Last night I had a dream and there was this man who handed me a phone and also a fake ID. I did pay close attention and I read the writing on it but kind of forgot what it said, nothing really important. Maybe it was just the writing on the ID Card.
I woke up this morning thinking it was a strange dream and saying to myself it didn't mean nothing. Just now at 9:00pm my boyfriend phoned saying if I want to go to a club on Saturday night which is in a few days. I said "yes". Oh I shouldn't have because it be hard to get in and looking over 18. I guess I have to at least try. So scary!
Now the dream just came back to me and it was right. I don't think I get in because the man in my dream gave me a fake ID card which he maybe telling me to not go without a fake ID card just in case they ask me for one.
I'm so worried and scared because I've already said I'm going now and I know I won't get in! It means me buying a outfit and some shoes. I was going to wait until 8 months, that's when I be 18.
Thanks for reading!