I never was much of a vampire person, I'm still not. I never watch vampire movies or anything of that sort. I think it's all just a big myth that people got interested in. My thoughts have slightly changed though.
My boyfriend has recently brought small hints to my attention about a few things that I'd love some answers and information about. One night we were talking on the phone, and he we were joking. I said, "Baby, you need to stop speeding, what if you die!" He answered, in a mumble "I'm already dead." I played it off as a funny thing. Then he goes, "Baby, I'm being serious, I'm a vampire." bluntly
I thought about it for a second, then I just changed the subject. The thing is, a lot of people just say 'Oh I'm a psychic' and 'Yeah I'm half demon'. It's all just people dreaming of what they want to be, very few people are actually as psychic as they say they are. I guess what I'm trying to say is that, people that are psychics, or whatever else most of the time won't admit it.
My boyfriend however, isn't a dreamer of that sort. He has his head on straight. Whenever he started mentioning different facts and details, It made sense.
Now of course, everyone knows that those superhuman vampires don't exist. No body has super speed and super human strength, or lives forever. I did some research online and I asked a couple other deep rooted friends of mine. Even though there is no such thing as our everyday "Hollywood vampire" evidence and proof supports that there can still be vampires and other mythical beings like that. I'm not saying I believe in them, however I am saying there are many other beings and things that we don't know about out there waiting to be discovered, and anything is a possibility.
Thanks for any information I get, I'll treasure every bit of it, and please, if you know a lot about this, I'd love an email.
Please email me jazz9898 [at] outlook.com.au
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