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Real Psychic Experiences

The Bad Man at Gradma's House


This took place in Michigan. In the 1950's. I was four years old at the time. My Mom would take my sister and I to Grandmas house every week, leave us there as she went to some doctor appointment, she had to go to. We at first loved to go to Grandmas house, she was a smart lady and treated us pretty good. Always had some treats for us when we arrived.

But one day Mom dropped my sister and I off to Grandmas house (her Mom) and I didn't want to be there. I told Mom to let us go with her, she told us we couldn't. I cried when she left and my baby sister, seen me cry so she did too.

Grandma couldn't figure out what was wrong. I told her there was a bad man down the hall, where we would have to pass to go to the bathroom. Grandma said there was no one there. She took us down the hallway to the rooms she rented out (she had 12 kids and lots of bedrooms she rented out, after her kids left home). She open the doors to the four bedrooms down there and no one was in them. We were fine for that day.

The next week we were dropped off at Grandmas house. I thought there was not one there as the week before there wasn't, so was much happier. I went into the house with my little sister and again I felt there was a bad man in her house. Again she showed us there wasn't.

It was a couple weeks before, my little sister and I had to go to Grandmas house. When I went in I told her there was a bad man in her house. She did state she had three of her four rooms rented out one man and two woman. She couldn't show us the rooms now, as they were private rooms.

We went down the hall with our backs against the wall, so we could see if anyone open there doors. No one did on the way to the bathroom or on the way back. We did this every time we go to Grandmas house for a long time.

One day while passing the first door, and old man came out grabbed my sister and I and dragged us into his room. He locked his door behind us. He told me to come to him, or he get my sister. I told him I would come leave my sister alone. This man molested me. After that he unlocked the door and threaten me, if I told anyone he hurt my baby sister.

When we went to Grandmas house and had to go to the bathroom after that, we run outside to the other door and go to the bathroom. After doing that a few times, Grandma wanted to know why. I started to cry and I told her what the bad man did to me, and not to tell him or he would hurt my little sister.

When we went back the next week, Grandma told us we didn't have to worry about the bad man anymore. He was not there in her home. She nearly had to drag me to his room. Which she open up and took me inside to show me, he was not in there. Only then did I feel he was gone.

After that going to Grandmas was fun, I had a great time with her in her home and never felt frighten anymore. Even though she did through out my years have more men who rented from her. But none of them ever bothered us, spoke to us or harmed us. I never felt afraid again.

It wasn't until years later I learned, that Grandma had told the guys that rented the rooms, if they ever bothered us girls, she phone the police and have them taken away. Like the last man had been taken away.

This is the earliest that I can remember have this ability, to know what was going to happen way before it did. And at that time didn't know what it was called. Since then I have had many Premonitions in my life time.

