Lets get this straight people who are reading this. I am young I'm not going to lie but this is really happening and I need some advice as soon as possible.
Let's start at the very beginning shall we? Around last year I started to get a sense that I don't belong. That I'm somehow different. That I don't fit in with my family. I then started having dreams. At first I didn't realize it but I was dreaming about my life and I went threw the whole day with a tense of deja vu. Some one suggested that I was probably dreaming of my life. I then had a dream that my sister got into a car crash and she did the very next day. I was shaken up especially when it happened again. Lately I've been getting this feeling. Someones watching me but no one's there. Last but not least About two weeks ago I started having this feeling like my heart was being pulled downward. Like you feel when you lose some one you love and I get over come with grief, guilt, of sorrow. Today it was really strong and I almost broke down crying on the bus. I also sometimes get these really bad feelings that something bad is going to happen. That's it just feelings no dates or anything. I got one of those feeling once before a school shooting threat happened at my school.
I know I'm different. I don't even look like my family. My hair turns red whenever I walk into the sun. I'm just trying to get some answers. I don't belong and I have an urge to go to Ireland for some reason. I just really need some answers. My life is messed up enough and its about time I get some answers. All the help I can get is appreciated. And thank you for all that try to help.