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Real Psychic Experiences

Spirit Singing


A month or so ago I was house-sitting for someone. I was feeling quite stressed one evening, so I put on a motivation CD (Deepak Chopra's "Seven Spiritual Laws") and lay down on the couch to listen to it. I lay there for a long time even after the CD had finished playing, just relaxing and unwinding. I then began to hear singing.

The singing was angelic and choir-like. It just seemed to creep up on me; I wasn't aware of when it began, nor when it ended. No one other than the dog was at home. I listened to the strange, heavenly singing for hours until I'd realized the singing had stopped.

This happened again last week: I was having difficulty with an assignment, so I put the computer away and tried calming my over-stimulated mind. While I meditated, I decided to get in contact with my Guides to ask them for help.*

For a long time while I was meditating, I heard static, and a ringing in my ears that sounded sometimes like a bell, and sometimes like that irritating noise you used to get at the very end of a video tape (you know, those things we all used to watch before we had DVDs?) when it showed you all those coloured bars and demanded to be rewound. But then, maybe an hour into the meditation, the ringing stopped and I began to hear singing.

I was shocked and my eyes flew open. The singing then quietened, but I forced myself to calm down and tried simply listening to it.

The singing was calm, peaceful, and melodious. Sometimes it sounded as though there could be words, though at other times, it was more like voices humming. I tried using my mind to speak to the voices. At times the volume or tempo of the singing seemed to increase or decrease--but I did not catch any of the words. It was very strange, because I could hear someone watching a talk show on TV in the lounge room, and then here I was, in my bedroom, listening to this beautiful, other-worldly singing.

When I was next aware of things around me, almost 2 hours had passed, and the singing had stopped. I hadn't slept, but I had not been aware of the passage of time, either. It was a calm, yet uplifting experience.

I would be interested to know if others have heard this sort of thing before. Anyone have any ideas on what it is I have experienced?



*A psychic advised me to do this, and I recommend it! I later wondered why I hadn't asked for help sooner, as not long after asking again the next morning, I somehow managed to write the essay in about three hours, which is extremely quick for me. I'd spent five days wondering how to start prior to then.

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Comments about this clairvoyant experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Adaryn7, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

Adaryn7 (6 stories) (460 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-28)
Wow healing, you're the first person I've come across so far who's had a similar experience! Please feel free to email me and tell me more (adaryn7 [at]

healing_right_for_me (1 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-23)
At this very moment, I am hearing song. Sometimes I hear drumming and chanting. Times ago, I would listen to chants to relax. I feel that part of me understands this to be helpful -- so I am currently hearing song while studying as a graduate student.

I do know the song is connected with spirit as we are all connected with spirit. They are in fact singing: Ah-man (amen). This was also the way I was brought up, "amen" holds specific revelance for me. Feels good to know there are pieces of others who do similar things to help them feel at ease. 😊
Adaryn7 (6 stories) (460 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-29)
That's an interesting idea AnandaHya, thankyou for your input.

I have heard the singing twice since I posted this, and I was under extreme stress at both times, so there is definately a relationship there I would say.

Each time the 'singing' has been a little different, but usually choir-like or ethereal. I do find that it helps me to relax.

Oh well, perhaps I'll figure it out one day. If anyone has any other suggestions or has experienced the same sort of thing then please feel free to comment.

Blessed be
AnandaHya (guest)
14 years ago (2010-12-27)
i just finished reading everyone elses ideas, which is really interesting. My grandfather just told me that it was the world that was singing about life and praising the Creators. Like the sound of your heartbeat or breathings are both considered praises to the Creators. Sometimes I listen to the song of trees, the wind, the dragons, the moonbeams, the sunbeams, the animals, the world basically anything that has nephesh or "life principle" I never really questioned my grandfather's words, they made sense to me.
AnandaHya (guest)
14 years ago (2010-12-27)
OH I love angelic songs. Have you heard this earthly song. I want it played at my funeral.


Peace, thanks for sharing your story
Adaryn7 (6 stories) (460 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-27)
Thanks Rashidah. Please feel free to add comments to my blog, anyone, as I started it in hopes that it might promote awareness of what going on in the world around us, and to stimulate discussion. ^^
Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2010-10-20)
Hey adaryn I just checked out your blogspot. It is pretty cool. You did a good job in putting it together ❤
Adaryn7 (6 stories) (460 posts)
14 years ago (2010-08-29)
It does help Chicken1--thank you for your input.

