I am sensitive to energies around me whether is be another persons or the environment. But I don't just get tingly feelings or my hair standing up or the occasional sick feeling. I tend to get what I call chills. It's not like the normal "someone give me a blanket" kind of chill. It starts where my spin connects with the base of my head or in the middle of my shoulder blades. It started maybe two years ago after reading up on psychic abilities and such and meditating quite a bit. My muscles tense and my shoulders roll I guess you could say? I am very bad with descriptions of this so I will do my best.
What usually happens is I will feel a strange tense feeling and energy build up in the back on my neck, my eyes roll a little and I twitch and I look like I am having a mini seizure since I have no other way to describe it. It happens every time energy changes in the room or with a person. For instance I have a friend who's energy is extremely chaotic and when around him this happens so much it eventually starts to make my neck and back sore. Another example is when the window is open and I get small chill.
It happens in my old bedroom quite a bit and is slowly getting stronger. I will meditate -usually I get quite a bit more sensitive after- and it happens more often than before I meditated. I don't know why it happens the way it does because I honestly look like I'm seizing like I said. I don't understand the whole idea behind why I would get the chill and not just what I used to get which was a change in emotion and tingling throughout my body.
I don't know maybe I am just crazy. But if anyone has any idea about why or what exactly is happening and what I did to cause it, that would be very appreciated because maybe I can channel it in a different way and not a way that causes me discomfort like this. Thank you in advance to anyone that can help me.
YOU are not that sensitive yet, most people aren't, you are scratching the surface beyond what the average *psychic* does, I recommend meditating until you find your energy, (You'll know it when you feel it), and meditating for hours on to it, and then begin to try and call that feeling on command, then begin to manipulate it at will, moving it, etc, encompassing your whole body, etc, moving it outside of your body, etc.
Also, if you feel pressure at your tail bone, below your naval, naval, your chest, throat, above your eyes, and on the top of your head, your feeling your main energy centers, or chakras, there's seven of them.
Chances are, there isn't a spirit trying to get your attention or anything, as they normally leave physical beings alone.
ALSO, IF YOU SEE orbs/static in the air, that's ambient energy as well as others energy, I recommend studying it, and let it improve as well, as that's just the surface as well.