I want to share my every day experience with you all. Why is my house cold? Why am I only the one who gets cold? Even my hands freeze, it feels like I'm near a open freezer or all the windows open. I'm half warm half cold. When I sit in the spare bedroom and my bedroom, they're cold. The windows are not open. When I'm sat in the spare bedroom it can go back warm, even boiling, but then all of a sudden it can go cold! Why? I don't have a clue? I can't see anything but yeah I have told you about my house and what I have experienced in my house. When I come in and walk in my bedroom, it's freezing, there's like a draft coming in but where can a draft come in because there is nothing where a draft comes' My window is closed.
I was asleep last night and I was the only one freezing, I couldn't get to sleep because it was that cold. I'm even cold with the heating on, I can't feel it. That is how cold I get, that I can't feel heat or warmness.
I also get numbness in my fingers, you know that feeling when you are throwing a snow ball or just your hands being really cold but my fingers just do not go red, but they do go really cold even freezing. It really horrible. I even get the shivers what could be causing this? Why me? Why am I the only one who experience things. When I put my hand against the side of my face my hands are cold. I do feel like I'm being watched! Tell me what you think? Thanks very much for reading my story.
X Katie X