I started to see ghost when I was about 12 years old (my story The Tall Friendly Man describes my first encounter with one), and now I see them all the time. I have gotten used to it but recently I started hearing what people were going to say before they say it.
I work in a pizza shop answering phones and taking orders. One day when I asked for a guy's name, I heard in my head "Thomas" and then he said "Uh, Thomas" and I ignored it thinking he might of mentioned it before because I have never heard peoples names before they said them and I had been working at that store for about 4 months.
Not even a hour later I took a woman's order at the front and when I asked for a name I suddenly thought "Brittany" and that's what she said. I believe that for some reason that day I opened my psychic experiences more I could hear their names or future before people said anything. But I am not really sure.
It has been a month since that experience and I haven't experienced anything like it again. I am very confused as to why I only had the power for one day.
Have you had any of these experiences before? How can I strengthen my powers in seeing ghosts and hearing the future? Please comment as I need your help.
- Liz