Before December hit many people including myself had a feeling of somethin coming and that something was very big and would affect everyone. Many were talking about the veil breakin or thinning and the end of the world and all that. But me I wasn't having dreams about father ending of the world. I was having dreams about a war. A war of humans against spirits. We could interact with them just as we interact with each other. If you red some of my other stories you'll see this was happening in the summer too.
What does this have to do with the story? Well here it comes. Recently some things have been happening. Things that haven't before or some going extreme. Most of them have something to do with my house and my friends' house. Anytime we take a picture now there will be a spirit of some kind in the picture. It started with a boy ghost standing behind my friend. In my picture it seems as if a demon is standing in the distance behind me. Even in some photos when we aren't in any there were still spirits. I have a feeling my dreams were telling me about this but to anyone who's not completely insane.:P is there any logical reason they're in our pictures? They never used to be. But they are now.
Also about the other expriences!
My friend wakes up on the middle of the night to sometimes see shadow people, other times she will just feel a presence around her. We both sense three spirits in her house. Probably not evil but they have been known to possess a doll and a human girl.
My experiences are the weird ones however. Whenever I look into a mirror my image changes to that of another girl with thk black hair that reaches just below her ears. Yesterday I was entranced on the mirror and my spirit or so it seemed was seperating from my body. Then at night mostly there is a feeling of great fear. It seems generally focused on reflections and the dark but it's not that of my own an even my friend has felt it. Along with that my dreams are acting up a lot. I either get a week filled with visions or tellings or I get a week without dreams at all. It's not the occasional dream every other day any more. So any insight on any of this stuff is welcomed. Kbye.
We just never met thus you don't know my spiritual background. You might think I'm the guy who pretends to know everything and talking about [God]. Actually I don't entirely know everything about the subtle realms - I only knew some. Look, I used to be an atheist too just like you are until the day my little sister which able to see clearer view to jinn & angel realm told me that my aura turns to a bright white light and bright golden light when holy words spoken out by my tongue with a medium sized pair of white angel wings. Then I got myself religious again.
She was the one who witnessed it. I'm also able to see a little portion of angel realm but not as clear as she does.
Angel, Jinn are not fairytale. They are there but only some humans can see them.
Spirit/human soul is also real. But the ability for a human to see them is limited and NEARING impossible. Jinn is not a deceased human soul. I got this info from the jinn themselves when he possessed a human body. He told me that it is one way for them to tease a human so humans will fear them and will respect them.
I just don't feel like to comment right now. Your first comment broke my heart. Just do it your own way - the hard way - if you can. Because you did't feel like to be helped by someone whose good in this area who has spent FULL 12+ MONTHS seeking for the truth from my sister and the jinn in this research.
When someone who has the answer and declares some of the fact of reality, it's more of a backfire rather than welcome change.
I'll just keep these materials to myself until it's finish.
A face to face seminar is far way better than online typing in this community which only get me insulted with pretending to know everything.
I'm done with this website.
Find the answers on your own - if you can.