Peace and blessings
Adaryn7 ❤
chicken1 (2 stories) (69 posts)
14 years ago (2010-08-27)
Hi adaryn7
My theory on this is more to do with your own vibration or energy, as when people meditate their own vibration lifts and to a certaian extent their etheric self or higher self manages to leave there body and reaches another plane. To me it sounds like youve reached a higher vibration and connected with higher beings or spirit and connected with their energy. And its just about trying to get back to this place in your own mind when you feel stressed and connecting with these beings. All it is is your telephone line connecting properly.
Like you said its only my theory so take what you want from it and if it doesn't feel right to you just let it go. Hope this helps
Love and Light
HaruNoTsuki (guest)
14 years ago (2010-08-25)
Adaryn, look up this link and it will take you to a story that will explain what I mean by a binded soul. And you will learn a lot that you didn't know

Adaryn7 (6 stories) (460 posts)
14 years ago (2010-08-25)
Hi again, some more interesting comments!

Lol thanks Denise for your compliment;)

Tsuki-chan: what the heck is a "binded soul"? And I think you're right, I don't think it's only the "heavens" (if such a thing exists) that sing.

MidnightBlueSwan: sorry to hear you've had negative experiences. I have too, actually--though this one is pretty cool;) I wouldn't describe this experience as "pure bliss"--more like the music was beautiful, and I was fascinated by it and wondering "what the heck is it?"

Shutout: thanks, will do:p

Chicken1: hi there, thanks for commenting and introducing another interesting idea! I wonder if you could explain your theory a little more? I'm not sure I understood correctly the "source" of the music--are you saying that it is my own soul/higher self that is "singing"? Or is this an external force helping me to de-stress?

I'm not entirely certain that the purpose of the music is to help me relax, as I did not hear the music until I was in a truly relaxed state. Or is it just another part of the process of my mind unwinding (or being assisted in doing so?)

chicken1 (2 stories) (69 posts)
14 years ago (2010-08-25)
Hi adaryn7
I get the feeling its got nothing to do with your angels or guides, but more to do with the calming of your own mind, body and soul, I get that your under a lot of stress and its not only to do with assignments, there seems to be family or relationship issues. This music is definitely of a higher realm and I get the feeling it completely relaxes your whole being. Just keep on going with it and everytime you hear it look at where you are in your life and see where your stress levels are. Also I don't think its for you to talk while the music is going just listen and relax.
Hope this helps
Love and light
HaruNoTsuki (guest)
14 years ago (2010-08-24)
ya, the heavens are singing. Sorry, but why is it that when people think about spiritual singing, they always think its the heavens? Can't we assume that its a kind spirit? And besides, I don't think they would reach out every time hes stressed. If things were like that, I'm pretty sure I would have heard this story from others a long time ago. Sorry, I just don't really like heaven.: (
shutout (1 stories) (30 posts)
14 years ago (2010-08-24)
ive had ringing and time laps but no singing, lucky, enjoy it 😁
MidnightBlueSwan (8 stories) (134 posts)
14 years ago (2010-08-24)
The angels are singing to you... They are calling out to you... Enjoy it, for it is a gift to hear them singing! I have had experiences like that... Except my experiences are a lot darker then your moments of pure bliss.

~Cherish what the Universe gifts you with and never ask for more...
HaruNoTsuki (guest)
14 years ago (2010-08-24)
im pretty sure there's nothing wrong with your hearing Adaryn. I recently had my hearing checked, and there is nothing wrong. So I'm assuming its spirits. A theory on why they do that is probably that the spirits are trying to connect with you, or they are passing though you. Whenever the ringing happens to me, it feels like something passed through my head. Of course, at the time something may be blocking the spirit from connection. Me being a binded soul, that's pretty much not surprising.
deniseelisabeth (guest)
14 years ago (2010-08-24)

Maybe it actually was angels or some higher beings connecting with you. I think the deeper you get in a meditation or the more relaxed you are, will make you more prone to experience things like this.

And Adaryn for someone like the gits you have it doesn't surprise me that you were able to make this connection. 😁

Next time you hear it try to maybe ask who's there or try to get more information. I think you'll find that it's something extraodinary

Blessed Be ❤

Adaryn7 (6 stories) (460 posts)
14 years ago (2010-08-24)
Hi guys, thanks for your comments.

