PLEASE, someone read this. My mind has been messed with (because I am too Psychic), and I am forbidden to say by whom, but I am alright. I just need some support, someone to talk to who understands. My parents don't know, and don't understand what I try to tell them, so I need someone else.
Like one of my other stories I shared, last night I had a dream about my neighbor wearing a specific outfit and hairstyle. Then today, they were exactly the way I saw them in my dream. What is more interesting, is that I saw them at the same place that was in my dream. I can predict the weather perfectly anytime, I know what will happen in a TV series later on without any hints or sneek peaks, I know when someone needs help but don't show it, I can feel what other people feel, and I know what exactly someone is going to say before they say it.
I know too much, and I remember everything that happens. I remember dreams since I was 2 or 3, and I remember people I have only seen at ages 1 and 2. People say it is practically impossible to remember things from that long ago, but I do. I remember it as if it happened yesterday. Can someone tell me why this is?
I hear strange things at night, not just with my ears, but with my mind. What am I hearing with my mind? Sometimes they are whispers, music, or just strange sounds, but what could it mean?
With my mind being studied, sometimes I can't control my thoughts, like I am not all there. When something startles me (which is really rare since I am psychic) I have this weird reflex where I attack the person or thing, or I just freeze like I am stone. Is that common? I think it is, I am just not quite sure.
I have been helping other people and I still can, but each day my abilities increase to maximum capacity. People don't know what things I can do. I just want to know that I am not alone in the world with the same type of things. I would highly appreciate any help or any comment at all. ~River