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Real Psychic Experiences

Some Advice For Growing Psychics


This is some useful help for psychics who are developing their powers. I've noticed on this site the growing number of teens like me and young adult psychics, and all their questions. So I'm going to answer some of those questions and add a bit of my own input.

I've noticed on this site a lot of stories or comments about people being empathetic. It's nothing to be ashamed of, nor is any other gift to be thought of as shameful. Being empathetic means that you can sense other people's emotions, and/or control or influence them. The second one I find more common among more experienced psychics, but I'm not saying that somebody who has never heard of it couldn't do it. But I think a more experienced psychic has a better chance of doing more difficult stuff. I also find that when more newer psychics list their abilities I almost 95% of the time see empath. Why is this? Why do so many new psychics have this ability?

My personal story started off around kindergarten with me always being swarmed with emotions, I didn't know why or how this was possible. I believe that children are very much more open to this kind of things such as seeing ghosts or sensing emotions. I also found that around 3rd grade this began to slow down and by 4th grade it completely stopped. Why was this? I have a hunch my chakras began closing up as my body was more focused on physical and mental growth than spiritual growth. Plus around that time I began to see the troubles of the world and started to think all of this is hopeless, but I don't believe that anymore. Around 12 years old this started happening again, except much more intense, my empathy grew to the point of almost knowing someone's thought. Again, why did this happen? I have been doing some research and have found an answer, usually one of the first signs of someone becoming psychically aware is either the development of empathy or seeing auras. The second I have found on this site as well, but not just seeing auras, to a more wider extent, seeing energies. How many of you find this true about yourself?

Not everybody's path is the same, everybody has a different beginning, you don't have to first start developing empathy or aura seeing to be declared a psychic. Some of you start by seeing ghosts or talking to animals, we all have different talents, this is why we all are different, so we can benefit from each other. We all are part of a giant puzzle waiting to come together as one. Everybody is psychic, it's like dancing, we can dance whether we choose to or not, but all of us dance differently, yet to the same rhythm.

Another thing I find a bit of on this site is people asking, am I an Indigo child or a Crystal child? Here is a great website to answer some of your questions, I know some of the articles are a bit long but they are chock full of info to answer your questions.

Telekinesis or as some people call it psychokinesis. This also seems to be an interest on here so I'll give you another great website to answer your questions. This one also has training exercises to help increase your ability,

Some people on this site say on their post "Am I going crazy?" or "Is this real?", I can assure you that 99.9% of the time you're not going crazy, you simply do not fully understand what you are experiencing, and are now seeking guidance from other people. I thank all of you who have helped everybody here fully understand what they are going through. After all, that is what this site is all about, helping one another understand what we alone cannot comprehend?

Just remember, anybody can learn whichever ability they choose to. The gifts you already have are there for a reason, you were made special and that's why you're here. We all found this website searching for answers, and I hope this article has helped some of you with a few questions. Feel free to put down any more you can think of down in the comment box, and I'll answer them as best I can. But if I can't, see if somebody else can, after all as I said before, we're all here to help each other.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, cloudess, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

vergil117 (guest)
12 years ago (2013-01-22)
its quite alright, there just taking the necessary precautions and being parents.:) don't sweat it. Everythings ok.:) just keep positive thoughts for the people who need help and ill do my best to follow through.
cloudess (2 stories) (35 posts)
12 years ago (2013-01-19)
Bad news, it's a no, for now, which makes me hopeful for the future. I'm sorry vergil117, they are just trying to be cautious, and I don't blame them. But I'm going to ask them again, to see if I can change their minds, but for now it is a no to e-mailing you. I can still help people on here, and I'm going to, since I love helping people understand.

Love and Light
vergil117 (guest)
12 years ago (2013-01-18)
Thats very good news friend, I'm glad that your parents are open like that.:)
cloudess (2 stories) (35 posts)
12 years ago (2013-01-18)
vergil117, good news I will find out tonight if I can e-mail you or not. I hope it is a yes.
vergil117 (guest)
12 years ago (2013-01-16)
hey, did it work out? Can you email me? I hope your parents said yes.:)
vergil117 (guest)
12 years ago (2013-01-12)
alright, message me back when you can! Hope things will work out!
cloudess (2 stories) (35 posts)
12 years ago (2013-01-11)
Thanks, they are pretty open minded, I'll talk to them about it then see about e-mailing you.
vergil117 (guest)
12 years ago (2013-01-11)
honestly, I can't give you that answer since I don't know your parents, are they open minded? Do you feel they will understand you? Explain it to them in a way they can understand, if not, tell a family member who will. Its easy! I'm sure that if they are loving and understanding, they arent going to judge you and will understand.
cloudess (2 stories) (35 posts)
12 years ago (2013-01-10)
Definitely, I still have to check with them, it also might take a bit longer because they don't know that I'm psychic yet. Do you have any recommendations on how to break it to them vergil117?
vergil117 (guest)
12 years ago (2013-01-10)
thats alright about the emailing, I want to have some positive people helping my friends as well! I can't do this alone, so I need to get as many people as I can to help Psychic Teens. There's not many resources to help, so its nice to start one. Would you be interested in this if your folks are ok with it?
vant (9 posts)
12 years ago (2013-01-09)
I am really glad that you wrote this. I think it helps and also I agree on how younger kids are more open to physic things. 😁
cloudess (2 stories) (35 posts)
12 years ago (2013-01-09)
Thank you all for your positive comments!

Vergil117- Thank you so much for the invitation, I will have to consider it, although e-mailing you might be a problem, I'll have to check with my folks.

Mr-buttons- your very welcome, and glad to be of some help!

Eagleclaw- Thank you for liking my comparison of dancing to psychic abilities!

Love and Light to you all!
vergil117 (guest)
12 years ago (2013-01-09)
i am so thankful for reading this post. You answered a lot of questions to people, and helped me understand a bit! I actually run a support group, if you would like to help me run it. My email is on my profile page. I hope to hear form you!
mr-buttons (2 stories) (3 posts)
12 years ago (2013-01-09)
wow, this really helped a lot and answered a couple of my questions... Thank you. 😊
Eagleclaw (386 posts)
12 years ago (2013-01-09)
Well said! Thanks for your input. It's true. Anyone can learn to dance if they want to. It's their choice.

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