key details. The black orb symbolizes Strength, the "red prism" I'm going to assume is ruby which has functions of leadership, etc. But most importantly will power and brain functioning. Now the Raven deals with overcoming obstacles and guarding secrets. Now figuring that he came with the shadows like the girl did so with me, most likely were dealing with the same situation just different standards. Since its most likely some sort of influencing talisman, I'd say they're trying to control you, or your lying and they already have. But if not I'd recommend removing that pendent immediately. And if I don't responding that, you can just say that confirms my theory assuming they don't want you to know.
MusicLover28 (1 stories) (34 posts)
9 years ago (2016-04-18)
It's a red prism with a raven charm attached to it. And at the bottom of the prism is a black orb. It was given to me with a letter but he won't let me open the letter yet
SGE (1 stories) (32 posts)
9 years ago (2016-04-16)
Can you describe the pendent? If its what I think it is perhaps it can be activated.
MusicLover28 (1 stories) (34 posts)
9 years ago (2016-04-15)
I Dont think I have a code, but I got a pendant from one of the angels. I'm not sure what it does though
SGE (1 stories) (32 posts)
9 years ago (2016-03-25)
If your talking about one of those codes the angels send out, my personal code ever since I was a child was 999. Any chance you know what that number means let me know
SGE (1 stories) (32 posts)
9 years ago (2016-03-25)
Set date would be 2020 but 18 as well. Once they are spiritually mature they start to gain powers.
MusicLover28 (1 stories) (34 posts)
9 years ago (2016-03-25)
He won't tell me anything other than that I'm not like the others. And he also said that a couple of the kids would be mine (?) Not sure what that means, though. Were you ever given like a set date or anything? Like the angels told me that I have until I'm eighteen. That's actually how the topic of kids was brought up. Other than that, that's all I know
SGE (1 stories) (32 posts)
9 years ago (2016-03-25)
Go ahead. The Kids he is referring to must be the other soldiers. Sadly I happened to be one of them, of coarse, I don't know who the others are. There is another I recently found on this site though. He apparently went through the same thing, as well as it happened manly during childhood. Organization? I honestly have no clue. Perhaps they were the one who planned us. She says that before existence, the host (father and mother) were taken control by a demon and angle to create a couple hundred one man armies. If you have any details on that, please send them my way. And do be careful, pissing them off won't end pretty for you.
MusicLover28 (1 stories) (34 posts)
9 years ago (2016-03-25)
The angel has talked to me about kids several times. And there are these people, an organization of sorts, that try to kill me in my dreams. I can email you the dreams if you want.
SGE (1 stories) (32 posts)
9 years ago (2016-03-23)
Talk of children? Do you mean the soldiers she told me about? As well as being chased, I have been being targeted by dark entities throughout dreams and reality recently. Why you ask? Do you know something I don't, or does he know as well?
SGE (1 stories) (32 posts)
9 years ago (2016-03-22)
Strange dreams? Like the fact I was tortured by shadows in a place known as the void, or the girl who saved me multiple times when I'm about to die in a dream? Besides that, couple of dreams I've had leads me to being chase or on the verge of death. Not too recently though. But about why I asked, information keeps getting stuffed in my head ever since I was a child and thanks to your answer I have confirmation. The war against Light and Darkness soon comes to earth and everyone dies in the conflict. I'm trying to stop that from happening and for some reason people like you seem to have been contacted by the same or similar looking man as well as a Vision or information about this war. The question I'm trying to figure out is why are they telling you or this other people I mention. If you receive any info that seems related to this or important in any way, my email is gernivorus [at]
MusicLover28 (1 stories) (34 posts)
9 years ago (2016-03-21)
SGE, have you had any strange dreams; I.e. Talk of children, people wanting to kill you, etc. Recently?
MusicLover28 (1 stories) (34 posts)
9 years ago (2016-03-21)
SGE, yes, it was. He's come back since then though. It's kind of nice having him around.
SGE (1 stories) (32 posts)
9 years ago (2016-02-29)
I know this is a pate response, but by any chance those soldiers passing by and the rubble/destruction of the future was relate to a war followed by a feeling of "this is something big and celestial?"
MusicLover28 (1 stories) (34 posts)
9 years ago (2016-01-06)
SGE, I'm not really an expert on shadow creatures myself, but from what I do know/have read up on, they can be sent for any number of reasons, the most common (by my knowledge) being that you're powerful and/or important in some way to the spirit realm and they've come to break you. The angel is probably your guardian angel. I hope this helps some.
SGE (1 stories) (32 posts)
9 years ago (2016-01-04)
I have a question for you and your angle buddy. First before I begin might I add that from birth in this life until bout 7 years of age I have been tortured by the shadows ever night during that time frame. Then possibly rescued by another angle who I believe protects me without ever showing her face. So if this, my only lead to what's going on, is true. What's this battle, why are 'we' targets, and wtf is going on?!?! I only know so much and just typing this I'm feeling drained so id like a response.
MusicLover28 (1 stories) (34 posts)
9 years ago (2015-12-19)
No, they haven't. But the shadow creatures haven't showed up yet, so it probably doesn't mean anything
eleiriel (guest)
9 years ago (2015-12-18)
This is a link to what happened with Noah the night I wrote to you. He's such a big pervert! Gave Ben and Eragon came back yet?

MusicLover28 (1 stories) (34 posts)
9 years ago (2015-12-17)
I'm glad he's back! Ben and Eragon are still evading me... The bastards... 😕
eleiriel (guest)
9 years ago (2015-12-16)
yay! Just as I wrote to you I felt noah enter my living room. He's back my flirtatious fallen angel guardian is back! He's such an incubus. Happy Holidays to you! And hopefully eragon and ben come back soon to you:)
eleiriel (guest)
9 years ago (2015-12-16)
i miss noah. I only asked Michael to get him off me cause he was being a big pervert. I didn't know Michael would send him away. Hopefully he comes back. I miss my fallen angel guardian.

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