Since I was small I always told my dad I'm not feeling well and don't know what's happening and it continued and I had terrible chests pains and could not breathe properly, it feld as if I try to breath it was paining in my chest and the next day came and we heard that some good friend of my mother passed away the had an heart attack and later I felt that same thing but this time, I felt terrible headache's and also I told my father that and later it happened also a good friend again passed away having died of to hi bloodpressure they told my mother that her high blood pressure was very high and that lady who passed away complained of terrible headache's and after I have heard whats's going on I feld peace and relieved of knowing what's going on another thing I'm not sure about, is I keep wanting to push negative energy aside it feels like sometimes I fear when negative energy is coming my way the more I keep pushing the energy away the worse it become and then my hands is starting to feel hot and tinkeling and then I'm sweating over my whole body and getting aggresive trying so hard to keep the negative energy out
, after a while I'm feeling exausted trying to keep it away and then I leave it then I feel my energy is building up and I regain my enery again not feeling exausted anymore, I don't know why this is happening to me it feels sometimes I'm in control of that negative energy and sometimes I feel just I have lost control and can't control it, I think all that negative energy making me aggresive is coming from one woman in her 55 jears now she is appearing everywhere in my thoughts and sometimes I illusionate and see things that don't exist and ut that's when I'm working at home visiting friends and mostly everything I do she is there, I can't forget that woman every day I think of her its almost like me and that woman is transferring energy to my mind communicating with me through energy, sometimes it making me frustrated please I need help