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Real Psychic Experiences

Scary Dark Shadows


I'm confused and always terrified. Terrified of what I'll find behind the door and who is making all those noises.

But most of all it's my dreams and that horrible feeling that something dark is in my room and the hand reaching into my heart and trying to take it away. My dreams aren't as bad as some of the stories I've read on here; my sympathy goes out to you. But for a few years now I've been able to see these visions of the future and recently ever since I moved to this new house I've got this new gift where the meaning of my dreams come true. Only ever since I've moved here all I've had are nightmares but before I hardly ever dreamt.

I feel as if I'm being awakened and my powers are growing inside me. I can feel a surge of energy running through me sometimes however; I've no idea how to put it to use.

I've been a little strange since I was little; My birth was predicted by a psychic who said I was a present for my Dad and when I had just learnt to speak I blanked out the whole world. I didn't say a word and hid under the table whenever the phone rang or somebody knocked on the door, this continued for a few months. I wonder whether this is because of memories from my past life because when I was little I had said when my sister had just had an injection in her arm that I had had a hole like hers in my back when I was shot on my wedding day by a solider when somebody else was my Mum however, my mum was there but she was someone else. I don't remember saying this; I don't remember a thing from my life before; there is just like a huge gap in my memory. But also I would remember songs, really old songs I've never heard before and suddenly I would know all the words but then it'd be gone. I once had the strangest dream where my little cousin who had only just been born at the time was taken to an exhibit and she turned into a dinosaur. We went back a few weeks later to pick her up and she had grown into a toddler and could walk and talk and everything. She told me that people with past lives are scarred and that I was scarred by Arthur. That was strange too.

When I was little I used to know a lot like if I wasn't paying attention in Maths I could guess the answer and get it right. My intuition used to be very good and probably still is but I stopped listening to it because I didn't understand how it worked or how I did it however, I'm trying to find the voice again.

But these shadow people used to watch me all the time, I was quite fascinated with them really, but over the years they've gone and now I get these dark swirly things that can move freely, they aren't shaped like a figure but they aren't nice. They carry this negative energy with them and I've tried using the protective white light but it can only hold them off for a little while. Recently while I was lying in bed trying to get to sleep I felt them in my room only this time I felt one of them reach into my heart and almost try to pull it out. I tried with the light but it hardly helped. I only just won and I thought if they come back they'll finish me because I don't have the energy to fight them again. And every so often I see red eyes staring at me. Are these demons or something? And if so I would be most grateful if someone told me how to deal with them, please!

I also see flashes of light, ghosts and once I saw an angel floating asleep at the bottom of my bed. But I have a spirit guide, I'm pretty sure of that because whenever I'm upset I can feel someone hold my hand and stroke my hair and I'm overwhelmed with a sense of calmness and security. Also whenever I'm about to fall over, I'm often caught by something. I always feel as if someone is looking out for me and I never get caught up in sticky situations.

Also rather weirdly more often than not when I go outside the sun comes out, if it's only for a bit, it still happens... It's odd and once when it had stopped raining my friend (who likes the rain a lot) asked the sky to rain again, when it didn't, I barely whispered it but right then it began to rain again... Is that a coincidence or something else?

I wish I understood all of this, I believe in God and love him with all my heart and once when I had tried to get rid of the negative vibes in my room with protective white light I had thanked him and then I closed my eyes and felt a light fall upon me and something so delicate brush the image of a cross on my forehead. I've never been christened before but does this mean I am? I felt utterly at peace and so happy afterward but I never opened my eyes for fear that it would go away, I wanted to know what it was going to do. But is this the reason why I have these gifts because God gave them to me?

I remember when I was little in primary school (which was right next to a church) these three girls came up to me and told me not to tell anyone but that there were demons in the church and they pointed to one of the windows in the tower and sure enough there were two pairs of red eyes staring back at us. They told me we should worship them so they didn't harm us. Of course, I got very frightened at this stage and the next day asked them about it but they didn't remember the conversation and seemed a little on edge. They hadn't gone and told anyone else but just me. Do you think they were under some sort of spell or something?

