In May 2008, I had to go to a nursing home, to recuperate from falling down, and breaking my pelvis. While there I met a sweet older man named Tom. Where ever Tom was, one of his Children would be with him, day and night. Once his son said, "He would not be alone, when he meets the Lord".
Tom's room was across the hallway from mine. I could get high up in my bed, on my pillows and could see his door way, if it were open. If I just laid down, I couldn't see anything.
I happen to be high on my pillows one night about 9pm. I saw many people at Tom's room. I knew it must be his time to go and meet his Lord. This went on until nearly midnight. I fell asleep and a few days later I notice Tom's room open all the time. I asked my nurse if Tom passed on she said yes.
Carol was moved into the room that Tom was in. She was a huge lady that had to have the private room to herself and no roommates. I didn't see Carol when she first went into the room that Tom was in for a few days.
One day while in the wheel chair, I went by to say hi. She couldn't get out of bed. She told me she didn't like her room. I asked why and she points to the area that Tom used to be in and said something is wrong as I see a man there at night time. I asked her if she saw him at any other times. She said sometimes in the day time, but usually about 11:30 p.m. I said, "Would you like me to come into this room tonight at 11:30 p.m.? "Yes! Yes! Yes!" She replied that she would like that.
I went to the Nursing station to see my nurse. She stepped aside as I wanted to ask her a question. I asked if Tom had died about 11:30 p.m. She looked at me like she saw a ghost herself. It was 11:33 p.m. She said and asked why I wanted to know so I told her. She said no one asked her this kind of stuff before. Nor are they suppose to say anything.
I went to Carol's room about twenty after 11p.m. I sat by her feet in order for me to see in the same direction she would see too. Her clock in her room showed it was 11:30 p.m. 11:35 p.m went by and there was Tom getting out of the bed and out the door. I smiled at him. Carol is screaming from fright. The nurse comes in and I leave. I looked to see if Tom was out in the hall but he was not.
I talked to my nurse and told her what I had seen and that is what was upsetting Carol. After my nurse got off duty, we went outside, me in the wheel chair and her walking. She told me she often goes and gets a bell and sees the person's spirit getting out of a bed, or walking around the halls. She said they look happy with just what they are doing. Many die and she never sees them. I asked her if she would like to see fewer, and that I may be able to help and told her all about myself.
I was told I could only go into the rooms that had no one in, to do anything. And maybe it would help. So I did just that. I had to wait for Carol's to be vacant. When she was taken to the Hospital with her chest hurting her, I saw a very bright light near her bed, and then it was gone and so was Tom. Talking with the sprits worked sometimes, others were stubborn and wouldn't leave.
Shortly, I got well and went home. I talked to my nurse about two weeks ago. She said she doesn't see as many spirits as she used to and thanked me.