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GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
17 years ago (2008-03-23)
Flutter - I try to go gently on people, but will call them down if I have to. I did my fav teacher in high school. She was making fun, gossiping, with another student about a gal in our class who had some problems. I knew that the girl knew. I told my teacher to stop and I was ashamed of her slip basically, nicely. She stopped. I felt bad, but some things are obviously wrong. I won't work in a den of thieves so a few there better clean it up. Today she explained how she was trying. I don't really want to be her monitor *sigh* or anyone's. I have enough to do.
Flutterofwings (28 stories) (257 posts)
17 years ago (2008-03-23)
[at] GlendaSC good for you on that person stealing. Keep stepping up and not let people walk over you. Your headed in the right direction, keep going even if it takes baby steps to get there.
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
17 years ago (2008-03-17)
TY - I am a pleaser type of person. A giver is how most describe me. But, I can be tough. I had a sales person steal from me today. Blantantly. Some people confuse nice with weak. That is a mistake. I first spoke to the manager, in private, away from the customer. Then, when the other salesperson tried to gloss it over, I told her bluntly not to go there. I called her on the carpet, nicely. Her mouth fell open. I expect better. Thieves do no appeal to me. I don't do it. I called her one. Nicely. I had a huge order today. The biggest in the company. This is my second day actually "selling..." I didn't expect anything. I never do. If not, I'll work at something else, but won't steal. She was very nice the rest of the day so I've forgiven her.
Flutterofwings (28 stories) (257 posts)
17 years ago (2008-03-15)
[at] ara yes you do like to boost peoples morals, not bring them down. That is why I really enjoy reading what you post, on other peoples stories. And love reading the one you have written. You have confidence in yourself and respect other people. Thank you for being just who you are.
Flutterofwings (28 stories) (257 posts)
17 years ago (2008-03-15)
[at] GlendaSC I don't know how you don't have a neverous break down, trying to figure out things. Your a pleaser kind of person I feel. But like Ara said you need to say NO NO NO at times. It is hard to do that, I know been there, done that sort of thing. I have certain people here I like to post on more then others stories. Yours and Ara are two of them.
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
17 years ago (2008-03-15)
Ara - accept who you are, good and bad. We all have to do it. Voyages are fun, great, and bad and scary. Nothing is perfect. I certainly don't pass the perfect test. We get some rich people in this store. I've been in two others. They are goofs too. The person I most respect, an artist, who has taught me a lot in ways, lives in a single wide mobile home. I love her. She is strong beyond words. Stuff is stuff. If I hadn't always known that, I would have never agreed to live in this place. I grew up in a regular country place. And, I can take care of myself. Almost never married. I liked being on my own. My mom begged. She wanted grand kids. The hub knows and I was very picky. Well, I would live in a cardboard box tomorrow and be happy or anywhere. Fly sometime and you will go beyond and I can't tell you how that works. But I hear the insurance debate thing. It always surprises me. It has for decades. My belief is, I will go to the doc when easy, and I hate it. I look forward to flying permanently. I know I'm healthy as a horse so despite myself, it's going to take awhile. Bummer. I last saw a doc about 14 years ago. My youngest was one. I'm windy. Just take who and what you are. I work hard, but on some other level. Figure out your level. Perhaps if my level had been not without a husband, I would be somewhere else. I have no idea. But, I think we all have a place.
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
17 years ago (2008-03-15)
Ara - ty. I feel like you "get it..." Tonight, on the answering machine were messages from my son and his friend (Chris), worried about the storm and me here. I can't tell you how real and important that was to me. He'll never know. I want it to be real. Ara - I always just want everyone to be okay. I am such a mom. Oddly, my female customers are very protective around their husbands. Like I would go there. I've struggled with being offended. I only address the wives. I'm not a spring chicken and can't imagine this junk. How silly. Anyway, still trying to adjust to work after several years, thanks for writing. Your a nice guy. I'm reading your post a few times, but I need some time to think. Always. Know it's a group effort always, and I read a few peoples' posts more than others and your are one I read several times. I'm grateful. I don't pass out thanks a lot.
aramasamara (22 stories) (577 posts)
17 years ago (2008-03-15)

