I have been noticing over the past six months that I am getting sensitive to many things such as:
Food, water, etc
Low frequency sounds
And other stuff
The chemicals such as bleach, Clorox, certain dishwashing detergents, Ajax and stuff like I have been around my whole life and they never bother me until I turned 16 which is when the sensitive things started to happen. Anyways now when some starts to use it I need to leave the place immediate and get some fresh air or if feels like I'm choking to death and like I need to be out of there right away.
The food now, well I can't eat certain foods, I need to eat natural foods and right I'm mainly eating fruit and vegetables with he occasional meat. I can't drink tap water because it's treaded with chemicals and only drink certain types of bottled water because everything tastes different to me? I don't know if anyone else can do this. Juices and sodas... Gave up on them completely, to much acid and those preservatives.
The tv gives this sound and it hurts me very badly to the point where know one turns the tv on when I am around and I stopped watching tv for that exact reason. I hear the sounds outside it hurts but not that much and it would go away. In school I get headaches and the funny part is when I am in law class I get the head ache because she has the computer, projector and some other things. It happens in English to but only when she has the projector on. There's also this kid in my class that has his itouch and he thinks its funny to turn that grenade thing on and it bothers some people in our class but its hurts me a lot to the where me and him got kicked out of class because him with the itouch and me cause I was yelling at him.
Also I'm getting very sick recently but my doctor had said that I have a very good immune system so I shouldn't be getting very ill. The problem with this it that I always getting sick, I'm missing school, it's my junior year, and basically all the barriers that I put up go down and crash completely and I have no control over my emotions and the incoming emotions also.
I feel my abilities feel like they are going out of control and it's like stressing me and taking its toll
I don't know what is happening but it's very annoying and I would love for some to help me with it. It is ruining basically everything. Remedies would be helpful
If you more details about what's happening contact me at
Create_inspire_me - at - yahoo.com