Here I have shared some experiences, but would also like to hear your thoughts of how to help dead to cross over in peace. In my country, there is emotional abuse and sometimes lonely young end their lives. There young people touch my heart.
The spiritual world seems to be sending near me and introducing cases, in which young women have been abused or ended their own life self. My empathy and healing energy to them is strong already, but I would like to hear your suggestions to work better on this.
We all have some specific deed or to-do-list, that is given for us as healers and psychics. Some assist the dead to cross over, some the living etc. My job is to do two things. To change some living peoples life-course. They have so far been men, who have done wrong and needed to feel empathy for others. To open their eyes for compassion.
The other job I feel is recently been presented to me and that is to in spirit send protection to those, who have had in their life no love from parents. These cases have been so far lonely or misunderstood young women or children, who are not babies.
There has been two cases here during this week. In the other case, a young woman ended her life due to no love in family and the other, a eight year old girl was abused to death by parents, due to papers. For the little one, I see she was closer to her mom and the father or stepfather did not like the situation in spirit. This might have subconscious from his part. These cases sometimes happen, when the relationship is new and the child comes from previous partner. This escalated into violence and ended badly for the little one, I see. I feel her soul will be taken care of on the other side, but she is now in bardo, in-between state and feels alone before the adaptation to the other side is complete.
I don't know if that helps with your situation, but that is what I've experienced.
Love and God's Blessings,