I have been feeling like a hugh earthquake will happen soon. In areas that one has never hit before. For the past few months it feels as if the ground under me is shifting and many times my dog stands up and looks at the floor like "what's going on" fright in his eyes. Since this has been going on also, my dog seems to have many more dreams or nightmares where he is barking a lot.
In my part of the USA we usually don't get earthquakes, however we have had a few times but not that big. I been having these dreams but, while awake sitting at my desk about this earthquake that will happen.
Not sure but maybe it will be the start of the end of the world. There could be lots of floods when the earthquake happens which also will drown many people.
Our earth will have so many less people when this happens. I feel it will happen before the end of this year. It's just feelings that I have.
When it's quiet and I sit by the computer to write, I close my eyes and I see a lot of disturbance going on, people screaming and running but running to where? There seems to be no place to run too. I realize this may not make sense to many but to me it does. Can anyone figure out what is going on here?
Last month only this year, I had a horrific nightmare of an earthquake. I had seen the face of the earth break down into two pieces. I also saw many people fell into the pit made by the earthquake. It is only last night my co worker said to me that he had watched the news television program that there will be an earthquake coming having an intensity of seven predicted by the psychics. I too predicted this kind of calamity by means of a vivid/lucid dream but I do not know when it will going to happen. I need help please by offering prayers to all living and the poor souls that might become victims of this kind of event. Focus on philippines help me save many souls. Thank you and good day to you! 😊 😉 ❤