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Real Psychic Experiences

A Lesson In Humility - Respect The Spirits


Ever since I was a child - and I'm a grandmother now, voices in my head have warned me of dangers to be avoided, an animal in the road ahead, a poisonous snake beside the path, even little things like don't put a glass where I'm going to knock it over. I don't always listen, but when I don't, I'm sorry. I don't know who warns me or why, but they do. A fairy godmother? At first, I thought everyone heard these voices, but now I know that isn't the case. This sounds like a blessing, but like most blessings, it is mixed.

Last month, I was driving on a one-lane dirt road through the woods and knew that someone was coming. I slowed down and pulled over in time to avoid a head-on with a car coming way too fast around the next curve. My husband attributed it to my "mysterious powers." (He has witnessed other examples of me knowing ahead of time.) I felt uncomfortable and after thinking about it for a while, said it was just my subconscious. I'd heard the sound of the motor or the tires on the gravel road, something. There was nothing mysterious. I went on to say that lots of what seemed mysterious was simply things we saw or heard without really registering them.

The next day, he was driving into town. I saw a deer bounding from a field into the woods. I'd been looking for animals and this was my first deer. "Look, a deer," I pointed it out.

"That is going to be hit by a car," the voice in my head said.

On our return trip, I saw the deer lying dead beside the road. I was so angry. I believe the deer was going to die anyway, but it was a harsh lesson in humility. I don't know things are going to happen because my subconscious tells me - it is the voices, whoever they are, and they want full credit.

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Eagleclaw (386 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-31)
You are welcome. Meeting your spirit guide will be a happy experience for you when you decide to do it.
patricia43 (1 stories) (3 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-31)
Thank you again, Eagleclaw. I'm thinking about a nice place and when I feel brave enough will try again.
Eagleclaw (386 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-31)
If you have a unpleasant journey it may not be your spirit guide that you have made contact with. Next time when you try it I wonder if you can try something different. I'd like you to pick a place in your mind that brings happy thoughts for you. When you are in deep meditation ask your spirit guide to meet you there. Always meet at the same place. I always meet my guide at a bench with a beautiful view of the river of where I go fishing. We just sit and talk. Sometimes we will take a short walk. But, you get the idea. Hope this helps.
patricia43 (1 stories) (3 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-31)
Hello Eagleclaw,

Thank you for commenting. About two years ago, I decided to try and learn more about the voices. I started meditating and then tried a meditative search for my spirit guide. I followed directions in a book - going into a meditative state and following a road that would lead me to a house... Unlike the pleasant journey described in the book, mine became frightening and I pulled back, pulled back from meditating period. I'm not sure all the spirits that speak to me are benevolent.

Eagleclaw (386 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-31)

I believe that you have the ability to tell the future. The voice in your head may be coming from your spirit guide. Your spirit guide warns and watches out for you wherever you may go.

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