Another experience I've had is a weird one that after a while I just accepted (by the way I can also hear ghosts) but something used to lie next to me while I was sleeping in my old house. I used to feel it climb in and sometimes it would hold my hand and I would feel energy run through me and it would leave me feeling light and free and just happy. But at other times I would feel a slight burning sensation on my hand and I would look down to find a word that looked like it had been bruised into my arm as it came up in red but I could never make it out, it was always the same word. Other times I'd be pinned down but not harshly but very lightly; I could ever so easily break free but one time it was slightly stronger than usual and I heard a voice cry out "no" while again I used the protective white light so I'd feel safe. I just don't understand why they come to me and why they wanted my heart? Sometimes I feel wings bloom from my back but only for a second. Do you think I'm going through an awakening or something? I'm pretty sure I'm psychic...

Oh, and another thing to add is that I have a strange birth mark on my hip sometimes it goes a very deep shade of purple or blue and sometimes red. Its veins but my mum said it looks like a star exploding. Is this something to consider or ignore? I often wonder whether people like us have a destiny planned out, us specifically, that we were made this way to play a part in a revelation or something. But if anyone has any advice it would be much appreciated, please! Thank you for reading, sorry it's rather long...

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, laura-li, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

jsoaps2 (6 stories) (131 posts)
12 years ago (2013-01-30)
I suppose the other one we can use for now until saturday...
laura-li (1 stories) (112 posts)
12 years ago (2013-01-30)
Yeah you are but just wondering if he started a business and how. Btw, I'm really confused, which site are we talking on?
jsoaps2 (6 stories) (131 posts)
12 years ago (2013-01-30)
Im not sure but I am probably better. I'm not sure where or who he is
laura-li (1 stories) (112 posts)
12 years ago (2013-01-30)
Aw, well I know I demon hunter in Ohio, I wonder what he does...
jsoaps2 (6 stories) (131 posts)
12 years ago (2013-01-30)
No I have not set a website up yet. The churches around me probably don't do that stuff
laura-li (1 stories) (112 posts)
12 years ago (2013-01-30)
Ah, have you set up a website yet? Plus maybe go to local churches in your area, my grandparents used to go ghost busting, they made a little group and would travel to different towns and ask the local church if they could help anyone. Maybe try that?
jsoaps2 (6 stories) (131 posts)
12 years ago (2013-01-30)
Alright thanks. I will try and do my best. Only one person replied and said their haunting has not happened for awile.
laura-li (1 stories) (112 posts)
12 years ago (2013-01-30)
You're welcome, you just need to get your name out there, join more groups and add the people who need help to your circle. Once you create a foundation and a trustworthy reputation, things should begin to pick up from there.
jsoaps2 (6 stories) (131 posts)
12 years ago (2013-01-29)
Hey thanks for showing me that website. I have no people asking me for help yet.
laura-li (1 stories) (112 posts)
12 years ago (2013-01-29)
Okay then, I have added you to my circle and sent you a message.
jsoaps2 (6 stories) (131 posts)
12 years ago (2013-01-29)
I posted a story on there. I have the same username as the one on here.
laura-li (1 stories) (112 posts)
12 years ago (2013-01-28) on this website, it's free and easy to use. I'll tell you more about it tomorrow because I have to get up 5 hours. So good night.
jsoaps2 (6 stories) (131 posts)
12 years ago (2013-01-28)
Account on where? Is there one here? Maybe you can tell people to email me here or my facebook
laura-li (1 stories) (112 posts)
12 years ago (2013-01-28)
Okay, well first step is to create a website and then post some stuff on bigger forums. Like for example, ep (experience project) you get some nasty people on there though who just want to tell everyone that none of this exists and blah, blah, blah but you also get some people who generally need help and don't really understand what's going on. You probably want to join those certain groups and post stories telling people if they need help to go to you. Do you already have an account on there? I can write a review if you want me to also?
