I've been told by many spiritual people in my life that I'm a succubus, an empath, and possible witch material.
I have been plagued my whole life by emotions. Sometimes these emotions do not seem to come from myself, but I seem to suffer in confusion even when alone. Racing thoughts tend to keep me awake on a regular basis, but when I do manage to sleep, I have extremely vivid dreams ranging from pleasurable to terrifying. I frequently sense things about others that I have no way of logically knowing, whether I have just met them or have known them all my life.
Many of my daycare providers growing up were concerned with my tendency to distance myself from other children, instead delving into reading and other independent activities like arts and crafts. My mother noticed that I took things seriously and was more cautious than other children. I seemed to know things a girl of that age should be decades away from experiencing. I've always enjoyed the company of those older than me, rather than people close to my age. At 26 years old, I feel more like 70.
I have many other examples, but I won't spend pages on drivel that people don't need to know just yet.
I've noticed, in the past few weeks or so, my boyfriend of four and a half years seems to be just as sensitive as I am to things around him. I have begun to wonder if we are both empaths (or perhaps empathic) which both worries and puzzles me.
He seems to absorb my energy or emotions every time I say anything, missing the meaning of my words. For example, if I am angry at his brother and try to speak to my boyfriend about something unrelated to his brother, he almost always becomes confused and withdrawn. He seems to think that I'm angry with him, even though I have no present reason to be!
I have wondered if I have misspoken or if it's otherwise my fault, but have recently suspected he is an unaware empath. He is not one to heavily believe in the supernatural realm, past alien existence and sometimes ghosts. I know that, if I am an empath, I require more knowledge to better control whatever ability I possess, but through endless research, have learned next to nothing.
I came to this site hoping for advice on my two biggest problems:
1. Are either (or both) of us empaths?
2. If so, how to I deal with myself and how can I help my boyfriend see what he is and believe it?
I am happy to elaborate and/or give more detail that I may have missed. I also highly appreciate each and every person who decides to read this, even if they do not reply.
Thank you all for your precious time and consideration.
Thank you for your reply! I shall have to find time to send you an email.
It has been extremely difficult to find any good information, as hundreds of people seem to have an opinion on the general subject of metaphysics. Unfortunately, I do not know enough to tell the facts from opinions.
Ever since I developed my own way of meditating at sixteen, I found that I feel more grounded to everything around me and my emotions tend to level themselves out as long as I keep up with the meditation. I have been neglecting it for the past few years and I have noticed a big difference in a negative way.
I am always analyzing myself and trying to learn new things about myself so I can be a better person and become increasingly more comfortable with myself.
I appreciate a kindred spirit reaching out to help me!
Thank you again for replying and enjoy this holiday season!