My whole life I have felt a little different. I don't really remember much as a child but I do remember little things that have kept me wondering "what's going on?" I remember one day laying in my brothers room one day, hiding under the covers, terrified, that something was standing at the end of the bed staring at me but there was nothing there. I remember knowing who was calling before I picked up the phone (we didn't have caller id then). Or when something was wrong with someone.
Lately, it feels like something is going on with me emotionally. Some days I just get this overwhelming feeling to cry when I was happy moments before. I have days where I just don't want to get out of bed and I just feel miserable. Sometimes, it feels normal but other days it doesn't, like I am not suppose to be feeling that. There is a little voice in my head screaming, "Get up! Why are you acting like this?!" I have noticed that most of these "bad days" fall around the same time someone in our house is going through a rough time and feels depressed. Also, it seems that people are drawn to me when they have tough times and there are times where I KNOW what is going on with them. With no physical feelings or and sign from anything, I just know.
Also, one that have got me really curious, is feeling someone else's pain. My husband was suffering from a headache but before he told me, I started to feel one coming on but it was different. I didn't get any other symptoms that I usually get and I kept saying to myself, "why do I have a headache? This doesn't feel right." I asked my husband if he had one and he said yes. Then I asked him where it was exactly on his head and it was the same place that I had it. I know that I am an emotionally based person (whatever that my be, haha) because I seem to make decisions based on my emotions and how I feel about it. If that makes sense.
There are so many other things that have happened but it doesn't seem like my mind wants me to remember them. In the last few weeks while doing research about psychic abilities there is a sense of relieve but then I get a feeling of guilt like I am doing something wrong. I have always believed in spirits, psychic abilities and the many different things that link it together. I think that it would be a great gift for me to accept since I have a passion for helping others but the confusion is killing me.
I have two children and a husband that is unfortunately been dealing with me during this situation and I just don't want it to effect them as much as it has been. I need to find out what is going on with me so I can 100% completely be there for my family because lately they have not been getting the attention that they deserve. Please feel free to comment, I am accepting any and all feedback.