You need to know when to say no. No, no and NO! She is using you, do not be afraid of getting scolded or negativity thrown at you. A person like this is not very 'wise' and should be taught a lesson or forced off of using you. They can depend on themselves, a little help here and there is okay, but knowing where to draw the line is essentail. Make her in control so she can move on with her life and your's too. Don't try to live other people's lives.
aramasamara (22 stories) (577 posts)
17 years ago (2008-03-15)
Flutterofwings That can be a case for some people, in my case even in my severe at times depression I refuse to make people feel sad around me for the most part. I see can see the negative impulses I set around people and how it affects them, so I rarely do it because it only makes me feel worse. Usually I try to entertain or boost morales so I can feel alright, though try not to feed too much off of others because it can backfire. I think for some it is a way of thinking oo because I've lost someone or I did bad or perfection... But for me it really isn't that way and it's so hard to explain because I don't feel depressed because of perfection or a lost. It just doesn't really affect me in that sense, though we don't always know why. But that's alright not always knowing, it just adds to a better autobiography :P
aramasamara (22 stories) (577 posts)
17 years ago (2008-03-15)
Maybe it's worst to never know rejection, that the overwhealming fear of being rejected. Fear is worse than a memory gone, because the memory was never there to begin with, white blankness.
Flutterofwings (28 stories) (257 posts)
17 years ago (2008-03-14)
Tv psychics, I really don't much believe in them. Many may be great at what they do, and as with anything else. There are many that are not as well.
My parents when I foreseen anything, didn't want to know, how I was able to do this, or what I was to say. My parents I would have to guess were afraid of what I might say, might come true.
There is so many people that just, don't believe such things as " ghost, spirits, entities,paranormal,esp, the list goes on and on. Unless they have experienced this first hand, not told to them by someone, they won't believe.
Once it happens to them, they are frighten. Once they learn why they can do this or that, it's a learning experience. They become aware of there abilities of what they can and can't do.
But seems to me that there is many more, psychic people popping up all around the world, in the last five years. Then in any other time. Predicting what is going to happen. What to look out for. And it is indeed happening.
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
17 years ago (2008-03-14)
Flutter - I just expect that no one understands. Young, I thought everyone did and assumed they were the same way. It was very disheartening to realize that I was wrong. I've seen TV psychics. It's about money I guess and a little odd. Terms are good and I think there is some understanding, but mostly it's book stuff learned. I don't think they should be telling people what to do. It's all about free will. Advice maybe, in small doses on odd occassions when needed. No one here sees everything though. I think most are very wrong.
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
17 years ago (2008-03-14)
My parents told me they were just dreams or my imagination. My teachers were afraid of me. I remember asking my older if my dad was in the mafia or something, he was a country guy, because I always did whatever I wanted. My brother turned left and looked away and I didn't understand it. I still do what I want. Finally I got it. It's not a money power deal, it's an understanding, going beyond deal. I like have to talk slowly a lot and apologize when they don't understand because I expect everyone to see and know. I know that doesn't happen, mostly, but I'm an optimist.
Flutterofwings (28 stories) (257 posts)
17 years ago (2008-03-14)
[at] GlendaSc, I have always felt different, from a small child, and growing up. I could sense things before they happen, I could see things no one else could. I could sense danger before it happen. And my other brothes and sisters, Mom and Pop couldn't. And so since they coudln't they thought I was weird or something wrong with me.
When I grew up psychic meant evil person. So of course no one took it serious what I said till, something happen and they wonder why I did that.
So I felt different all my life. And I would imagine anyone with psychic abilities, we seem to just feel we are just different, but can't figure out why. Till we know, there is nothing wrong with us, that we just have the "Gift".
Flutterofwings (28 stories) (257 posts)
17 years ago (2008-03-14)
[at] GlendaSc, Ihad to laugh, what you said, (not at you). I often finish peoples sentences, especially my hubby what he says. He will say to me often CAN I FINISH WHAT I AM SAYING MYSELF). I often can be in stores and know what people are thinking. This can be a good gift, if a person is in danger, to heed and maybe avoid it. If it's not danger then, it's not so great. As people don't like it, to know someone knows what they are thinking, going to say etc.
My gift can be good or bad, just depending on how I use it.
Sometimes it just surfaces itsself and then, what happens, just happens.
Power and money does seem to join hand in hand these days. "It's not what you know, but who you know" that gets you to the top.
It shouldn't be that way but it is.
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
17 years ago (2008-03-14)
I have never felt rejected - just overwhelmed and a little different. I wish that I could tell people about stuff. Instead, I keep my mouth shut. I learned that early. If I allow it, people overwhelm me. I hate that.
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
17 years ago (2008-03-14)
Flutter - NASA wants my oldest son. A teacher once told me years ago that she almost turned down a promotion she had wanted for a decade to watch him his last few years in high school. My daughter's nick has always been "The Brain..." My husband and I sigh. Duke sends out stuff to my 15 every few months. I think he likes being with us but I told him, "No way. You have to move on..." The school had him take a SAT in 7th grade. I always correct them. I told my oldest, if you're gifted, I'd hate to see the slow kids. In this world, money is power. You spend money, you loose a little of it. Well, I don't want power over any one. I hope my children look for more than that...
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
17 years ago (2008-03-14)
Flutter - My hubby went to Harvard. Graduate school. I went to the poorest school in Akaransas and graduated in 1977. On the news, it was the lowest ranked school in the US. How embarrassing is that? It became my class moto and we took it up - it was a close class. Many of us won scholarships anyway. Most of us did our own things and never went there until later. I always thought my hubby and the others around him were too slow. I finished their thoughts. I am very impatient sometimes. Learning to listen to others is good for me. My husband has told me, more than once, to let others talk before I tell them what is going through their heads. I am a lot better. It's really funny to me. I try not to do it. Still, it is funny.
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
17 years ago (2008-03-14)
