I'm really ashamed to put it out, but I need to know if there are people exactly like me, who have experience it or are experiencing something like this. Also, I would like to know if there are any physic people to help me understand what I have and what I can do about it. Okay here it goes, first off let's just say that everything that is living has energy right such as animals, trees, and us. Anyways we humans or beings have a human shield that guards our own personal energy that is within us.
Well for me people can sense my vibration of energy coming out of me except it is there 24/7 that's the problem. I've been having this for about 2 years and its going to be my 3rd year with it. I need help I'm afraid to go to public or to school because of it. You see my aura which is the human shield that guards my energy from within me well its open and no matter where I go people can sense my vibration and lately its enlarging. People can even sense me from far away because of it.
Let me explain better the aura is like a bubble because it is a shield that protects the energy that's flowing around us. Like a bubble that is round well that the aura and inside the bubble is the energy or vibration of energy. The thing is my aura is open and my own energy is everywhere it emits a lot of vibration of waves of energy coming out of me. I need help into how to close my aura because I m tired of dealing with it and knowing people can sense from anywhere I go even if its far away. I hate having it because I hate the fact that even though it bothers people they should know I'm not harming them physically and they get all mad because of it.
My aura energy had it challenges. Mine has a mind of its own to an extent, and can rapidly change vibration based on several variables. Combination of self awareness, meditation, and modifying my aura as needed through what others sense, I manage. I learn to manage my emotion, but from your description I am guessing you have to learn to tune down your energy. Or at least make your energy bearable to others.
I don't mind sharing my experience or offering suggestions. Your not only one who has issues with their energy, and how others feel about your energy.
Hope to hear a reply.