I am on this spiritual journey to find out more about myself and my natural abilites. I seem to have come a long way but still unsure of what my natural abilities are. I feel like there is something there. My friends have been wanting to talk to me for often than usual about personal things and I have new people you are also looking to me for advice and guidance and it is getting overwhelming. I seem to giving them what they need to hear and do and the answers sometimes just flow out of me with out even realizing. But, lately, my big problem is that all the spiritual stuff is becoming a distraction for me and my school work is suffering. I find myself going over to friends house for study sessions but there is no motivation to anything of the sort. I would much rather research information about crystals and meditation and things like that, then doing a 78 page workbook for one of my classes. For instance, I am writing this now instead of working on homework that is due later today. A part of me feels guilty that I should be doing this work since my grade depends on it but the other half (which screams louder than the other) says, "you don't need this".
Could this be a sign that there is more out there for me than going to college for the career that I thought I wanted? I have been second guessing myself a lot lately, if this is something is still want to do. I feel that I have a lot to offer the world and as soon as the topic comes up about spirituality, crystals, meditation, or anything connected, that's what I want to do. I want to talk about it, play with my tarot cards, and get other people's perspective of it.
It is just all overwhelming because I know that if I continue with this degree, I can get a good job that can support my family and my husband would be able to stop working and go to school for what he wants to do.
I just need some guidance on this because I feel like I am stuck. I don't know what direction I want to go in. Everytime I look for answers the my tarot cards or penglium, I seem to have no luck or the answers I am givin just don't feel right. I may be over reacting but, I just don't know what to do.