Lili: I don't think it was my Guides either.

Lindajean: I have considered that it might be angels, though I did not feel a presence--I only heard the singing. However, it was certainly a nice experience.

Rain: hearing etheric energy... Now that IS interesting, and certainly not a possibility I would have come up with myself. I might look into that a little more, as I am empathic and sensitive to energies (though not usually clairaudient).

Tsuki-chan: Yes, it happened twice when I was trying to de-stress, so there is a possible connection.

Jatashi: some people say that the ringing sound can be your Guides trying to contact you. However, I am also going to get my hearing checked out just in case;) I think I'm ok, as the ringing is not there constantly, and sometimes increases in volume/intensity when I ask questions of my Guides.

Fudope: I have a good sense of smell and sense energies. To my knowledge, my hearing is average, eyesight, well, I wear contacts;p Whatever it was I have heard, it certainly sounded "heavenly", particularly the first time I heard it.

Denise: If they were trying to tell me something, I wonder what? Maybe it was "don't be such a stress head!" (lol). As for that house, I lived there for about a month. I didn't encounter anything unusual. In my first story, Strange Feelings And A Little Voice, my encounter with a weird entity that I now believe to be a spirit, took place there. The spirit came two nights in a row, but I haven't encountered it since. I wonder if it picked up something in my energy and thought it might be able to get through to me. No such luck as I only sensed it (and didn't even know what I was sensing at the time). Before I went to live in the house I wondered if it might come back, but it never did. To my knowledge, no other spirits visited, and I had no unusual psychic experiences other than this one.

The singing did not sound like chanting. The first time it was rather choir-like, the second time when I heard it in my own room, it was a little more ethereal.

deniseelisabeth (guest)
14 years ago (2010-08-24)

Wow that is incredible I think that maybe the music and singing you were hearing was supposed to calm you down and make you more aware of your abilities and surroundings. They were there to tell you something.

This house that you were housesitting in might have some spiritual activity going on and somehow that activity identifies with you. Did the singing sound like chanting?

Blessed Be ❤

Fudope (1 posts)
14 years ago (2010-08-24)
I am not sure what you are hearing. But, if I am not mistaken, I believe you are hearing music that is played in the heavens. They play somewhat of a symphony and sometimes they may sound like words, but you can never make them out. I think they only sound like words at certain times, but they are not words. Try to check to see if you have other powers such as sharp ears, sharp eyes, etc etc. I possess a couple myself. My powers are some what weak, but I think they may get stronger some time in the future.
jatashi (1 stories) (57 posts)
14 years ago (2010-08-23)
i have herd the ringing but not the singing or humming but at least it was angelic and not anything bad
HaruNoTsuki (guest)
14 years ago (2010-08-23)
the ringing, this happens quite often to me. I thought it wasn't normal. Looks like I'm right. I don't know about the singing though. But it seems like you hear it whenever you're trying to calm yourself. Maybe its a spirit attached to you that sings for you to calm you down. That is, when your mind is open enough to hear it. It sounds like it works. Its melodious charm seems to work on your stressed mind.
Rain (4 stories) (191 posts)
14 years ago (2010-08-23)
Just a theory. I believe it could be angels like lindajean, but there's another equally appealing (to me) possibility. It is possible to see etheric energy, as well as feel it, that is well known, but I have also heard of instances where energy was smelled or heard.

I'm almost certain I've heard of instances where hearing energy sounded like unearthly singing. I'd love to hear what you heard, I'm making music my career, so it'd be awesome... I'll have to meditate tonight lol.
lindajean (5 stories) (109 posts)
14 years ago (2010-08-23)
I truely believe it was Angel's singing! Not everyone can hear them, and you never know when you will hear them, but when you do, make sure you enjoy all the experience you can! I believe I did hear them once, I was soaking in a bubble bath, with candles and my 2 beloved kitties laying near. I had a cd playing called "Angel Songs" At one point it sounded like a "quior" I felt that Angels were around me and even the room became golden bright. The next day I went to a psychic fair and had an Aura pic taken. The pic showed Angles above my head. It was a pretty amazing experience. Thank you for sharing your experience. ❤
Lili (111 posts)
14 years ago (2010-08-23)
I never experienced anything like that before.

It could have been just spirits singing... I don't think it was your guides.

Try to understand the words next time. It will probably help.


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