Flutter - to be honest, I feel like perfect should be. Not in paperwork which is boring or business which is money, but on a cosmic level. Houses and cars and stuff are props. Staging. To see a personality is awesome. To know other people feel it is neat. Most never even register that event.
Flutterofwings (28 stories) (257 posts)
17 years ago (2008-03-14)
[at] GlendaSc, your a strong person, sometimes to strong minded. I feel at times you may have or still do feel rejected, in which this may have made you feel, that you needed to be a perfectionist. That maybe your didn't feel worth much, unless you were this kind of person. Perhaps a weak self confidence or something like that. I am not saying your this way now, I have the feeling it once took place in your life however.
I was a perfectionist when I had my first baby. I nearly drove myself insane. When my sister finally told me"It's okay the baby is a bit dirty at times". I had to learn not to be that way. Once I did, my depression went away and I was a much happier person over all.
I have a sister that is still a perfectionist and she is bone tired, at the end of the day, takes loads of medication for depression and is still not happy.
But one thing, your not stupid, in what ever you feel is right for you. Remember that.
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
17 years ago (2008-03-14)
ty Flutter. Yes, I have felt a little despressed at times. I know I'm used. But, I know that I'm doing what is best. I feel very secure. And - people around me, are very nice. My husband wanted to live here. He's happy. The house is cheerful and was fun to remodel. I had never done that. I did the manual labor. But, mostly I'm learning and I fly. You know, astral voyages are odd but stick in your mind. I see people backing away from me sometimes. I wonder about that. I try to be casual and quiet and just let them go where they want to - still - I have to be REALLY quiet in real life and demure or they really back away. Even my new boss. It feels a little stupid to me. But I've seen it awhile. Not with the husband thank goodness. And customers feel they have the upper hand when walking into a store so they are more relaxed and fun.
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
17 years ago (2008-03-14)
Flutter - I use to be too anal about profection. I've had bosses tease me about it. Then, 8 months pregnant my dad had cancer. My mom was freaked. I told her, I will handle it. But I only repeated the words in my ear. She calmed. Immediately. I was a little freaked, but I'm the strong one. Well, over the months, I heard this is life. Profection doesn't matter if you deal with life. Life is tough. I grant you that. I've always felt like such a weakling. But maybe I contribute something. I hope so. Dealing with personalities. Adapting. On my new job, everyone is a little freaked. Even my boss. It's a small place. I just pray every morning. If, I ever, ever, take advantage of that fear, I will be a dog. I do like the kind words and hugs from customers. My hubby thanks that's why I do this hard job. That is sweet in a way, or perhaps stupid.
Flutterofwings (28 stories) (257 posts)
17 years ago (2008-03-14)
[at] GlendaSc, strong views we need sometimes, but many times we need to just be laid back and take life a bit easer. Many of us don't, and I think we then tend to fall into depression more. When one is very stressed out, over worked or feel used. One tend to be more depressed. But life goes on just the same, feeling depressed or not.
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
17 years ago (2008-03-14)
Flutter - I see so many pieces of myself with just a few people here. I've had college people and bosses tell me to lighten up. I think that I'm too casual. My mother in law told me that. I'm too casual on the impressing and too strict on the learning and helping. There is a happy medium. I guess. I've never been neutral in my life. I have strong views. On a computer I don't go there...
Flutterofwings (28 stories) (257 posts)
17 years ago (2008-03-14)
[at] GlendaSC, I think your right on some of the stuff you stated here. I think many of us make our ownselves depressed. We many times, think we should do this or that perfect and when we don't, well we are depressed.
I use to be depressed alot, I thought everything had to be perfect all the time. Once I said to heck with it, life is never going to be perfect, or myself perfect, then the depression went away.
I get like that once in awhile, but it don't last to long. It's natural to be depressed sometimes for everyone. It just depends what you do wit it, to stay depressed or to look for a way to be happy.
Flutterofwings (28 stories) (257 posts)
17 years ago (2008-03-14)
[at] aramasamara, most people don't stay depressed forever. But I have seen people who have stayed that way for years. Making everyone around them, feel bad as well. I kind of wonder of some people just like to be misable all the time, so they stay depressed.
Phobias I do think play, a part of a person being depressed as well. As let's say someone with clausphodia they feel, they can't go places with crowds, so they stay depressed. Have panic attacks etc. So that could be true.
[at] holliner, we as parents can only do so much, to train our children what to do with even crisis that happen in there life. And to still be able to go on living. I wish I could of kept mine home to protect them, always but we can't. And they too will live and learn as we have down the road.
Flutterofwings (28 stories) (257 posts)
17 years ago (2008-03-14)
I see on the comments on the generation gap here ha ha ha... Anyways all thanks for your comments to this story. I been off a few days and come back to many comments.
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
17 years ago (2008-03-14)
Ara - I am so sorry. Really. I started a new job this week and I was tired and careless with my words. But I was angry a little too. One of son's friends mother was too upset to go get her son a pair of blue jeans. He had to have them tonight at 6:00 for a dance and I don't get home until 6:20. It had something to do with the pool being dug and problems and she was "too depressed..." My legs were cramping and I took him. His size was hard to find so it took longer than I thought, and I want him to like his mom of course so bit my tongue. I think that I'm the only woman here who has ever dug out pine straw and replaced it or raked for hours. My friend with a true condition is very brave. It's a tough thing, and she lives away from this neighborhood. All my friends do - but still people here can have good moments too. We all just try to stumble along. Thanks for forgiving me.
aramasamara (22 stories) (577 posts)
17 years ago (2008-03-14)
hahaha that is horrible, using that as an excuse to shop? I've never heard of such a thing, are you sure that is depression... Because I think that is just pure sneakery and greed! Ha-ha I've never used it as an excuse, pointless too I presume. But it's all about keeping the creativity up!
GlendaSC (5 stories) (1475 posts)
17 years ago (2008-03-14)
Ara - My bad. I have a very good friend who suffers from depression and takes medication. Hers is from a medical condition that she has to take medication for then it causes her depression, but she has to take her meds. I didn't mean everyone. I meant some of my well to do neighbors who use it as an excuse to shop while I drive their kids. Sorry Ara. I didn't mean everyone. I know for some, it's unavoidable and a real deal.

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