I'm a 24 year old girl who believes she's got a gift, but the problem is, I think I MAY have blocked it due to experiences I had when I was a kid. I've been able to see ghosts ever since I was about 4 or 5. When I was younger, I used to have intense deja vu, and I still get it now. During these deja vu moments, it often takes me a second or two to realize that it's happening, and when I do that, I'm able to tell the story of events that are about to unfold in my head.
Just things like a boy with a blue backpack is going to walk by in 30 seconds, or my friend is about to drop her drink, so get ready, and things of that nature. I also tend to have messages brought to me through dreams, like a lot of people. When I was 16, I bought a plane ticket to the UK and I was going to go see my family. There were issues with my passport, and so I was a little anxious about the trip. The night before everything was finalized, I had a very vivid dream that involved me being aware that I was supposed to pay attention to details. The dream took me through an amusement park, where I was given messages by the random people I would bump into. The messages were delivered in different ways. Some of them were just spoken to me, and others were delivered to me in ways to make sure I would NOT forget them. At one point in my dream I was shot in the stomach, and while holding my stomach, the phone rang (where the phone came from I have no idea) and I answered it and a woman's voice on the line told me that I need to start listening to my gut, and that I would be fine, but I just needed to buy insurance. And she kept repeating BUY INSURANCE BUY INSURANCE!
The next morning I woke up, and went upstairs to talk to my mum, and I told her we need to buy insurance on the ticket, and we did. Right after we had made the phone call to buy insurance, our travel agent phoned and told us that I wasn't able to fly because of my passport and that we would have lost all our money if we hadn't bought insurance.
When I was a child, I believe I had so much energy that I attracted many spirits to me - good and bad. I was being harassed for a lengthily period of time during my youth that I think caused me to block my abilities. Is this even possible? Lately (as in the past 5 to 7 years) I have been having experiences with other worldly spirits. They seem to just be my family members (such as an uncle who died within the las 3 years and my grandfather who was close to my mother, but whom I never met), but in June of this year, my eldest brother got married, and I felt 3 spirits around me constantly for the period of about 2 weeks. I didn't see them, but knew when they were around, and felt impressions from them. I was aware that I wasn't to tell family members until after the wedding, and I also felt the presence of a woman, who was way down my ancestral line on my mother's side. I've never seen her before and I'm not sure what she wants.
I also get the feeling sometimes when I'm in a public place (such as a bus or mall, or random people I serve at work) are attempting to send me telepathic messages, and I know when it's happening, but I can't hear what's being said or its not clear at all, and I don't know if MY messages are getting across. Does anyone else get this feeling? Are there ways to harness your telepathic ability? Can you tell if someone else is telepathic? I would appreciate ANY input on this! Thanks you guys!