I seem to have a lot of empathy and I'm very sensitive to the energy of people and surroundings. I can get certain "energy" by walking into someone's room or by holding something they own and I can feel what they feel about a certain situation that is connected to that object or their room. For example, the other day, I was in my lover's room and I saw a picture of him and his ex-girlfriend together. By looking at it, I started crying but they weren't my tears. I knew they were his tears. He says he isn't a very emotional person but that's not what I got from that picture or by exploring his room. There was a very sad energy connected to everything. Or just by thinking of the situation of how they broke up, I can feel how he feels about it. They definitely are not my feelings. He tells me he's okay with how it all ended but I know for a fact that he is devastated. The first "layer" of his eyes looks very happy, but the second "layer" is very sad. I don't know why I call them layers, that's just the first word that comes to mind when I think of it. This happens to me a lot. When I'm in the woods, or spending time with nature, I feel these energies of things that are supernatural.
What COULD this all mean?