Due to the amount of mails I get on this topic; I have decided to submit this story.
Meditation is very important in opening up your third eye and for self elevation.
From personal experience, I have encountered a few ancient beings from meditating.
Well you all are familiar with my encounters with Lucifer. My recent encounter was from an ancient deity of my African ancestors called Ogun.
I was in deep meditation when I felt his energies. It felt like if I hit a brick world. These feelings happen at times.
He is a warrior god but his energies were not evil so please have some respect in asking questions about him.
Meditation has also helped me a lot in remembering forgotten dreams that I try to remember.
Now on to meditational tips.
I will start with this very important advice.
Do not eat heavy before doing meditational exercises. This will hamper with your concentration.
Wear light clothing. I give this advice because I feel a lot freer in them while meditating.
For those who find it difficult to concentrate while meditating, do stretching exercises. This helps a lot.
It also helps if you can take warm baths and light incenses that you like to help relax your body before preparing to do this exercise.
Breathing is very important. Try taking deep breaths in and out also before starting meditation.
It is very important for you to clear your mind of all thoughts. I know this is a very difficult thing to do, but practice makes perfect.
One you are able to do this, then a trance like state would not be difficult to achieve.
For people who may want to contact various deities; try focusing on the positive things in life to help clean up your auras. This will encourage these high level beings to come into contact with you.
I really do hope this help most of you on this site:)
And remember, meditation is not for the Lazy.