I have other stories about having dreams coming true the very next day but lately it's been picking up. It comes and goes though. See, for three nights in a row, my dreams will come true and then disappear for about 2 or 3 months then come back again.
I had a dream about this program I was volunteering for the night before I started (last night, July 12). I had a dream about what my Little Buddy looked like and how my friends Little Buddy looked like and today when I started to volunteer they look practically exactly like my dream (my buddy did and my friends buddy had the same eyes hair and a couple other things)
My first dream that came true was in Grade 9 Mid-School year on a trip to San Francisco which that story is posted on this website (I am now heading into Grade 11). It died down after that and didn't come up until Mid Grade 10 a year later.
I have had many other dreams about little things coming true but nothing major like someone getting hurt or anything. Like, I had a dream about a house and the next day I turned on the TV and there was the house in a cartoon but the exact same.
I went to this website for people to help me but no one has been too helpful. If you have had similar experiences such as seeing ghosts (from my first story The Tall Friendly Man) or having your dreams coming true please comment on what worked for you to strengthen your abilities. I would really like to work on seeing ghost more than seeing the future cause that has always been a bit better and stronger for me.