jsoaps2 (6 stories) (131 posts)
12 years ago (2013-01-28)
I tried to meditate but I could not get my mind empty. I figure I can just wait. I really don't have any other questions except my future and purpose. By the way how or where you think I should start a business helping people get rid of demons. I really enjoy helping people
laura-li (1 stories) (112 posts)
12 years ago (2013-01-28)
But won't you just fall asleep? Why not do it when you're more awake?
jsoaps2 (6 stories) (131 posts)
12 years ago (2013-01-28)
okay thank you. I am going to try and meditate before I go to bed.
laura-li (1 stories) (112 posts)
12 years ago (2013-01-28)
Firstly don't treat it like an attempt, with that attitude nothing will happen. Just go with whatever feels right and then embrace what you find or emit a question and let it in... I do this ignoring the fact that it might be dangerous letting anything in, that's why if I do I try to protect myself at the same time and I warn it that I only want an answer but at the same time being sincere and polite because I would like an answer. Then it decides whether to help me or not. Good luck. Okay, bye.
jsoaps2 (6 stories) (131 posts)
12 years ago (2013-01-28)
I will try. I have to go to work tonight so I will message you when I can. I got to go in at ten. I will let you know what happens with my attempt
laura-li (1 stories) (112 posts)
12 years ago (2013-01-28)
It's really not, just wait until you feel a change and embrace it.
jsoaps2 (6 stories) (131 posts)
12 years ago (2013-01-28)
Wow that seems really hard. I am already confused. I guess I can still try.
laura-li (1 stories) (112 posts)
12 years ago (2013-01-28)
Okay... No pressure then... Lol. I don't know, because I ask surrounding energy beings, spirits and entities to help me, I start to sway uncontrolably... Then I will stop and something will happen or my head will spin or I breathe in something and I get a dark cloud and I protect my brain while that happens... Then they might leave... I feel totally at peace and I'm as I'm just connected... I'm not sure how to explain it, it just comes as second nature to me.
jsoaps2 (6 stories) (131 posts)
12 years ago (2013-01-28)
I am really hoping you figure a lot out. What should I start feeling when the meditation gets closer?
laura-li (1 stories) (112 posts)
12 years ago (2013-01-28)
Oh okay, yeah Saturday night, for about 8 hours or so, I think.
jsoaps2 (6 stories) (131 posts)
12 years ago (2013-01-28)
Im wanting to know because I want to try and meditate again. You said saturday you are doing an obe?
laura-li (1 stories) (112 posts)
12 years ago (2013-01-28)
Yeah but still I think they will be fired... It depends, some of them, why?
jsoaps2 (6 stories) (131 posts)
12 years ago (2013-01-28)
That will never happen. When a nuclear missle is launched there are always repercussions on firing them. By the way when you meditate do you see visions physically?
laura-li (1 stories) (112 posts)
12 years ago (2013-01-28)
I had these feelings before I opened my third eye... I've had them all my life but now they seem to be coming through... Just thought it was a little strange. But yeah, that would be interesting to see... The thing I'm most worried about is a nuclear war breaking out...
jsoaps2 (6 stories) (131 posts)
12 years ago (2013-01-28)
I think when you opened your third eye a lot of side effects will happen. Imagine how powerful I would be if mine opened
laura-li (1 stories) (112 posts)
12 years ago (2013-01-28)
That's so cool, but I've been giving it some thought and I was thinking whatever happens even if the gun ban doesn't go ahead, there is going to be another trigger anyway so the best thing to do would be to find a way to deal with everything when all hell is set lose. Btw, I'm not sure who I am anymore... I know I'm going to get wings, I can feel them coming through but the halo... Well I didn't expect that... And last night my spine would burn my fingers if I touched it... I hardly ever get negative thoughts... Does this mean I'm an angel? Because that's... Odd...

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