This story is not mine alone. I am frightened for my husband's sake. Every evening he walks home from work and this is between 11 pm and 2:30 am depending if it is a weekend or not. He states that he sees people that look just like you or me, but when they walk past him he turns around and they are gone. He sees shadow animals and hears voices and noises. He cannot distinguish what they are saying but last night he called me while he was out walking and he was extremely frightened because he kept hearing people walk behind and around him (the snow was crunching) but there were no prints in the snow. What does this all mean? Is he know open to receiving? What do we do?
About seven years ago we lived in a very old house built in 1908, I believe, and all of us were seeing things being moved and my husband saw people standing in our entryway staring into the window of the door. These people were also very clear to him. The house never had that inner door and stairs when it was first built a cellar door was outside. The last man to live there died in his home alone, he did not live with anyone, my husband used to play baseball with the neighbor kids when he was little.
So he has had these experiences before but it seems like he is receiving a lot more and is more frightened this time.
It sounds like your husband is a sensitive and is under psychic attack. The important thing to know is that there is no real/actual danger. The entities gain their strength by convincing him that his life is in danger, but the truth is it's not. Have you noticed any of the following:
1)Slime (on the walls or floor)
2)Bruises or scratches on his body
3)Ringing or bells
Although it's a little dated I highly recommend Psychic Self Defense by Dion Fortune. Also, if you'd like help erecting a temporary barrier I'd love to help.