I found myself going to a Reiki session. This encounter was life changing, It felt as though I had a liquid coursing from my head that actually traveled through various other points - it was wonderful. I was totally aware of where it flowed and my hands even raised as it flowed that way. (It was great). I attended a few more sessions. Few days later whilst at home my head started vibrating and swirling for a couple of days very odd. It was humming, pleasant sensation I did not relate it to the Reiki but I now believe it was my crown chakra opening? I have really got into Reiki as a young child I have felt these energies/vibes etc so it all felt like home.
I decided to get attuneded to Reiki Level 1 as I wanted to explore the practical side of this experience. Some days after attunement my right hand began to buzz really strongly yes I know how this sounds! It was pulsating and swirling and got very hot. I have always been effected by the cold so these warm sensations were great and much welcomed. The next day my left hand caught up and both hands buzzed/pulsated with masses of heat for three solid days non stop! It was great and I just went with it. I did contact my Reiki practitioner who said it was fine and chakra's were opening? I thought this was amazing it actually is real wohoo.
So I have recently been meditating again this was a huge part of my world when I was younger and on a particular occasion 2 weeks ago I was at deep peace and I felt what I can only describe as a lightning bolt entering my head and travelling to my brow which began to buzz! I got up when I finished and all of a sudden this fluttering sensation that I can only describe as a butterfly flying under my third eye chakra fluttered non stop for the whole day! Crazy I know! This happened and it was wonderful but later that night it turned from lovely fluttering (10/10 sensation) into a headache/migraine. When I let go of the headache it passed and the fluttering disappeared: (I thought a trip to the doctor might be needed but on reading up on this it is apparently another chakra opening. Chakra's really vibrate at different levels (wow) - I thought this is amazing, but how could I continue to feel it as I was getting on with my day ahead? Picking up the kids and my brow chakra fluttering away? Washing up and my head vibrating like wings on a fly? Hands pulsating/vibrating whilst cooking. These sensations lasted for days. Why did it stop? Why did it happen and what does it mean? How is this possible?
Another odd thing is when I Reiki friends and family as I have recently passed Level 1 I am totally aware of my tonsils but I had them taken out as a child but low and behold I can feel them in my throat! From what I have read all of the above is a spiritual awakening? I just find it hard to get my head around the fact that it is real as the facts and sensations were. My perspective of life has changed and I can't wait to do Level 2 but I feel that this energy is unexplained and folk just say go with the flow etc. Can anyone recommend a decent book with explanations or advise me as to what to expect further. Do most folk go through this? My Reiki practitioner does not appear to have had these experiences and I'm guessing someone can relate to the above and confirm them as part of a process. Wow to me it's real you can't deny it when it happens, a butterfly in my head and vibrating and buzzing body parts and feelings of joy and love:) I just wish someone could give me some serious answers as I feel quite alone on this magical journey and 'chakra's opening' just does not feel like an adequate answer? I'm so keen to find out more xx Thanks for taking the time to read this and if you can advise I would be grateful:)
FAO: PathR
Thank you for replying and the recommendation on books to read:)
I did that silly thing of reading on-line to try to interpret my 'condition' of non stop vibrating chakra's - it was a bit frightening! I read about 'rewiring' of the body, 'asention' and different dimensions to reach and it made my head spin! I know what's happening is GOOD and that there are no definite answers or clear explanations as to the physical reactions I have had but I feel so hopeful that I think if I obsess on the why and how I will miss what's happening right now x
You kindly wrote;
"For self maintenance, knowing when you are depleted, setting boundaries. Personal time with family, pets,nature".
I totally understand the importance of this and even without Reiki in your life the above is so important. Now with Reiki it's totally amazing because we are right here right now - grounded!
I will read the books and get back to you xx
In Love & Light xx