First off let me start by saying I have always been an atheist and would be the last person to believe in anything supernatural. Recently I have started seeing spirits of people, animals the "typical" alien, sharks and whales and even dinosaurs. I have documented most of my experiences with video. Just to keep myself sane, others can see these just fine, every picture and video I take captures ghosts of all kinds, From babies to the elderly. My friends can even touch their phone to my hand and capture spirits.
I have not been the least bit scared of any of this, mostly fascinated. But it has consumed me, Because I can't seem to get enough of it. I have met my spirits, they are twin sisters living inside me Bunny and Jeanie. They tend to help me understand through animated pictures, numbers and words. I can literally look at anything for 20 30 seconds and images just jump out at me, I can turn the lights down in my bedroom tell them to come out and I am surrounded by them like greeting a puppy at the door. I can touch and feel them it's like a jello feel and it always about ten degrees cooler then the air as well as damp.
On two separate occasions the reaper has come to me. The first time he just showed up at my left shoulder he laid his hand on me for about a minute. I looked up and saw the darkness beneath his cloak. I felt completely at ease with exception to my fascination, he then passed his scythe (the blade had a bluish glow) in front of me from head to toe very slowly, I didn't feel anything, for some reason I was very comfortable, I could feel his very heavy, silky, cloak on my skin once again I was in complete amazement. This happened last weekend. Last night he came back and just stood in my room for a few min.
I have a weird feeling that I have been chosen for something very important, just not sure what.
I seem to be able to communicate with spirits everywhere but randomly, I can't seem to connect to anyone particular with exception to bunny. I think Jeanie may be illiterate she can only write her name, but bunny can show me anything like it is a movie anywhere I look.
Well ill write more later. But I really need advice from a real clairvoyant to perhaps help me develop my gift. I have had a lot of the answers put into my head by other spirits. It's really kind of weird but true as true can be. Please help.
As for the OP, I'd say your own plane is ungrounded most of the time and you see into other planes rather than the common place of reference most people exist at. It's difficult for me to know where to begin labeling 'where' and 'when' you are, but I'm assuming you can divine otherworldly knowledge of people and things in this world through communication with these spirits?