I have psychic abilities and need to understand if a spirit can sense this ability. Do they tend to make themselves more known to a psychic even if you're not able to control this ability? A spirit has been residing at my relative's house for years now. I believe the spirit is my uncle whom committed suicide. He owned the house previously, but died in another location.
However, another man that owned the house before my uncle had died of a heart attack in this house. So I am not exactly sure who it is. Whenever my relative is not home and I'm in that house, this spirit messes with me. I don't necessarily have to be alone. My kids, boyfriend and my mother have also been present during these times. My relative doesn't get disturbed by the presence that much. This is why I'm thinking it is my uncle, since I was close to his daughter.
A couple years ago, my children and my boyfriend and I went to my relative's house for the weekend to watch their pot bellied pig while they went away. I had a creepy feeling the entire time, like we were not alone. Strange things started happening at night after I put my kids to bed.
My boyfriend and I were watching television and I started to hear someone pace back and forth in the attic. It sounded like heavy footsteps as if someone were wearing boots. I know for a fact it was not the house settling. I lived in an old house growing up and am fully aware of those sounds. I could not concentrate on anything after that, especially since the door to the attic was right next to the chair I was sitting in.
The next night my friend came over to sit with us, which helped ease my mind for a while. While she was there, my youngest son woke up screaming at the top of his lungs and still to this day I do not know why. My boyfriend the same night swore up and down he saw a man standing next to the bed when he woke up in the middle of the night.
The next day I was so happy it was Sunday. My relative was coming home. The only thing I didn't know how to explain to my relative is why every single night light throughout his house was blown out, including his refrigerator light. He had night lights throughout the house for the pig.
A couple of years later, I had to go over to the house to feed the dogs and let them outside for the weekend. I didn't stay this time. My oldest son and I were in the back yard for a while and when I looked up at the attic window, I could actually see the blind moving up. My son also witnessed this.
The next day I brought my other son with me, who was also a teen. I didn't like to go alone. We went into the house so I could feed the dogs (he didn't have the pig anymore). I went to use the bathroom and my son went into one of the bedrooms. From the bedroom I heard my son yelling, "Mom! It's getting cold in here". Well, that freaked me out and we were out the door. Later that evening I came back with my oldest son again and we had to go back into the house. It was three minutes later and we heard noise, which sounded like an animal herd, coming from the attic steps. The dogs were barking crazily. Again, we took off out the door.
I called my mother when I got home and told her what had happened and that I hadn't even fed the dogs yet. She decided to go with me. My son also wanted to go, so we all went. We walked into the living room after I fed the dogs and it was peaceful, until ten minutes later. The loud sounds came from the attic steps again and all three of us took off for the front door. My mother begged me not to step foot into that house until our relative got home.
I do have occurrences, even when my relative is home, but nothing like I've experienced without him home. Just small things like being poked in my back or my leg being rubbed. I later told my relative about what has happened. He had informed me that other people visiting him had witnessed a few things. One lady was actually told to leave the house by this spirit. My relative stated he had only been poked a few times.
Like I said, I am not positive it is my uncle. I need to find a safe way to get this spirit to leave and pass on, especially if it is my uncle. My only fear is if it is not a nice spirit. Although, if it wasn't a nice spirit, wouldn't my relative be disturbed in a more significant way? I really need some help on what to do to get this spirit to move on and how I can keep myself safe from any attacks.
I also need to know how to relieve the fear when these things are happening. I do have psychic abilities, but I do not know how to control them. If anyone has ever dealt with this or has any ideas on what to do, I would greatly appreciate your advice. Thanks!
Okay, heres another one. I know this is going to sound strange but several days ago I read a post about the 3:00am thing. Well, I was just thinking to myself then, I hope I don't never experience anything like that at that time. Well, anyway my 16year old the other night starts shaking me to wake me up, "mom, mom get up. Is my brother upstairs? There's something shaking our attic door". I told him it is probally the chinchillas to go to bed. I got a strange feeling and looked up at the clock and it was 3:05am. Well, looking up at the clock kind of gave me the chills so I did exactly what you had said to do before I even read your comment, I turned the t.v. On and then said a prayer for whatever it was to be gone. I chose not to investigate the situation, thought I'de rather not know. It could have possibly been the chinchillas but my son normally is use to their noise, not to mention, he ususally doesn't scare easily. I just thought that was kind of strange. Thanks for helping me. I truely appreciate it. You have been very helpful.
I'll talk to you soon.