I seem to have the ability to predict when an earthquake is going to happen. I had practiced meditation in college (not sure if this had anything to do with it) and would get a "feeling something was going to happen." At the time I never related this feeling to any event. I just thought it was interesting.
Recently it has occurred on several occasions, the first one I remember was the tsunami that hit Indonesia a few years back. I recently "knew" something was coming when the recent Haiti, and the one in South America. I have been reading about others experiences and mine seem to differ. I do not "see" these things happening as others do, in a dream etc. I get a strange feeling that something is going to happen, it also coincides with, the only way I can describe it, is a series of deja vus. It sounds weird but I know I'm not imagining it. Another way to describe it is a type of anxiety. I was curious if maybe I'm empathic to what these people are going through before it actually happens. I just told my wife I was having a large number of these deja vus this past Saturday and the California earthquake hit Sunday. There seems to be more of a gap in the time I get the feelings and the actual event, usually 7-14 days. I saw a psychic kids show and this little girl would "see" an earthquake and 7-10 days later it would happen. It gave me chills. Anyone else experience this? I don't even like to mention it to people because it sounds silly.
I think it would be of interest to you.