Greetings, I have a few problem I would like some help on. I have never been a very adept psychic my entire life, but have always felt I had some psychic potential somewhere. I recently started trying to improve myself. I found that I am a an empath, and can move energy from one person's aura to another, as well as being able to absorb energy from my surroundings. However, I have run into a few problems:
When I try to absorb energy from my surroundings, the energy I absorb will only last for a short while (minuets to hours) before simply disappearing, like a tide going out from shore. I also cannot use this energy for any personal use, and can only give it to others.
When I try to move energy from one person to another, it is usually my energy to another, or someone with a lot of energy to another who is lacking. However, one day just to experiment a bit, I tried giving someone some energy, and taking some of theirs in the process. I'm not really sure how to describe what happened next other than it felt like I had suddenly been sucked into their personality, and was a part of them, and it took me three days to get away from them. For a while after, this person became extremely clingy to me, and I had to go to great lengths to get away from them. (I now find this highly amusing, but it IS over a year later. Many things are funny after they happen.)
The only time I can ever use any energy for personal use is when I find little "pockets" of it in my mind/soul/body, which even then are extremely weak, and are barely enough to make a decent psi-orb. I once had a steady stream if the stuff, and could watch people at the store and predict what they were going to do, minuets in advance, with perfect accuracy. However, after a while, something caused me to lose all of this energy, and I have never since then been able to predict anything correctly (as a matter of fact, a good rule of thumb is that whatever I predict, the opposite will happen). I really want to give that energy to the people around me, but I have no idea how to access it again.
Thank you for your time, Exglabrum
If you glen energy within the Golden stove,
This is one method.
But I have always found rotating energy around,
Clearing,balancing is helpful.
If you are willing to dicipline.
I recommend: Rudolf Steiner
Guidance in Esoteric Training.
Strangly it is not so Esoteric...woo-woo.
A very basic book, with good ideas.
Prayer, or chanting is good, but one has to pay
Particular attention to how:emotions/feel come out.
The body has a voice, so important to listen.
Other methods are using hand positions with a chant.
But with these you have to really know yourself.
There is a good training book
Emotional Yoga
By Bija Bennett.
She speaks about using the breath as well as
Training the mind. A little about exercise positions.
The symptoms about your mind moving in that
Direction is indicating. The mind is going back to
Position but slowly.
So be patient use some breathing, allow yourself to
Observe the thoughts, then use a little grounding.