So, I know the earthquake in Haiti happened a while ago but the website wouldn't let me post my story until now.
So, way back I was sitting in class and I felt the table shaking and the rumbling sound of earth moving (I know this sound well cause my bedroom is in a basement and I have experienced 3 small tremors while in that room) My heart started POUNDING and I felt the adrenaline. My heart always starts beating hard when we get an earthquake even if it's small because where I live it is right above faults or whatever so we are expecting a HUGE one. So, anyway I though it was an earthquake so I slid my chair back to get under my desk. I looked to my friend beside me and suddenly my heart stopped pounding and everything stopped. There was no earthquake. Everyone was still doing there work and no one even looked at me or anything. It's weird though how my heart was pounding and then suddenly NOTHING. Back to my normal heartbeat... I thought maybe it was just someone moving a desk after that and that is what I felt and heard but the next day I learned that the earthquake in Haiti happened. Around the exact time that this experience happened to me and I live in BC, Canada. So no way it was an after shock. No one else felt it. So... Any ideas on what this is and anything like this happen to you?
To explain how comes I can tell people the right thing about good karma? From my nun grand-aunt who gave to me all the riches of our Catholic karma yoga and bhakti yoga tradition (of course we name those paths with other words but it is exactly this), from the stories about heroes and saints I read - all I could find, from Abraham to Mahatma Gandhi, from the heart-rending struggle of Native Americans for surviving and remaining themselves to the "suicide commando" i.e. Martyrdom of 3000 young Soviet soldiers removing highly radioactive remains after Tchernobyl disaster, many died, others were crippled, but it was their sacrifice that made possible to enclose the atomic plant ruin -, from the example of how the Babaji people act in daily life, and last not least by Babaji's Truth Simplicity Love gospel itself.
Look at - "ramadharma" - "dharma stories" there you will find some true stories from my own life about how to walk straight on crooked lines - this is what Dharma feels like most of the time to-day.
I there call meself Freedom, for I want humans to be free at last, after thousands of years of slavery, or perhaps for the first time ever. I believe in human rights, in equality of the races, in the hope that democracy in future will be more than just a beautiful word. For true dharma is done by free will and clear insight and mundane freedom is needed for such a life. Sapere aude, dare to check things out and to experiment, is the way for intelligent and strong-willed people to meet with THAT.
For the more sheep-like natures obedience may be optimum and sapere aude a path too dangerous and too lonesome, but this is no argument for dictatorship. Every true democracy NEEDS obedience - to Common Sense and to Law. Perhaps however we may not be grown-up enough as a species yet to deserve democracy... Some think so qwith good reasons. But I hope for something better - if we do all we can to make humankind deserve it! Be it as it be, the evil times we are now getting into will surely favor tyrant or at least authoritarian patterns in politics, and one of our tasks then will be to try to protect those injustly pursued. No matter if we are Monarchist or democratic in our personal structures, and no matter if we believe in some superiority of Race X or Religion Y or not. This is why I made alliance with bridging a wide ideological gap. My grand-aunt hid pursued people, Jews and Christians, during Nazi time. She did not ask them for their faith. They were in need and she tried to help. That's dharma now in Japan, and will be everywhere... Soon!