In my teens I had these prophetic dreams about someone and I'd wake up in a cold sweat and scream or cry. Four dreams and four grandparents died within days of the dreams. After a week of marriage, I had another dream. I went to see if his folks were alright, and called my folks but no deaths that I know of.
In my late twenties and early thirties, I had this sense of someone walking over my grave or I would hear the death rattle 7 times. Some more of my relatives, my husband's relatives and parents died shortly after. His uncle died shortly after I was surrounded by sparrows and felt the grave sensation. His mom died shortly after I heard the rattle while picking out a get well card.
Now I'm 51. I'm told by a Native Shaman the omens have changed again. This time a name came to me during a wild 3am thunderstorm a few weeks ago. I don't know this person, and don't know if he died. I pulled a Tarot card for this man, a reversed Queen of Pentacles. The Shaman told me to un-reverse it. I it reminded me of me, the character of the woman, but I have no ties to this man.
Another thing may or may not be related; there's been a crow or a raven visiting me daily for about 4 years now. It keeps its distance so I can't really tell which it is, and it caws/croaks at me.
But the bird let me get a closer look at him...he's a crow... That explains a bit about the omens...