I'm not sure if you guys can help me with this or not; honestl... I just stumbled upon this web-site, and figured that I would give it a try. I know my whole story with sound pretty crazy, just deal with me here for a few minutes.
It all started when I was about 5 years old, living out in the country with my mom and dad. I woke up one night to see my mother standing beside my bed looking down at me. I sat up and leaned out to hug her, but instead ended falling through her. I know that I was not sleeping, because when I fell through her I hit my dresser, and scrapped my arm pretty bad on a clock. Anyways, I got up off the floor and sat there looking at her completely freaked out and confused. I then jumped up onto my bed, and turned on my light as I was looking at her. She vanished as soon as the light came on. My mother is still alive by the way.
That was just the beginning of it though. I am almost 20 now. Growing up, I could always feel presences in my houses or most of the places I went. For a matter of fact, I feel them no matter where I am. It used to freak me out, because I always felt like something... Someone was watching me. Now though, they comfort me. For some reason, it makes me sleep better at night knowing that I'm not alone. My parents notice the presence that lived at my last house, because he moved a lot of stuff when we first moved in. I wanted him to come with me to my new house, but he didn't. I always see people out of the corner of my eyes. I had a cat that died about 5 years ago, and for three years after his death I could hear him purring 2-3 times a week, and could feel him at random spots around the house. He rarely comes around anymore though. My living cat could see him also, because they would still play together. I also had a dog that dog, and a few weeks after he did I was laying in bed and a dog barked really loud right by my ear. I admit, I could have been half asleep, but my living dog jumped a foot. This could have been due to me jumping a foot too though.
I recently moved. I have lived in my new house for about 3 months. Since I moved in I have see another cat (in my house) about 3 times. He is a maine-coon looking cat. His name is Felix. I get the feeling that his name is Felix anyways. I feel him crawling on my legs every night. He sleeps on my feet while my living cat and dog sleep beside me, and yes, my cat plays with him too:) I guess I just want to know what wrong with me. Why am I more sensative to non-living animals? If feel non-living humans all the time, but never as much as animals. Also. I have never been able to communicate with any of them. I want to learn how to. Is that possible?